Doomsday Wonderland

Chapter 1359: Do You Think the Moon in Foreign Countries Is Round?

Chapter 1359: Do You Think the Moon in Foreign Countries Is Round?

"I can't go to the rocket base instead of Wang Qingge, nor can I manipulate signals like you do," Lin Sanjiu said with a faint smile, even though Han Suiping sitting opposite her, couldn't see her at all. "All I can do is to take risks on my own."

She paused for a moment, then added, "I know you're worried about my safety... but life and death are predetermined. After experiencing high temperatures in my hometown, I have earned the past ten years."

Han Suiping remained silent for a while. Lin Sanjiu guessed that her apprentice was probably feeling silently sad. Sure enough, when Han Suiping spoke again, his voice was hoarse. "Well, you must be careful then."

"Don't worry," Lin Sanjiu reassured, instinctively patting his shoulder. "Have you forgotten? I just discovered a new secret weapon."

Han Suiping responded with a hesitant Hmm, showing that he was still worried, obviously not entirely convinced.

He was still in the 'bonus period' of rapid evolution; his abilities were increasing rapidly, and he had not yet been affected by degeneration. As he made rapid progress, Lin Sanjiu's abilities were declining rapidly; the comparison between the two was even starting to reverse—after she found that she was now less able to cope with the physical exertion of training than Han Suiping, Lin Sanjiu stopped training him two days ago.

There was another reason why her abilities had dropped so drastically. Apart from the world's influence and adrenaline, her abilities declined sharply due to the kidney formed by the black mist.

"Besides, I still have many Special Items." Lin Sanjiu comforted again, saying, "It's almost time, I have to leave. You also need to be careful."

Wan Qingge and Nu Yue had already left, and she also needed to set off smoke bombs, create illusions, and divert attention.

After the two bid farewell, she quietly left where Han Suiping hid. Even if the information about Han Suiping's ability got leaked, even if they started hunting for Han Suiping, they probably wouldn't expect him to be hiding there.

Lin Sanjiu's feet landed on the rooftop of a small building. Her knees softened, and she quickly bent down to stabilize herself. The distance between this building and the previous one was only about twenty meters. She almost didn't make it when she jumped over, and when she landed, her legs scraped heavily against the concrete wall.

Things always deteriorated before they improved.

She breathed heavily and straightened up. The horizon in the distance shone brightly in the sunset, with countless faint red and golden sparks scattered among the waves as if stars were falling from the golden-red sky. The ships moored in the harbor stood silently in the twilight, forming black silhouettes with illuminated edges.

Why was it so calm?

Lin Sanjiu looked at the distant ships, hesitating for the first time.

"If we calculate based on the rate of your degeneration acceleration," Han Suiping's voice sounded in her mind again, "by tomorrow night around nine to ten o'clock, you will completely become an ordinary person."

That was two days ago. At that time, she had assessed her rate of degeneration and provided a numerical ratio; Han Suiping coded a simple calculation software and provided the final deadline.

It was now five forty in the afternoon, still four to five hours away from losing her abilities.

There was enough time, but she had already 'advertised' seizing a ship in the communicator beforehand. She wouldn't be surprised if the pier entered a state of martial law and was heavily guarded. However, she found that the Copper Harbor Pier was as calm as a painting.

Did He Huan not hand over the communicator? Were they not attracted by her false plan?

Lin Sanjiu sighed slightly with some impatience, deciding to take action first for the time being. Although the rocket plan was the main escape route for their group, it would also be a good thing to get a ship just in case.

She continued forward from the rooftop, and when there were no more buildings, she jumped onto the sky bridge road between the pier and the city; countless shipping containers and nameless giant machinery spread out far below the road, like a giant factory.

Passing through the cargo terminal, she saw several fishing boats moored in the distant harbor, which Lin Sanjiu had remembered.

A girl's voice came into her ears when she was halfway there.

"I'm sorry, but I can't let you go further."

Lin Sanjiu suddenly stopped her steps, staring ahead at the sound. Several forty-foot containers were stacked together, giving off a sense of oppression; a figure slowly emerged from behind the bottom container.

She had never seen this girl before, but her aura as a posthuman immediately struck Lin Sanjiu.

The girl seemed to want to force a smile at her but failed. Her eyes were soft, her lips sharp, and her face quite pretty. She was wearing a standard combat uniform, black vest, and gun.

This world must have also eroded her abilities. In the past, Lin Sanjiu would not have considered this level worth her attention. But now, where the girl stood, a towering mountain had suddenly risen, and Lin Sanjiu knew at a glance how difficult the road ahead would be.

"Who are you?" Lin Sanjiu asked.

The girl lowered her eyelids. Compared to Lin Sanjiu's calm attitude, her complexion now seemed even worse, as if she was intercepted halfway—"I... My name is Zheng Aiai."

This name meant nothing to Lin Sanjiu.

"You don't know me." Although the girl was fully armed, her face became increasingly embarrassed. "My other name... is a screen name. I don't know if you've heard of it... 'I'm at odds with Cantaloupe.'"

Lin Sanjiu felt like she had been pricked.

"Cantaloupe?" She took a deep breath and asked, "How did you end up in this country?"

In that instant, her thoughts turned to the worst possibility, not even considering logic: Cantaloupe was not a posthuman from a foreign country; there were no foreign countries in this world. She was a trap, and she sent Han Suiping as a trap. Han Suiping was a trap.

Lin Sanjiu cut off her wild thoughts like a runaway horse. There were too few people she could trust, but Han Suiping should be one of them.

"If you've heard of me, it means the person who communicated with me found you, right?" Zheng Aiai seemed to sigh with relief, "Is he still safe?"

Lin Sanjiu rarely encountered someone who started chatting with her even though she still held a gun.

"Why are you here?" she asked again, her tone colder.

Only now, Zheng Aiai seemed to be reminded of this, and the somewhat embarrassed look from earlier surfaced again.

"The posthuman operatives patrolling and ambushing this pier are not just me, but also all the undercover agents from our bureau... who are also posthuman. We are all waiting for your arrival." She smiled bitterly and continued, "As for why I am in this country, the answer is simple... we, along with posthuman operatives from seven other countries, arrived on a plane yesterday."

Lin Sanjiu stared at her, unmoving.

"This country requested assistance for containment, and we... came to provide international support."

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