Dominatrix System

Chapter 133: Pent-up

Chapter 133: Pent-up

I reached the hideout, and I started to head inside without anyone seeing me. I sighed as I moved through and into the basement, where I heard some movement. It seemed that something was going on.

Cassandra then came out of a meeting room and saw me in my cloak. She looked at me for a moment, then turned around and yelled into the meeting room. "Everyone out, Meeting is over. Carl, you stay!" Cassandra ordered, and rough-looking men and a couple of women left the room, including a Mouse-kin I had seen earlier in our expansion. I waited, ensuring I was covered before entering after Cassandra came out and nodded to me.

I came in and looked around only to see Carl and Cassandra, so I removed my hood. I didn't waste any time, and I put down the drawing of the City Lords mansion. "These are the best drawings I think we could have asked for on the City Lords mansion," I told them, looking at them. "You do not need to know where I got them, but I am hoping that you have found a way to confirm that these drawings are real and to scale?" I asked, looking at Cassandra.

"That little Mouse-kin you saw leaving got an insider, and I plan on meeting with them soon," Cassandra replied, "It will probably be the best other than the maids' and servants that we got addicted to drugs to confirm. Other than that, I will look into seeing how much information that I can secure. Too bad that you couldn't get this while you had some of your more sensitive people caught." Cassandra said, and I couldn't help but nod.

"You are correct on that. Although except for the head butler that died in that unfortunate accident. none of the rest probably could have helped." I told her, looking up from the drawing, "Get this copied once for me though as soon as possible, then have some smaller, rougher ones made for anyone we have part of the operation so we can move forward cleanly." I ordered Cassandra, and she nodded.

"I was planning on that., The more information they know, the better so that they can adapt to the situation. The plan on when we move, though? How much time do I have?" Cassandra asked, "I only have so many people to work with, and I need to know when we will act to do the best job on this." Cassandra quickly followed up.

I showed her a wry smile, "I was told that there would be a party within the next week or so. That will be our best opening. We will move during the party and get people in position. When the party is finished, we will bring our targets out with everyone else." I replied. "I think this is the best plan moving forward unless I plan on training in the mansion itself. That will have problems of its own if we go that route." I sighed, leaning back, and Carl looked at them.

"You know, there is probably an underground area where they train slaves. Didn't you pick up a little maid that seemed fascinated with you when we brought her back?" Carl commented, looking at the map. "I wonder if she got trained there by the City Lord. Might be a good backup plan." He finished.

I thought about it and nodded. Kara wanted her freedom now and was in the city lord's mansion. I nodded and decided, "in that scenario, we cannot get them out. I will ask her if she knows the location, and we will do this in-house. This is a worst-case scenario, though, since we would lose a lot of power and maneuverability. Understood?" I finished looking at both of them.

They both nodded, and I stood up, "Bring the finished drawing to me and leave it with Freya or Stacy when you can. Now, I will be leaving." They both went back to the map without another word, thinking, and I covered myself and left them to it.

I left, and I knew that everyone knew who I was without knowing who I was in the gang. I was that mysterious, strong person backing the gang. When I came around, I was the most dangerous person in the place. It was something they all respected, and I could see them all looking away, trying not to acknowledge me.

It was an intelligent decision on their part as I wanted to discourage curiosity towards me as I left the hideout. It would be time to move the hideout soon; I thought as I blended back into the streets as Twilight overhead gave the bare minimum of light to move. I brought myself back to the apartment, and I came in through the window, so no one even knew I had left.

I sighed as there was a large meal on the table still warm, and I sat down. I looked at my lovely tigers gnawing on steaks that Freya definitely gave them, and I smiled. Freya came as I was eating and smiled. "Mistress, I am feeling pent up, and I would like pleasure, please, when you have a moment in your busy schedule," Freya told me, and I raised an eyebrow.

I thought about it, and it had been some time or at least felt like some time since I played with Freya. "I have something to deal with in the training room quickly; then I will play with you for being so good, Freya," I replied after thinking a little. I could use an outlet for my frustration too.

Freya smiled brightly and started to clean up as I thought about the problem in the training room. It was Sherry's slave, and all I knew was the instructions that she wanted to leave were to make him into a sissy. It wasn't something I wanted to do at the moment. I already trained two. One was my Freya and the other some nameless sissy mouse-kin whose Mistress was more interested in me than him now. He was probably being pimped out to her husband at the moment.

It didn't matter, and I looked towards the training room while taking a bite of food. I smiled with a thought, and I wondered if he would take me up on it. It was a slight risk, but something that she should understand might happen. I ate in a much better mood before finishing up listening to Freya hum as she cleaned the dishes.

I wondered for a brief moment what Stacy was doing before I finished my meal, leaving it for Freya to clean. Before I went to the training room, I looked into the bedroom, and I saw it.

