Doomsday Wonderland

Chapter 1263: The Couple and Livestock

Chapter 1263: The Couple and Livestock

"Ah, what a great day today!" Bohemia exclaimed, hands on hips.

"Exactly, I've never seen such good weather. You can tell that something good is going to happen," Yuan Xiangxi added.

"Just look around, so many farmlands nearby. It means there must be plenty of delicious food in the house. And it's so quiet around here, which indicates it's safe."

"You're right. Your observation skills are really sharp. You can tell right away that it's safe here," Yuan Xiangxi complimented with a smile.

Bohemia glanced at him and pondered his words for a moment, suspecting he was mocking her. "Of course, I'm much better than you."

Yuan Xiangxi looked at her, hesitated for a moment, and said, "You're a good person too, never using foul language, unlike some people, lacking manners."

Bohemia clenched her fist and smiled. "You're not bad either, unlike some clueless fools. You, on the other hand, know how to be smart."

The two stared at each other angrily until a cold breeze blew from behind, and they both shivered and snapped out of it.

"Enough of that," Puppeteer said coldly from behind, "the wooden boards have creaked several times already."

Finally, they passed the first level, and both let out a sigh of relief.

Even though they knew the white residential house had been activated, they still didn't dare to speak their true thoughts to each other. They let Puppeteer clear the way and then turned back to lift Lin Sanjiu, who still hadn't woken up. Unconsciously, they both looked up at the house again—though it had returned to its original appearance, appearing peaceful and welcoming, the memories of what they had experienced inside made their faces turn pale.

"There shouldn't be that arm inside the house this time," Yuan Xiangxi muttered, "Hey, isn't this considered a compliment?"

"Whether it's a compliment or not, you've said it all anyway," Bohemia softly reprimanded him. There were many things she wanted to say, but she dared not speak them out loud. Every word scratched on her nerves, and she never thought that one day she would have to self-censor before speaking.

The two followed Puppeteer, glancing at the rocking chair. They wished they could shrink themselves into thin strips and avoid touching anything. The interior of the house remained the same as when they first arrived—tidy, complete, and exquisite. The holes in the ceiling, dents on the floor, and the broken railings—all had been restored without any signs of damage.

Of course, the family photos on the small round table had been rearranged again.

As they strolled past, Bohemia and Yuan Xiangxi shared a knowing look before both slyly peering at the photograph.

They'd said plenty of nice things this time around, setting the scene surely before October 1973, back when the couple was still basking in marital bliss, child-free. So, the thought of who among the four of them would play the roles of husband, wife, or even the pets was intriguing.

The moment they caught sight of the faces in the photo, Bohemia let out an involuntary gasp, loud enough to catch Puppeteer's attention. The corner of his eye glimmered with a sharp light, visible beneath his dark locks.

"Oh? Do you have something to share?"

"Uh, no, it's just... Lin Sanjiu is as heavy as a dead pig."

She didn't dare to speak the truth, but Yuan Xiangxi, already dead, voiced his thoughts freely.

"Is it possible that among us, you're the first choice for the husband and I'm the first for the wife?" he exclaimed, eyeing the photograph. "Despite my gentle demeanor and lengthy hair... um, I must admit, I do wear a dress rather well too."


Bohemia wished she could bury her head in the sand. Even if Puppeteer, suited up as the groom in the photo, suddenly extended his hand and strangled his bride, Yuan Xiangxi, she wouldn't bat an eye. Hastily, she yanked Lin Sanjiu from the bride's arms, muttering, "Sir, I'll just set her down over here," as she all but dragged Lin Sanjiu into the living room, as fast as if her feet were on fire.

"I refuse to accept this," Yuan Xiangxi muttered under his breath as entered the living room. "Maybe I should cut my hair. I remember seeing scissors in the kitchen."

Puppeteer lingered in the hallway, silent, possibly already driven crazy by that living ghost. Meanwhile, Bohemia, eyeing the unconscious Lin Sanjiu, wished she could simply faint away too. That's when she noticed Puppeteer lift his hand—a fierce gale erupted, hurling objects across the room and rattling the house.

"P-Please, sir," Bohemia couldn't hold back, her voice quivering, "maybe a bit of restraint would help."

Yuan Xiangxi had already flown out the front door, and when Bohemia looked out from the living room window, she saw him picking himself up, dusting off, and trudging back.

"Why the outburst? It's not like I want to be your wife," he said.

"Nobody is to disturb me upstairs without my say-so," Puppeteer said grimly, his gaze sweeping the living room.

