Douluo Dalu 3: The Legend of the Dragon King

Chapter 1942: Sky Tree

Chapter 1942: Sky Tree

Ever since the destruction of Heaven Dou City, she had become vegan in order to gather blessings for her deceased family members, and since then, she had always lived a frugal lifestyle. [1]

The secretary placed the dishes and chopsticks onto her desk, and Mo Lan smiled as she said, "You should go and eat as well."

The secretary said, "Madam President, after the conclusion of this conference, I want to take a few days off."

"Oh? Do you have plans to do some sightseeing?" Mo Lan asked with a smile. She was always very amicable with those around her.

A look of yearning appeared in the secretary's eyes as she replied, "I want to go see the new Shrek City. Apparently, it's really been flourishing of late. There's still a long time left until recruitment next year, but many parents have already taken their children to live near the city. Also, I want to see the Sky Tree."

"The Sky Tree, eh? I would also like to see it myself," Mo Lan mused.

The secretary said, "Shrek Academy has already officially announced that the tree will be named the Eternal Tree, and that the Sea God's Island will be constructed on its canopy. Apparently, this Eternal Tree is over a kilometer tall; even taller than the Spirit Pagoda headquarters, and its canopy is as massive as the entire Sea God's Lake. A huge tree hut has naturally formed on the canopy, and the entire hut is filled with rich life energy. As soon as one enters Shrek City, they would be able to clearly sense the life energy, and all ailments will be alleviated; it's incredible!"

Mo Lan couldn't help but burst into laughter. "Is it really that miraculous? Come to think of it, if the Sea God's Island is going to be constructed on the canopy of the three, then it would no longer be appropriate to call it an island as it won't be an island anymore."

The secretary replied, "That's true. I heard that they were going to change the name; there will be one area that retains the name of Sea God's Island, while the overall construction on the canopy will be called the Eternal Sky City. In the future, the inner court of Shrek Academy will be situated on the Eternal Sky City. I'm guessing all of the young boys and girls on the entire continent are dreaming of being able to study in the Eternal Sky City someday."


The next morning at Shrek Academy.The next morning.

Chen Xinjie was sweeping the courtyard with a faint smile on his face, and he was practically glowing with joy and vitality.

It wasn't difficult to notice that his silver hair had turned completely black, as if he were aging in reverse.

A figure made his way out of the dormitory building and began to run laps around the courtyard, and upon catching sight of Chen Xinjie, he immediately approached him with a greeting.

"Elder Chen," the figure greeted as he extended a bow toward Chen Xinjie.

Chen Xinjie smiled, and said, "Are you out here running laps again? What a hardworking boy you are."

Yi Zichen hadn't participated in the battle against the abyssal plane as he was still a student, but through the footage broadcast from the front lines, he finally discovered that the sweeper, Old Man Chen, was one of the current most powerful beings in this world.

Furthermore, the elderly woman who was constantly giving him a hard time was also one of the most authoritative figures in Shrek Academy.

"I have to work hard so I can make it into the inner court as soon as possible," Yi Zichen replied with a smile while looking up at the giant branches in the sky.

Those branches were extending outward from the center of Sea God's Lake, and when the sun was on the other side, the main school buildings of Shrek Academy would all enjoy the cool shade that it provided.

Ever since the conclusion of that battle, the tree of life had begun to grow rapidly. In the span of just a month, it had already grown to over a kilometer tall, and its massive canopy hung over the Sea God's Lake like a gigantic umbrella. Furthermore, it was constantly releasing rich life energy, and as a result, the water of the Sea God's Lake had turned a vibrant green color.

These changes had all taken place after the tree of life had devoured the abyssal plane.

The tree of life was the core of all life on the Douluo Continent, and the fact that it was flourishing was a fantastic sign for the life energy of the Douluo Plane.

Currently, all of the plant life on the three continents of the Douluo Star were displaying marked increases in their rate of growth, and the entire planet was teeming with new vitality.

Just as Tang Hao said before his departure, after devouring an entire plane, the Douluo Star hadn't just recovered its life energy, it had also begun its own evolution.

The evolution of a planet required a very long time; 10 years, 100 years, even 1,000 years perhaps. However, it was most definitely a good thing.

As the home of the Eternal Tree, Shrek City had undoubtedly become the central hub of this process.

There was even construction beginning to take place close to 100 kilometers away from Shrek City, and the federation had decided to construct four satellite cities around Shrek City.

Even housing prices in Heaven Dou City had risen dramatically as the Eternal Tree was visible from Heaven Dou City.

"Are you slacking off again?" An accusatory voice rang out, and before Yi Zichen knew it, an extremely beautiful young woman had appeared before them.

She currently had her hands on her hips and was glowering at Chen Xinjie with a displeased look on her face.

"I wouldn't dare! I'll get back to work right away," Chen Xinjie replied with a smile, then waved goodbye toward Yi Zichen before picking up his broom to continue his sweeping.

Yi Zichen cast a slightly perplexed glance toward the young woman. For some reason, she struck him with a sense of familiarity, but he didn't seem to have ever met her before. Even as he continued in his run, he couldn't help but turn back and take a few extra glances at her.

Meanwhile, the young woman stood beside Chen Xinjie as if she were supervising him, and she asked in a displeased voice, "Why do you still look like this? Do you enjoy being old?"

Chen Xinjie chuckled, "Well, I have to fit the image of Old Man Chen the sweeper!"

The young woman was naturally none other than Long Yeyue.

After devouring the abyssal plane, the tree of life had evolved into the Eternal Tree. In order to digest and absorb such an enormous amount of life energy, a very long time was required, and Ah Yin had already entered a hibernative state.

As reciprocation for their contributions, all those who had contributed in the battle had received a reward in the form of life energy. For elderly individuals such as Chen Xinjie and Long Yeyue, this was naturally an extremely timely blessing. At the very least, their lifespans would be extended by several decades, and even more importantly, they would be able to maintain their youthful appearance.

The Douluo Star was currently undergoing evolution, and the same applied to the planar ruler and the core of life.

Perhaps in the next few decades, Soul Masters would be able to break through rank 100 soul power and reach even loftier heights.

Upon reaching rank 100 soul power and beyond, one would possess powers comparable to those of a god, and of course, such a breakthrough would also result in a further extension of one's lifespan.

Another pleasant side-effect of the life energy reciprocation Chen Xinjie and Long Yeyue had received was that they would be able to maintain their youthful appearance until the day they died.

This didn't matter as much for Chen Xinjie, but for the female Long Yeyue, there was nothing that could make her happier. Just as Chen Xinjie had said, he had only chosen to maintain his elderly appearance as he wanted to fit the image of a sweeper.

Long Yeyue made her way over to Chen Xinjie, and a smile appeared on her face as she said, "Who would've thought that the heavens would give us a few more decades to live? We're truly blessed."

Chen Xinjie transferred his broom to one hand and wound an arm around Long Yeyue's waist as he sighed, "We sure are! I don't want to do anything aside from be with you every single day."

[1] [In Chinese culture, there is a thing where you essentially pray for loved ones by going vegan. The concept is that by not eating animal products, you're doing a good deed as you're not contributing to animal suffering, and the heavens will reward you with blessings toward yourself and your loved ones.]

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