Doomsday Wonderland

Chapter 1276: Just a Few Minutes

Chapter 1276: Just a Few Minutes

When she was a child, watching the movie was all laughter, but now that she'd become a robber herself, she realized how damn painful it could be.

Lin Sanjiu crawled up from the grand prize, feeling like her back was on fire, torn and burning. The floor was covered in sharp glass shards, each pointed upward and erect on the floor, like small patches of sharp grass. There was no place to step on safely.

"Are you okay?"

Countless streaks of blood slid down her skin, itching as they passed through the glass wounds, making her nerves twitch. In her anger from the pain, Lin Sanjiu wanted to pick up a large towel to wipe off the blood from both of them. However, when she unfolded the towel, she found it was cold and full of sparkling crystals.

If she were alone, even if she ended up with not a single piece of intact skin, she would still pull Hakain, that woman, out by her hair... But with the grand prize by her side, she could only swallow her anger for now.

"I'm fine," Ji Shanqing said as he stood up, smiling at her. Although he had some protection, his clothes and skin still had many scratches and were bleeding slightly.

"What's wrong?" Lin Sanjiu glanced at his eyes.

"Nothing," Ji Shanqing said, smiling again.

She didn't expect the grand prize to be so composed and not cry at all, unlike his previous reactions. For a moment, Lin Sanjiu was a bit stunned. "Can you walk? Let's hurry and get out."

Upon hearing this, Ji Shanqing glanced at her and said, "Why?"


Isn't this blood-soaked, wretched appearance sufficient reason enough?

"You're still in the grand prize's body, right?" Lin Sanjiu furrowed her brows. "If anything happens to your clothes..."

"I made quite a few modifications," he replied with a demeanor that seemed too calm. "But if you feel safer outside, sis, we can go back to the poolside. How about that?"

The path to the front door was already littered with knife-like glass shards, but just a few steps away was the courtyard after passing through the shattered glass wall. Lin Sanjiu just turned towards the courtyard when she couldn't help but freeze: the ground was still covered in broken glass, and the glass wall was intact again, blocking them from the courtyard.

"Quick, get down!" Lin Sanjiu's body tensed up, and she broke into a cold sweat. "No wonder that dumbbell-"

There was no need to finish her sentence; Ji Shanqing already understood. His face turned pale, and he pointed to a nearby dining table. "Sis, bring that over here!"

When they heard the secondhand ticking again, they exchanged a few words briefly. If they had the time to look outside, they would likely see the red light of the explosive device among the branches and leaves. But Lin Sanjiu didn't glance outside at all. She immediately released a Higher Consciousness and grabbed the table leg, pulling the table halfway across the kitchen.

"Squat down!" She raised the table and pulled the grand prize down. Almost as soon as they both crouched behind the table, there was another huge explosion in the kitchen. Countless airflows, broken glass, sparks, and shattered branches and leaves swirled in the air, rushing into the house.

Lin Sanjiu's heart suddenly tightened, and she urgently pulled the grand prize back. Several large glass shards had emerged from the wooden dining table; if they hadn't hidden in time, they would have pierced their faces. The heavy dining table was now transformed into a hedgehog-like object, which wouldn't withstand another explosion.

The shattered wooden floor and dumbbell earlier were probably just meant to drive them into the kitchen. Once they experienced an explosion, it would be difficult to leave again. The path to the entrance was completely covered in densely packed glass shards that reached the calves. There was no place to step on safely. These shards were created by abilities and probably couldn't be cleaned up even if they tried—let alone the next explosion, which wasn't far away.

Lin Sanjiu looked up at the ceiling. The chandelier was not above them; only a white wall was above their heads.

"Hold on to me," she turned back and instructed, and the grand prize obediently climbed on her back, wrapping his arms tightly around her waist. "Hold tight!"

At the exact moment when the glass wall reappeared, Lin Sanjiu kicked off the ground, took the grand prize with her, and leaped into the air. With a muffled bang, her hand, wearing the metal gauntlet, had already smashed through the ceiling, revealing a black hole amidst the swirling dust and debris. Lin Sanjiu grabbed the hole's edge and swung her body forward, using her other hand to smash another hole in front of her.

"Sis, the device is counting down!" Ji Shanqing whispered in her ear.

"I know. Hold on tight, got it?"

She curled up her waist and legs with both hands hanging from the ceiling. With the force of her legs curling and releasing, she swung her body forward again. Her right hand loosened its grip and struck another hold.

Outside the kitchen door, the rope with the dumbbell was hanging straight in mid-air, swaying slightly.

After smashing through several holes in the ceiling, Lin Sanjiu had moved quite a distance forward, probably only about a dozen steps away from the kitchen door. Just when Ji Shanqing softly exclaimed, "It's coming!" she simultaneously let go of both hands, and Higher Consciousness poured out in front of her.

As soon as Higher Consciousness wrapped around the rope, she quickly shortened it. At the same time, the glass wall behind them, which had only just reformed, shattered again.

"Robber 2's life points reduced by 1." The female voice was still audible, even amidst the swirling glass shards.

Damn it.

Lin Sanjiu had already leaped with the grand prize onto the rope with the dumbbell, and the airflow propelled them far out of the kitchen. However, lying on her back, the grand prize was still caught in the blast wave. They didn't know how many life points each person had. Before they could figure out where Hakain was hiding, they had already lost 2 points each.

As the rope swung into the living room, Lin Sanjiu let go of it, holding the grand prize as they both landed on the ground. The front door wasn't far away. Even if there was a trap, it couldn't possibly be triggered before she executed a sprint. Once she started, she became almost like a shadow and rushed outside in the blink of an eye.

As soon as she stepped outside, the hand holding Ji Shanqing was immediately flung away by him, breaking free from her grip. Lin Sanjiu was taken aback and quickly stopped her body. She twisted her head around but was met with the front door slamming shut right before her nose.


The door was locked.

"Grand prize?" Her whole body tensed up, unable to understand what kind of trap this was that could leave Ji Shanqing alone inside. "What's wrong? Come out quickly!"

"Sis," Ji Shanqing's faint, muffled voice came behind the door. "Take a break outside. Tend to your wounds. Give me a few minutes... I'll quickly come out and find you, along with Hakain."

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