Dominatrix System

Chapter 9

Chapter 9

After years of training I was becoming a fighter through and through I needed experience in death fights to blood let myself but that will come later I had turned ten blooming into my early teens I was educated into the world they called Gods Land in the kingdom of Arlin. The History of its creation was that a rebellion of slaves broke out and pushed their masters into the dirt. They started treating their previous Masters worse then those said masters treated them. All explained away with the fact that they were once the slaves themselves.

For years this continued on until the rebellion leader went mad with paranoia and started to abuse his power suppressing everyone till all rose against him and had him beheaded. In the trail of a leaderless kingdom, the other kingdoms and empires around began looking at the fat meat that was offering itself. That is when a rank a fighter and a rank b mage couple took the lead and started an uprising and new government with adventurers as the Leadership. Thus came the kingdom of Arlin. The first and largest contributors of the kingdom would get fiefs and those fiefs would remain there's so long as they could defend it. Thus every knight, baron, etc. were powerful fighters with powerful working-class adventurers under them. The Kingdom then put out a policy of aggressive neutralism.

The Borders would be defended if anyone came to attack all adventurers would die to keep the kingdom. All guilds that were set up eventually came under the kingdom of Arlin with its headquarters there so the hierarchy could dominate the organization. Slowly this system made it so no country would try to question the neutrality of the kingdom and the king became a mediator for all those around.

It was an interesting history. But my life was still under these adventurers and the Marquis was a powerful rank C fighter in the guild I heard and was retired. He has a lot of headway in the guild and is a powerful patron for now.

My stats looking great and my strength amazing the Marquis was happy with my growth. My mother and father were receiving better treatment due to me. But that no longer mattered to me as I was taking steps to become a powerful person in this world. It also showed in a new title I had received in regards to Jack.



Name: Sally

Age: 10

Titles: Slave, Apprentice of Jack the Torturer, Martial Genius

Race: Beastkin - Phantom Snow Tiger

Level: 1

XP: 0

System Points: 0

Strength: 15

Agility: 35

Vitality: 18

Intellect: 43

Wisdom: 53

Luck: 10

Points to Spend: 0

Shop - unavailable

Inventory - unavailable

Lotto - No spins


I believe that 10 strength with the system was the average strength of an adult male and it went from there. But I wasn't fully sure and needed to do experiments on what to do. Life was a fun hell for me I enjoyed the workouts with my instructor and that each day I got stronger.

Then one day about four weeks after I turned ten the best thing for me happened in recent memory.

I finished a particularly hard spar with my prison warden Jack, I was practically crawling back to my room when I entered my room. I was shocked at first as I stumbled in. I knew my "Young Master" was increasingly more interested in becoming more girl while my sissy Hypno earbuds in his ears all the time but it had been so long I had all but forgotten at this point.

There he was though in my maid outfit looking cute as a button. He was around fourteen now and growing boy but with the constant subliminal messages in his ears he was now a growing little girl. All the beatings previously in the day had escaped me and new energy filled me.

"Oooooh, Young Mistress was right." I Loudly said visibly shocking him. He was in the maid uniform posing in his own world when I entered not even realizing that I was there. I want to smile but I suppressed it. Slowly my abused body approached him the fear visible in his eyes at this moment he was going to take a faster road to become a she. The deer eyes in the headlight I could feel my pussy moistening.

"I- I- I- I can ex-ex-explain Sally." I force a frown on my face my excitement a whole new high.

"Oooooh, Please do go on then." I simply said keeping a mad face going with all my will. He froze as I said that he didn't have an explanation. He knew I knew him most in the family and there was no reason for him to be in my room dressed in my clothes. "I think I know whats going on "Mistress Derek," I emphasize each word slowly. He no She was pale white as a sheet scared. I now had his weakness by the balls as it were.

"You're not saying anything," That frozen look of shock moistened my pussy so much I was now also needing to stop my hand from sliding down my body to touch myself. "Still nothing to say for yourself. I will explain it myself then." I made a theatre of walking around him and talking also checking how well he was wearing the outfit. "Hmm, This is put on perfectly Mistress Derek. You obviously have put a lot of effort into this." I started to touch him on the shoulders I could feel the goosebumps on his body and the shiver when I called him Mistress Derek.

"I think we need to rework our relationship MIstress Derek." This was so much fun as I continued walking around him coming to a stop behind him. "I come in at my normal time 'MIstress Derek' and find you dressed up in my clothing posing in the mirror. Then you tell me it isn't what it looks like. I think someone wants to be a girl, Mistress Derek" I put my arms on his shoulders and start to whisper in his ears. "Why don't I make you a girl then Mistress Derek."

The originally pale face was now rosy red in embarrassment, my pussy was soaking my panties, and I was loving every second of his embarrassment. I continued whispering in his ear, "Well Mistress Derek would you like to be my sissy girl?" He was frozen in shock and embarrassed as hell and I wouldn't relent on him. "I need an answer Mistress Derek, Tell me what you want."

The embarrassment of the fear the shock of everything in a short time frame was rolling through him. He is torn all directions and the fear was getting to him then he whispered one word to me.


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