Douluo Dalu 3: The Legend of the Dragon King

Chapter 1955: Heed My Call

Chapter 1955: Heed My Call

Even with Tang Wulin's powers, he was still struck by a sense of overwhelming pressure in the instant that the nine-colored light appeared, and his bloodline began to fluctuate violently, as if it were threatening to erupt out of his body.

Gu Yuena raised his hands further upward, and the ball of nine-colored light rose directly up into the sky, instantly vanishing into the center of the black vortex, upon which the vortex immediately took on a nine-colored hue. A vast spiritual aura erupted out of the vortex before instantly spreading outward, and even with Tang Wulin's current divine sense, he was unable to detect just how large an area the spiritual aura was encompassing; there was a very good chance that it had encompassed the entire Douluo Continent!

In that instant, Gu Yuena's eyes had also turned a nine-colored hue, and she declared, "Heed my call!"

In the next instant, heaven and earth buzzed faintly as powerful spiritual fluctuations surged through the air.

Tang Wulin was struck by an instant of disorientation, but quickly recovered. He hurriedly turned around to check on his friends, and he was quite relieved to see that they had also been largely unaffected.

However, his heart remained very heavy and grim.

The divine sense that Gu Yuena had released from that vortex was far more powerful than even his own, and she definitely wouldn't have put on such a spectacle for no reason.

Right at this moment, a figure suddenly flashed past Tang Wulin, flying directly toward Gu Yuena.

Tang Wulin faltered slightly upon seeing this before an alarmed look appeared on his face.

That figure was none other than Tong Yu, and he was flying very quickly, positioning himself behind Gu Yuena in the blink of an eye.

Upon closer inspection, one would discover that his eyes were completely blank and glazed over, and he seemed to have lost all autonomous will.

Immediately thereafter, two more figures followed along after Tong Yu; these were Lan Muzi and Tang Yinmeng.

What was going on...

After that, Yuanen Zhentian and Yuanen Tiandang also flew over and took up positions behind Gu Yuena. All of them were completely disoriented and clearly weren't in control of themselves.

Tang Wulin turned to Gu Yuena with a shocked and enraged expression. "Gu Yue, what have you done to them?"

Not only that, but a series of figures had begun to appear in the distance, while more people emerged from the Spirit Pagoda, and all of them were flying toward Gu Yuena and the soul beasts. All of them seemed to have completely lost their autonomous will, and many of them were even flying out from Shrek City.

There were powerful beings from Shrek Academy, the Tang Sect, the Yuanen Family, and some other powers residing in Shrek City.

Aside from Shrek's Six Monsters, Sima Jinchi, A'Ruheng, Chen Xinjie, and Long Yeyue, almost everyone else had converged toward Gu Yuena.

"We've been planning for this day for a very, very long time. Do you think the Spirit Pagoda was able to create 10,000-year-old soul spirits through its own power? Without me, there's no way they could've accomplished this. I joined the Spirit Pagoda not to seize control over the organization, but to use it to control more Soul Masters. Almost all Soul Masters require the Spirit Pagoda's services to obtain soul spirits, and all those who have obtained 10,000-year-old souls spirits from the Spirit Pagoda will fall under my control through the Dragon God's core.

"Of course, this is still far from enough. After all, there are many Titled Douluos among the human race who didn't require any further soul spirits. Thus, I created the Myriad Beast Plane; all those who have enhanced their soul spirits in the Myriad Beast Plane will also fall under my control. You are an exception because you already possess divine sense, which makes it impossible for me to control you."

Gu Yuena was very calm as she said all of this, as if she were elaborating on something quite insignificant, but Tang Wulin was stunned to hear this, and he immediately turned around to check on his friends again.

Sure enough, Sima Jinchi, A'Ruheng, and Shrek's Six Monsters' eyes had also glazed over, and they, too, flew over to Gu Yuena's side.

Back during the Joust For a Spouse event, they had all entered the Myriad Beast Plane as part of the examination process!

Gu Yuena continued, "Over half of the Soul Masters at or above the Soul Sage level have fallen under my control. In addition to that, I also have my army of soul beasts; do you still think your human race stands a chance against us? In addition to that, the leading figures in your human military, including Yu Guanzhi and Zhang Huanyun, have all entered the Myriad Beast Plane in the past; they've also been summoned here and will arrive soon. Only the four people behind you have never entered the Myriad Beast Plane, nor obtained any 10,000-year-old soul spirits."

Indeed, the only people left standing behind Tang Wulin were Zang Xin, Cao Dezhi, Long Yeyue, and Chen Xinjie.

They were all Limit Douluos of the older generation, so they naturally require any further soul spirits, and there was enough benefit that the Myriad Beast Plane could offer to tempt them.

Tang Wulin currently felt as if he had been plunged into a glacial pit.

If Gu Yuena were telling the truth, then this crisis was even more severe than the one brought on by the abyssal plane.

Following so many years of development, the human Soul Master population had become massive, as had the number of high-grade Soul Masters.

Each and every Limit Douluo possessed the ability to destroy a city in an instant, not to mention the fact that many of the people standing behind Gu Yuena were Tang Wulin's friends.

In the face of such a formidable lineup, he was feeling completely powerless.

Just as Gu Yuena had said, their preparations were far too extensive for this plan to fail, and the power they had gathered was already enough for them to seize control over this world.

Only the likes of the planar ruler or the core of life could disrupt her plan, but they had all fallen into hibernation, and Tang Wulin couldn't count on his father to help him anymore.

Who could've imagined that such a joyous day would take such a drastic turn?

There were still countless conscious citizens across the Douluo Continent, but what use could they serve? How could they contend with the army of Soul Masters and soul beasts?

Furthermore, the human military had been severely debilitated during the battle against the abyssal plane, having lost all three of its naval fleets and a massive amount of weaponry and equipment.

It had to be said that Gu Yuena had chosen the perfect opportunity to strike, right when the human race was at its weakest.

There were already over 10 Limit Douluos standing behind her, not to mention Da Ming and Er Ming, who transcended beyond normal Limit Douluos.

"Just surrender, Wulin. You have no chance here, and the order of this world needs to be re-established anyway," Da Ming said.

A wry smile appeared on Tang Wulin's face. "You're going to re-establish the order of this world? Doesn't that mean that you're going to completely reverse the fruits of human civilization? If I'm not mistaken, once you seize control of this world, the first thing you'll do is destroy all soul technology and set the entire plane back countless years. The human population is already so massive now; can you really take over this world without slaughter? I bet you're even going to kill all of the exceptional scientists and powerful beings of the human race to completely establish dominance.

"You're not trying to establish a balance between yourselves and the human race; you're trying to stomp the human race into the dirt, and eventually, the human race will fall into extinction just like you soul beasts."

"That's what you deserve!" Di Tian roared, "Can you imagine how we felt as we watched you humans destroy the Great Star Dou Forest and capture and slaughter our brethren for your experiments? This is revenge for all of the heinous crimes that you've committed, and you humans deserve every bit of the retribution that's coming to you!"

A cold look appeared in Tang Wulin's eyes, and he paid no heed to Di Tian as he continued to appraise Gu Yuena intently.

"Is this what you want? To destroy the human race?"

Gu Yuena looked back at him with a cold expression, and asked, "What would you do in my place?"

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