Chapter 193

Chapter 193

Depriving darkness! Extend your powers and make all beings cry out in pain!

Scorpion focused his darkness magic and cast a powerful curse on Sirius. It was a high-rank magic spell that took advantage of the opponents recovery speed, so the quicker the target healed, the more life-threatening damage they would take. However, the spells purple energy swirled around Sirius body before bouncing off and scattering harmlessly.

C-crazy. He also deflected my spell with only his resistance stats he didnt even deploy any of his defenses. Although theres a level difference between us, isnt this too unfair? No way!

Startled, Scorpion hurriedly moved his right hand in a preset formation and drew a circle, which floated into the air and reflected Sirius body. Soon, after seeing what letters formed within the circle, Scorpion shrieked.

E-estimated to be Level 20, hes a transcendent!


Cruze cried out as she knew how strong transcendents were while Arthur outstretched his right hand.

Summon Divine Weapon. Excalibur.


Lightning bolts shot out. Afterward, a fierce sword strike ripped the surrounding space apart. However, neither the lightning nor the sword strike reached Sirius; the gigantic wings that spread out from his back had effortlessly blocked both attacks.

A monster like him has the wings of an angel Did he consume one and take its wings? Or did he infect an angel like how the Grotesque infected the humans on this planet?

As a mage, Scorpion voiced various conjectures. However, none of this was as important as staying safe, so Scorpion remained concealed within the rubble of a collapsed building.

Log out.

He hid with darkness magic and tried to escape back to [Reality]. From the start, he knew that his level was insufficient to join this battle. At this point, Scorpion felt he had done enough by killing a few Infected and lower-rank Slayers, so he was planning to leave the scene.

However, that judgment and decision were too late.


Eight claws pierced Scorpions upper body. The claws were black, so dark that they seemed to absorb light. The size of Sirius hand was so large that Scorpions whole body was being grabbed, and once Sirius clenched his fist, the player became disfigured.


He was in agony, unable to even scream at the searing pain of his flesh being torn apart. It was an unimaginable pain that Scorpion had never felt while playing DIO, and it shook his mind. In other words, DIOs pain control system was broken and no longer operational.


Cruze created and threw a high-powered bomb at Sirius, but when the latter swung his wings, the bomb disappeared as if it had been erased with an eraser. The destructive power of the bomb was forcibly converted into aura power and scattered through the air.

Scorpion! Are you okay?

Save me. Ah, it hurts it hurts so much ugh ah.


Scorpion convulsed in Sirius grasp before imploding and dying. Arthur felt an eerie feeling as he observed Scorpions blood-stained body turn into golden smoke and disperse in the air.


Arthur trembled. What he just saw was weird and abnormal. For DIO users, death was just an annoyance and never became something to fear, but what he just observed went against that logic and felt entirely foreign. In addition, a user shouldnt have experienced pain within the game. After a certain point, the system only conveyed pain through [Information]; hence, the level of torment Scorpion was put through shouldnt have been possible.

Hey, wasnt that a little strange? The energy flowing around those claws looks fairly menacing.

Now that they were the last ones remaining, Arthur nodded at Cruzes words, with the latter having slid behind Arthur. He couldnt help but agree with the comment when he saw the odd energy flowing through Sirius claws, unusual to even him. Though Arthur had acquired many abilities and skills, he could not [Interpret] and make sense of what he had just seen.

Hahaha. Granting me the authority to carry out Armageddon takes some time, so they probably didnt do it because I was in danger, but still they authorized the power at the right time. I guess luck is on my side, no?

Surprisingly, Sirius exhibited and exuded a different level of power than he had just a few minutes ago. Arthur and Cruze had previously maintained enough dominance to drive him to the brink of death, but now, they staggered from the energy emanating from Sirius body.

Summon Divine Weapon! Crown of Nihility!

With a shout, a brilliant, shining white crown was placed atop Cruzes head. It was a miraculous item that instantaneously amplified her Memory capacity, and as long as she was wearing it, she could produce things that, generally, shed never even imagine.

Limited armament operation! Come out and break and smash everything! Earth Breaker!

In an instant, a vast shockwave spread from Cruze, and she held a thick sword gods blade that was the peak of all swords. It seemed as though the sword shook the surrounding space by its mere existence alone.


It looked like a sword, but it wasnt a simple slashing weapon. Cruzes Earth Breaker controlled pulling power and repulsion, manipulating the vector of space itself, which was why the sword was used as a strategic weapon in the Fourth Stage of Civilization.

Moreover, Cruzes Earth Breaker didnt just control directional force. Arthurs Soul Swordsmanship could do that normally. When vector manipulation involved altering the magnitude of force as well as the direction, it became a paranormal existence that destroyed the logic of common sense itself, breaking the law of conservation of energy.


In physics, mass and energy were seen as equal ratioed properties, and this principle was often referred to as mass-energy equivalence. However, that was the limit of knowledge that modern science had achieved back on Earth. Cruze had access to weapons and information from future worlds after completing all sorts of missions, and she realized a theory higher than the conservation of energy. To further explain.


In other words, energy equals information. Cruze could convert aura power into data and reproduce something in-game with information. Thus, by integrating enormous amounts of information, she created a terrifying object capable of interfering with the laws governing the material world!


