Doomsday Lord

Chapter 184: Condition

Chapter 184: Condition

If hed had that Innate Ability when he entered the mystery gate, hed be swimming in Experience Gems! The final chamber only had High-Grade Experience Gems, and each one was worth a hundred thousand Experience Fragments! So long as you could sneak past those vile rodents, wouldnt you be able to take as many as you could carry?

Naturally, this was just Cheng Yangs wishful thinking. Innate Abilities arent something you can get just cause you want them. Each one was preordained, and although Cheng Yang was able to upgrade one of his for being the first to receive a unique subclass, opportunities like that were rare. No one had found a stable method of changing ones Innate Ability in his previous life, so Cheng Yang didnt have any expectations.

Cheng Yang quickly tossed those distracting thoughts to the side.

After taking another look at Dong Sizhous system pane, Cheng Yangs mouth twitched into a slight smile.

Dong Sizhou, dont you have something you want to tell me? Like, say, your real name?

In place of his name, Dong Sizhous system pane showed a string of question marks. Cheng Yang had an acute understanding of the Identify skills effects, and this was a phenomenon that occurred when you didnt know the other persons name. This was definitely the same person as before, so the only explanation was that Dong Sizhou had lied about his name!

Dong Sizhous eyes darted around the room. Ever since he noticed the appearance of the Identify skill, hed been panicking since he had no way of knowing if he was the only person to receive the skill or if everyone had. Since it had appeared at the same time as the change in the gods rules, he could only assume everyone had it.

So, when he saw Cheng Yang open the door to enter, his heart nearly jumped out of this ribcage. After hearing Cheng Yangs words, his complexion became sickly. He wasnt a fool. It was apparent Cheng Yang had used Identify on him.

Hed tried using the skill on Cheng Yang so hed know what his opponent could see, but it had failed! The only thing he learned was that Cheng Yang was vastly stronger than him.

I apologize. My real name is Tan Chao. Since he didnt know what information Identify could reveal, Tan Chao had no choice but to come clean. I only lied earlier because I was worried you would inform the safe zone of my captivity and betrayal. If Lu Chenguang knew I had betrayed her, she wouldnt let me off easily.

Cheng Yang glanced at the system pane. Where there had previously been a string of question marks was the name Tan Chao. It would seem he hadnt lied this time.

Good, if it was only to that extent, I could still consider you to be an honest person. Cheng Yang said with an unfathomable smile. However, you also said that you were able to sneak in because the guards were slacking. I think that statement ought to give you a moment of concern, dont you?

This For a moment, Tan Chao was unsure how he ought to answer.

Since you dont want to admit it, Ill say it. Youre trying to hide your stealth skill so you can find an opportunity to escape, right?

At that moment, Tan Chaos eyes flashed with despair. Previously, he hoped that Cheng Yang wouldnt see his Innate Ability while using Identify. Was the difference in strength between them so high? Had every one of his secrets been exposed in an instant?

Since everything else you said was a lie, it would seem that your so-called fears are probably a lie too. Cheng Yang said without giving Tan Chao time to explain himself. Yu Kai, I dont think our friend enjoyed your special service enough last time. Skin him again.

Tan Chaos face turned deathly pale. That was something he never wanted to experience ever again. Now that his lies were exposed, what could he do? Was there anything he could say that would prevent Cheng Yang from torturing him?

Seeing Yu Kai pull out his tools, Tan Chao broke.

Wait! Please wait! Ill talk!

Cheng Yang stretched out his arm to block Yu Kai.

Then speak.

Seeing their faces, Tan Chao grit his teeth.

Only if you accept my condition. If you do, Ill tell you everything I know from beginning to end. Otherwise, I- Ill never speak even if it kills me!

Lets hear it.

My son. They took my son. If you can save my son, Ill tell you everything. Tan Chao said, holding back tears. Moreover, if you think highly of me, Im willing to become your dog!

Oh? Tan Chaos words triggered a memory of Cheng Yangs past life. Memories of a rumor about a man with abilities very similar to Tan Chaos.