Stacy was lying on the bed with the Chastity belt out in the open and her fingers on it. "Mistress," Stacy whispered with desire, "Please, Mistress, I need to cum, Please," The pleading and begging in her voice as she got nothing from the movements with her hands made me wet. "God, Mistress, I want to see you naked. I want you to hurt me so good. I want you to make me cum as my body spasms in pain. Please, Mistress, I need you." She whispered each of these words. Barely audible from the door as she tried to please herself to no avail. She knew her punishment and knew that doing more than that false masturbation would incite a more significant punishment than she was already receiving.

I left without saying anything as she pathetically masturbated without release. A smile and a wet pussy were what I received in return as I entered the training room. I looked at the young man, and I sighed, looking at some of the bruises. Some are just poorly placed, even as a punishment. I looked at him and felt disgusted at the lack of refinement. Even Jackie can hit better and knows where to hit with only a week under her belt.

I sighed and knew that I was harsher on Sherry because I thought of her as an incompetent fool. But these marks showed me more of the same.

"I am going to give you a chance," I said, looking him over chained up. I pulled out a claw destroying his pants, seeing a much more significant cock than I was expecting. "You are going to be trained," I told him, "But the question is, What comes afterward," I told the young man.

"Afterwards?" He asked as I checked out his body.

He wasn't muscular, but he was fit. His cock was about five inches flaccid, and I wondered how much it grew up into. If I trained him, this wasn't the typical Sissy, but it was more of a mindset than a physical thing. "Well, I can get you your freedom again," I told him.

The young man looked at me Incredulous, and I shrugged, "For now though, I think I will start with letting you think about things. I have some things for you." I finished, grabbed a small buttplug, and leaned my body against him as I shoved it inside of him.

"What?" The young man said, and I grabbed a gag.

"You are a slave, and Slaves don't speak when not spoken to," I told him, and I gagged him. I activated the vibration, and I left him to stand on his feet for the night.

This slave needed an understanding that he was a slave. Sherry obviously didn't beat it into him, nor did his previous owners. His questions were understandable, though. I wanted him to forget that his understanding matters.

I left him now, moaning into a gag as I started to prepare for Freya. I moved around the room with a smile on my face, and I already knew that I would be milking Freya. Freya's ball probably felt full, and she had been a good slave for a while, so I got things set up.

It was nice rewarding someone since only I was not particularly eager to deal out only punishments. I moved with a flourish as I got everything ready, and I turned to see in the doorway Freya looking excited. "Mistress, Is everything done that you need to deal with? Should I come back later?" Freya asked.

"Come in," I told her, "The boy there is taking some time to reflect at the moment. It only took a moment talking to him. You know I don't like to waste words. Now, Strip, Then lay down on this table. I will milk my horny little slave," I said, looking at her with a grin.

Freya smiled and stripped herself of the blue dress she was wearing, showing me her new breasts. Her caged little clitty was for all who could see to see as she didn't wear her panties. "No bra?" I asked as I could see the look of excitement on her face. She got up on the rack or the 'table' that I was referring to and laid down on it.

"I took it off in my excitement just before I came in, Mistress," Freya responded. "I knew I was getting ahead of myself, so I put my dress back on. I didn't want to be like Stacy, not allowed to even watch because of how naughty she was." Freya continued, and I couldn't help but grin.

I found myself smiling a lot when playing with my slaves. I knew already I smiled over a hundred percent more than I did in my previous life. The thought struck me, and I looked down at the caged clit. I grabbed the key from the several on me, and I reached down, unlocking the cage that had become a constant companion for Freya.

I looked down, and with the unlocking of the cage, her clit instantly got half hard for me. "Oh, You are excited," I commented, looking down at her clit. I grabbed some lube and grinned, "Freya, How badly are you pent up?" I asked with a sly grin.

Freya shivered, looking at my expression and realizing something as I lubed up the sounding rods I was planning to use today. "Mistress, Am I not going to be tied up?" Freya asked.

"Nope," I replied, my grin turning more sadistic, "Such a good girl like you doesn't need restraints to keep her hands away from my play area's right?" I asked her.

I could see the visible shiver and the look of uncertainty. I loved that expression, and I took off all my clothes before starting anything else. My pussy was wet, and I thought of all the things that I saw and did today, and I felt pent up myself. I could only watch, and now I could play with my toy. My grin could only grow as my clothes were discarded on the only chair in the room.

I turned back naked and looked down at Freya, ignoring the other blinded person in the room. It felt good to be naked with a wet pussy that was gushing for what I was about to do. "So, my little sissy Freya," I began, "It is time for your milking," I told her, and I grabbed the sounding rod and double-checked the lube on the rod.

