Devouring Is Evolving: My Reincarnation As An Arctic Wolf

Chapter 12: Hunt musk oxen.

Su Lin signaled Xiao Hui to lie down in the bushes and not move.

After all, when hunting such large prey as the musk ox, Xiao Hui couldn't help at all.

Only by himself.

This musk ox, even if it is not fully grown, is more than one meter long and weighs four to five hundred catties.

This weight is several times that of the current Sulin.

Therefore, it would definitely be uncomfortable if you were pushed on by the bull's horns.

But he didn't back down.

A pair of light blue wolf eyes revealed bloodthirsty ferocity!

Give it a go!


Su Lin kept crawling slowly in the snow.

The four wolf paws made a slight sound in the thick ice and snow.

However, this slight sound did not bother the musk ox grazing the shrubs and grass on the ground at all.

The musk ox broke away from the herd.

It lowered its head to eat shrubs and grass for a while, and looked around for a while, with a pair of purple-blue bull's eyes showing a trace of anxiety.

It wants to find the herd, but its sense of smell is not sensitive, and it can't smell the scent traces left by the herd at all.

This made it scramble around like a headless chicken in its anxious search.

In the end, a lot of physical energy was wasted, so I had to eat some shrubs and grasses here to replenish energy.

Its mother taught it how to find food, how to run, and how to protect itself, but it did not teach it how to find large groups.

Now it is alone, in this vast arctic continent, it feels very insecure.

And this anxious musk ox didn't know that danger was approaching quietly.


However, this scene at this time happened to be caught by the explorer Tiffany in a gray off-road vehicle not far away.

Tiffany is from the city of Norilsk, Russia.

She is not only an explorer, but also a researcher of wild animals.

This year's academic paper is about the strange creatures in the Arctic ice sheet.

Tiffany was twenty-three and very beautiful.

Red lips, beautiful long golden hair draped over her shoulders, and a pair of golden eyes shone with surprise.

In the past few days, in order to truly record the activities of various creatures in the Arctic after the snowstorm.

She has been shooting in this icy Arctic.

To relieve boredom these days.

She also turned on her live broadcast on Facebook.

Although the shooting process is very boring,

But there are netizens who also love wild animals in the live broadcast room, and they are still very happy.

But now, she looked at the arctic wolf not far away that was about to hunt a lone musk ox, and she faintly felt that it was the one she had seen some time ago.

His white and flawless hair is very impressive.

But the lone wolf who was still hunting arctic hares now has the guts to hunt musk ox alone?

"Ohmygod! This is insane."

Tiffany's little white hands couldn't help covering her mouth with a surprised expression.

At this time, there were more and more comments in the live broadcast room on the mobile phone.

[Facebook regular user - Skadi]: Is this arctic wolf going to hunt musk ox alone? Oh My God! impossible! This unscientific!

[Facebook wildlife lover - Shi Sifu]: From the perspective of survival, nothing is impossible. Wolves can do anything when they are extremely hungry. Of course, humans can do the same.

[Facebook Ordinary Member - Odilu]: What are you talking about? This arctic wolf has shiny fur and a vigorous body. Where is there a trace of hunger? This is obviously an overreaching provocation.

[Facebook Ordinary Member-Ai Nishen]: You can’t say that, please let us quietly watch this hunting with a huge difference in size and weight. This musk ox is small in size. If the arctic wolf has enough hunting experience and physical strength , there is still hope.

[Facebook biologist - Wen Luofu]: Wolves are natural hunters, cunning and ferocious, and will never engage in boring provocations. According to the real records, the most powerful wolf family can hunt large prey alone, especially the lone wolf , They are more ferocious and **** than the wolf clan living in packs.


After the rapid increase of comments in the live broadcast room, the popularity of the live broadcast room has also risen.

Some netizens from various countries on Facebook also clicked in.

Tiffany, on the other hand, looked nervously at the arctic wolf who was less than five or six meters away from the musk ox.

I was a little worried about this arctic wolf in my heart.

If you are not careful, and you are slightly pushed by the horns, you may be seriously injured.

In nature, a serious injury to a hunter is tantamount to death!

at this time,

Just when Tiffany was nervous, the arctic wolf hiding in the bushes moved.

Move like thunder!

The speed was so fast that only a white wolf shadow could be seen, accompanied by splashing snowflakes, galloping towards the musk ox that was gnawing on the shrubs and grass at an extremely fast speed.

When the musk ox just raised its head and had no time to react,

The white wolf shadow has already arrived!


The extremely lethal claw slapped fiercely on the purple-blue eyes of the musk ox!


The musk ox was in pain and began to growl.

Seeing that the arctic wolf really made a move, and hit the musk ox's vital eyes with one blow.

This led to more comments from many netizens in the live broadcast room.

As for Tiffany, he didn't even have time to watch the live broadcast, and he just kept his eyes on the hunting and killing in nature.



At this moment, Su Lin's eyes were full of ferocious light. UU Reading

When he went out to hunt alone, he had long been prepared for a brutal fight.

This musk ox is level 6, with thick blood and high resistance.

But with his own speed, Su Lin has the capital to fight!

That ruthless claw just now has driven the musk ox completely mad.

The musk ox is a kind of cattle with a very brave personality.

Even though it was a female musk ox, she screamed twice in pain, and ran towards Su Lin with her hooves stepping on the snow.


The musk ox carries an indomitable flame!

If you want to hunt it, you have to face its wildest and fiercest counterattack!

The musk ox was panting heavily through its nose, and there were sore tears in its eyes.

The eye that was hit even had a faint amount of blood flowing out.

Musk ox run faster and faster in pain

The ice and snow of the North Pole are scattered in all directions under its trampling.

There was a sharp cold light shining on the bull's horn.

In an indomitable momentum, he slammed directly at Su Lin's wolf head.

Although the wolf's skull is very hard, it is known as the tofu waist with copper head and iron bone.

But if he was hit by the musk ox forcibly, even if he didn't die, his brain would be exhausted.

Therefore, relying on the speed far exceeding that of the musk ox, Su Lin nimbly leaped sideways, dodging the angry attack of the musk ox.


After hitting the air, the musk ox roared, turned around, stepped on the snow with its hooves, and adjusted its direction again.

In the cognition of musk oxen, there is no such thing as fear and escape at all.

They are the bravest fighters.

The ice and snow were trampled under the hooves and splashed everywhere.

And in Su Lin's wolf eyes, there was also a trace of ferocity, and he looked at the musk ox in the white Arctic continent.

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