When he was about to go upstairs, Bohemia gathered her courage and said, "Sir!"

Afraid of making Puppeteer wait longer, she hurriedly said, "What do we do about Lin Sanjiu?"

Not long ago on the highway, Lin Sanjiu had already shown signs of leveling up, but just a few seconds later, her body and skin fluctuations gradually calmed down— no matter what type of posthuman she was, power upgrades couldn't end so quickly. It was precisely because the process of sudden loss of control of the body needed to be maintained for a while that power upgrade was one of the most dangerous situations that posthumans could encounter.

No one had seen such a situation where an upgrade just started and then suddenly stopped. They waited for a while, and though she had resumed shallow breathing, there was no sign of her continuing to upgrade or waking up.

Now that they were in the playhouse pocket dimension and had the opportunity to recuperate, did Lin Sanjiu have to lie like this all the time?

"Wait," Puppeteer said without looking back, lifting his foot and going upstairs.

Just... wait?

Bohemia sat by Lin Sanjiu's side, her hands tied, and stared blankly for a while, wondering whether to splash some water on her again. They had used up all the water they brought on the highway, and Lin Sanjiu had become drenched but still didn't respond.

"I say, since all the human roles have been assigned, what kind of animals will you two be?" Yuan Xiangxi slowly walked into the living room, without a scratch on him, and smiled at her. "I remember this family keeps quite a few farm animals. "

"You're the farm animal." Bohemia turned her head, giving him an annoyed sneer, and let out a hiss from her throat—after that hiss, even she was stunned.

Yuan Xiangxi looked at her but didn't say anything. He approached the cabinet in the living room, familiarly pulled out the family album, and took out a photo, walking over to show it to her.

A newlywed Yuan Xiangxi, holding a big orange cat in his arms, smiled happily. The photo was labeled 'Bobby is eight years old! July 1973.'

"Indeed, the fur color is quite similar." The lady-like Yuan Xiangxi reached out and patted Bohemia's head, saying, "The fur is also quite thick... I didn't expect you to be an old cat."

She instinctively wanted to take a bite, but she managed to control herself—she couldn't believe he played the role so accurately. She pushed Yuan Xiangxi's hand away, sat on the sofa, and pointed to Lin Sanjiu, commanding the host, "Go get something for me to eat and fetch a jug of water for her!"

"Sure thing, Bobby."

"Your head is big, you stupid idiot."

"Bobby is in a bad mood today."

Watching Yuan Xiangxi leave the living room, Bohemia jumped off the sofa and leaned closer to smell Lin Sanjiu. To be honest, being a cat was already a pretty good option compared to being a farm animal. But if she remembered correctly, this family seemed to only have one cat. At least in the photo, the only pet was herself—so what was the unconscious Lin Sanjiu?

She looked around, and when she heard the sound of the faucet being turned on and the cupboard door being opened in the kitchen, her ears immediately turned in that direction. Listening quietly for a few seconds, she couldn't resist her hunger and curiosity, tiptoed into the kitchen.

The kitchen was very different from the last time.

"Bobby's here." Yuan Xiangxi tied up his long hair, rolled up his sleeves, and stood in front of the hot pot, looking somewhat lively. "Wait a moment, your dinner will be ready soon."

"If you dare to give me cat food, I'll dare to eat you." Bohemia sat on the dining chair, saying so while feeling her stomach churning at the thought of cat food.

Yuan Xiangxi reached out to her head again. "It's a pity we don't have cat food here. I'll cook and mash the turkey for you, mix it with eggs, and serve it with a bowl of water. How about that?"

After being petted twice, Bohemia couldn't help but raise her head and made a gurgling sound from her throat. Apparently, this idiot Bobby liked having her fur touched—she realized this, shook her head, and brushed his hand away. "Just hurry up and do it!"

"I've also figured out what Xiao Jiu is," Yuan Xiangxi said, still speaking affectionately. "You see, there's a housewife's calendar in the kitchen too. Today is August 2, 1973, and there's a circle drawn around this day, with the words 'veterinarian came to see Sugar Cube.'"

Sugar Cube?

What kind of animal could that be?

What animal tastes sweet?

Yuan Xiangxi glanced at her a few times, rubbed his brow, and sighed.

"A horse." He turned around and put two eggs into boiling water. "Generally, sugar cubes are given to horses, and it's also a common name for horses. This arrangement makes sense; horses are quite valuable animals. If they get sick, the owner would be very concerned about treating them."


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