In that timeline, Joyous River Village was under the control of Lu Chenguang, the second militia head. Supposedly, she had an extremely formidable assassin under her control that could arrive without a shadow and leave without footprints. However, she could only control that assassin because she had their weakness grasped within her hands.

That assassin was only ever rumored. No one could confirm them, and Lu Chenguang always denied them.

However, Tan Chaos existence confirmed those rumors! With the Erase Presence skill, it wouldnt be an exaggeration to say he could arrive without a shadow and leave without footprints.

Although he wasnt originally going to agree to Tan Chaos request, he couldnt resist the temptation of obtaining a powerful subordinate.

Do you know where your son is being held? Cheng Yang asked tentatively.

I do, but that place has dozens of guards. Even though I can get in using my skills, its impossible to bring my son out with me without being noticed. If I tried and failed, who knows what theyd do. Tan Chao said with a forced smile. Also, I cant guarantee that the location hasnt been changed. After all, Ive been imprisoned for quite a while.

Cheng Yang wrinkled his brows. That would be a problem.

Just let me know where he was before you left. If hes still there, I have complete certainty that Ill be able to rescue him. Otherwise, I can only promise that Ill try my best. Also, tell me how old he is and any distinguishing characteristics he has.

Hes being kept in room 401 of the apartment building behind the Grocery. Tan Chao said with a profound sigh. Hes eight, and other than a mole the size of a currant on the back of his head, he doesnt have any distinguishing features.

Good. Stay here. Ill take a look at the situation. Then we can talk more.

After saying that, Cheng Yang left the room, and Yu Kai followed him out.

My Lord, do you actually believe anything that guy said? Yu Kai asked after theyd walked an appropriate distance away.

Yu Kai, when you used Identify on Tan Chao, what did you see? Instead of answering his friend, Cheng Yang posed a question.

Everything except his Innate Abilities and Skills.

I could see his entire system pane. His name was hidden in the beginning, but after he gave us the name Tan Chao, I was able to see it. So, at the very least, he has that much sincerity towards us. Even if the stuff about his son is a lie, my visions can verify that its close enough to the truth. Cheng Yang said. Alright, you need to stay here and deal with the refugees. Im going to go to a safe zone and investigate. Since Tan Chao can be considered someone talented, Ill take the opportunity to do a good deed and force him into service under me. Dont you think Im too nice?

Yu Kai chuckled. Tan Chao must have a really powerful skill if his friend was acting like this.

It didnt take long for Cheng Yang to reach the safe zone after leaving Silkworm Mountain.

Seeing the chaos, he couldnt help but laugh. Previously hed vowed not to bother with the safe zone during this period, but now he had no choice but to join the fray.

He hoped that Lu Chenguang hadnt moved Tan Chaos son to a different location. Either way, he would have to hurry.

At the moment, the safe zone was still in lockdown with a Professional standing guard every meter or so. Even Cheng Yang had no choice but to admire that show of force. At least a hundred thousand people were guarding the barrier!

As one could expect, there was a dense crowd of refugees in front of the guards. Although a few hundred thousand people had rushed in earlier, over a million were still waiting outside, and they would keep waiting until Yuan Jianzhe pacified the ones that had already gotten inside.

Even though there were over a million refugees, the Professionals presence was a strong enough deterrent force to prevent a riot. After all, the corpses of particularly rowdy refugees already littered the ground.

Fortunately, Yuan Jianzhe was a considerate man. Even though he prevented the refugees from entering, he recalled the soldiers hunting monsters in the city to come to protect them from any monsters that spawned nearby.

Naturally, this wasnt an easy task.

Although newly spawned monsters were usually at the Low-Grade level and were killed instantly, too many people gathered here, which attracted monsters from deeper in the city. Among those, there was no shortage of Standard-Grade monsters, and the occasional High-Grade or Elite monster would appear. At those times, loss of life was inevitable.

Even though there were thousands, Yuan Jianzhe could turn a blind eye to the scattered groups of civilians still struggling in ruins. However, it was impossible to ignore the lives of over a million people.

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