"Thank you, Mistress," Freya said, watching me as she laid down.

I brought the rod, looking at it. It was a special rod I had never used on Freya before. It was one that I rarely used. In fact, I think the last time I used it was back when we were in the academy. I had this specially made, and it was something meant for Freya. This rod only had one unique feature, excluding the enchantments. This made this small thin rod six times more expensive, though, and it was always worth it. The center of this rod was hallowed, and I grinned as I brought it closer and closer to Freya's urethra.

Her half-hard clit started to tremble as the rod touched the tip, and I heard Freya take a deep breath. I waited and played a little with the tip of her clit. When Freya let go of that breath, I struck pushing into her urethra, and her moan sounded in the room. I pushed in, and her moans and groans started to sound in the room. "Freya," I began as I pushed in, "As you know, you have a sweet little spot down in here," I told her, and Freya nodded, looking down over her nose to look at me playing with her clit.

"Yes, Mistress, I know. Thank you for showing me," Freya replied, and her voice sounded.

"You know, I don't do this too often, but I have something even more fun for you," I told her as I pushed deep enough that I knew I had just reached that prostate from the inside as Freya loudly moaned at how deep it was. I let go leaving it there right at the entrance of it, and I grinned again. "But have you ever wondered what will happen if it's overstimulated?" I asked.

"Overstimulated, Mistress?" Freya asked with a groan at the pause.

"Overstimulated," I replied without explaining more as I grabbed a metal dildo. "Hold your legs," I ordered, helping Freya pull her legs up, giving me easier access to her ass as I came over to the side of her. "Overstimulated is going to be what happens in a moment, my little Sissy. Don't worry, and I will make sure you release all that pent-up semen you've saved in your little clitty."

"Mistress~!" Freya was about to say something when I pushed that vibrator up into her without another word. Her loud moan cut it off, and I sent mana through as the vibrator started to shake deep insider her. "Mistress~! It feels good!" Freya responded, and I smiled.

My grin wasn't in her vision as she closed her eyes as her prostate was being stimulated well through her ass. My grin turned much more sadistic when my finger pressed on the Sounding rod deep inside her urethra. "You're forgetting something," I warned Freya.

Her eyes shot wide open and her mouth opened as I turned on the sounding rod inside her little clit. "MISTRESS!" Freya screamed before she gasped for breath.

"You may cum, Sissy, Cum as you wish," I told her as I got on the table myself standing with my pussy above her. "But you may not touch your clit! You may only hold your legs, Sissy! let them go, and I will punish you like I punished Stacy!" I ordered as my dripping pussy was now hovering over her face as I mounted her face.

I pressed my pussy onto her face, and I could feel her tongue start to lick on instinct. I moaned as I heard another muffled scream. I turned, watching as her clit jumped. I smirked as those screams continued into my pussy even as that tongue worked. I moaned to Freya's pleasure hellscape as her prostate was violently overstimulated inside and outside her. I knew that she had come already as her clit stood tall and hard but with no semen coming out yet.

I couldn't help but smile, knowing the reason. That cum was building up without enough power to leave her little clit. It would come through the urethra, and the rod was stopping the muscles from sending her clits semen out the end. I smirked as she screamed into my pussy, vibrating her tongue all over my clit.

The pure sense of domination sent me over the edge to a nice orgasm as she screamed out into my pussy again and again. I got up off her face, and my Sissy gasped for air before crying out, "Mistress! I am Cumming. But it feels like it is coming back into me!" Freya cried out.

I turned, kissing her wet lips from my pussy. "Cum harder then," I told her with a sadistic grin and made a show of reaching down to her clit and injecting more mana into it. "Enjoy your milking!" I told her as the vibrations increased.

"MISTRESS, PLEASE, MERCY, PLEASE!" Freya cried out as her cock seemed to jump with the rod down the center, growing longer for a split second repeatedly as it tried to ejaculate her pent-up semen.

"You may cum whenever, My good little Sissy. Cum for your Mistress. Cum again and again for my pleasure!" I announced as Freya continued to cry out over and over as her prostate continued to be tortured directly and indirectly.

"MISTRESS!" She cried again as her clit repeated that twitch as it gained length around the sounding rod only for nothing to cum out.

I grinned, and I pinched her nipples, and the Screams only increased in volume as it brought her to the edge of orgasm again and again.

Finally, like a hose, she cried out, and semen started to erupt like an oil well from the rod. I orgasmed from the scream of pleasure and pain that erupted from Freya's mouth. I shivered in excitement, and I lowered my mouth to her ear. "I wonder if we can get you to go higher?" I whispered in her ear.

Freya shivered as her eyes widened as I reached to touch the sounding rod.

The Novel will be updated first on this website. Come back and continue reading tomorrow, everyone!

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