When Cruze swung Earth Breaker, the ground turned upside down, and in an instant, more than several tons of concrete and cement were accelerated, firing each particle like a bullet. Surprised by Cruzes sudden increase in power, Sirius quickly deployed a force field to block the attack, but the cement and concrete chunks that Cruze fired were individual vector cannon warheads, so the shrapnel had enough power to break free from dimensional restraints with a terrifying force behind them. The pieces of shrapnel started whittling away at Sirius barrier.

When I call, appear! Dragons Imagination!


When Arthur activated his Master Skill, a massive red dragon the size of a tall building appeared behind him. It was the red dragon Igniz, who he had once fought.


The surrounding air was sucked in. Of course, this wasnt Ignizs main body, but surprisingly, the conjured Igniz had the same power as the main body, if only for an instant.

What? No way.


Like a light beam, a heat wave spewed out. The heat emitted was hundreds of millions of degrees hot, posing a notable problem by itself, but the unparalleled magic power contained in the attack was a more pressing issue.


Finally, the force field barrier surrounding Sirius was shattered, and once he was exposed to the heat, his body began to burn. If Cruze used Earth Breaker in succession with this attack, he would have no choice but to die, Level 20 or not.


However, Earth Breaker turned to ash and scattered, and Cruze vomited blood. The weapon was too powerful to handle at her level for any extended span of time, so she faced considerable backlash and strain from summoning it. No matter how powerful Earth Breaker was, Cruzes body had to be capable of withstanding and containing the weapon to maintain it. Usually, she could only sustain Earth Breaker for less than a second.

Damn it. Even though I utilized Repeated Phantasm, I could only endure for 11 seconds!!

It was due to her Master Skill that she could maintain Earth Breaker up to this point. Her Master Skill, which reduced the burden on production to nearly zero, usually lasted for over ten minutes, and during that time, she was virtually invincible. Though, of course, it would be a different story if she met an enemy like Sirius. Thus, in this case, she could only maintain her production weapon for 11 seconds since the weapon she produced was too powerful and high a concept.


Cruze groaned as she was hit by Sirius fist and knocked back. Unlike when Arthur could stand toe to toe with him, Sirius was now in a transcendent state, so in a matter of seconds, he carried out more than a dozen attacks.

Ugh. Hes a real monster!

Cruze rolled dozens of times on the ground before barely managing to stand, grunting and groaning. Her Earth Breaker was the pinnacle of an advanced civilizations scientific achievement, and Arthurs attack, Ignizs Breath, was at the top of all destructive magic. Facing a monster who could resist these two attacks was exhausting.

Ugh. Im sorry. I admit, you two truly are great. Though you both are trivial humans, you possess tremendous power.

Sirius tone became polite, but his calm demeanor made Arthur and Cruzes skin tingle. Arthur tried to send out a One Burst strike, but after taking Sirius latest attack, he couldnt amass the requisite internal energy.

You two must die.

Sirius exuded killing intent. And it was then.


A lightning bolt, which flew down like a beam of light, struck Sirius back, making Sirius momentarily lose control of his body. Additionally, a huge island floating in the sky weighed him down with incredible power. Later, a blooming red flame covered him and burned wildly.

/Lightning Blade of Zeus!

Sky Island of Ouranos!

Burning Prominence of Apollon!/

It was a manifestation of magic power that ordinary mages wouldnt even dare to imagine imitating. Merlin referred to these extraordinary destructive spells as Howling Spells, and the magic stones needed to activate them were so complicated to produce that Merlin needed a week of hard work, and even then, he barely managed to succeed.

Being able to land the last strike to bring down an opponent is a skill, no? Don't you think so?

Suddenly, behind Sirius back stood a young man wearing a red robe and a wide-brimmed mage hat. With the blessing of Caesar, the Lord of the Abyss, Merlin fearlessly entered the inner space dominated by Sirius, who had momentarily entered a state of transcendence.

Hahaha! Dont spew nonsense, worthless dog- huh?!

Sirius was about to quickly turn and attack Merlin, but he groaned after receiving a blow to his chest. He couldnt understand what had just happened. Suddenly, Merlins handprints appeared on his chest.


A second handprint was then engraved on his back, dealing immense damage. Merlins martial arts werent suitable for defense and even more unsuitable for long, drawn-out battles, but on the other hand, Merlin boasted an astonishingly powerful single-target attack that no one could match, the Irrational Hand Strike.

It was a martial arts attack move where one could neither defend nor evade.

Damn Damn it Succumbing to the same technique twice.

Itll be the same no matter how many times you see it.

Of course, if Sirius condition had been in its typical state, he couldve counterattacked after being hit with the Irrational Hand Strike blow, but he had just dealt with Cruze and Arthurs attacks. A transcendent was clearly a being that went beyond certain power levels, but in the realm of gods, he was only a subordinate being.

I am returning. Regeneration.

Merlin activated his Master Skill. Soon, Merlin crossed through space and retreated more than a few hundred meters. He then brought out his Divine Weapon, Olympos. Sirius sensed something unusual and rushed toward Merlin at speeds that seemed as though he was jumping through space.


Too late.

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