Devouring Evolution: I Reborn as an Arctic Wolf

Chapter 23: Chapter 23 Divina.

The light was emitting a faint red color.

The eyes of the Wolf Clan are very sensitive to light in the darkness.

Even the weakest light can catch their attention.

Su Lin carefully moved his body,

and after bypassing several bushes, finally made out what was flickering with the weak light.

"An infrared camera?"

Su Lin found that it was an infrared camera for filming.

It seemed,

every animal on the Arctic Continent would avoid such an unidentified flying object.

But Su Lin didn't,

he carefully examined it and found that the infrared camera was drone-style.

It wasn't too high-tech,

he had used it before in his past life explorations.

Such cameras could be remotely controlled to fly from afar.

It was evident that even during the polar night of the Arctic,

there were still some people who ventured to record the habits of the animals of the Arctic Continent.

Maybe for academia,

or perhaps to shoot documentaries about certain wildlife,

after all, there was still a large audience for shows about wild animals.

But Su Lin didn't have a fond impression of these cameras.

The Grizzly Bear he had set his sights on was his prey.

Su Lin was less than twenty meters away from the drone camera.

A single sprint, and in less than a second, he quickly approached it.

Even if someone was controlling it from behind, they couldn't possibly react in time.

Leaping forward, Wolf Claw slammed hard onto the camera.


The camera was immediately knocked to the ground, pieces scattering all over.

But the camera still flashed with a faint red light.

Su Lin gave it two more hits,

The internal structure of the camera shattered, and after a few flickers, the faint red light went out.

Having done all this, Su Lin then turned and left, heading back the way he came.

Along the way, there was only the tranquil silence of everything and the accompaniment of the night.


On his way back to the cave,

two kilometers away from the Grizzly Bear's den, inside a grey-white off-road vehicle,

Tiffany, with fair skin and rosy lips,

looked at the pitch-black monitoring page on her tablet with a somewhat gloomy expression on her face.

"Oh my god! What was that white shadow just now?"

Tiffany sounded a bit dejected.

She was here, naturally, for shooting and documenting.

If she wanted to publish about the strange creatures of the Arctic Tundra,

she needed to document their activities under the polar night as well.

Although she hadn't spotted the White Wolf during this period,

she had found a Grizzly Bear that had just given birth,

documenting how the mother fed her cubs during the food-scarce polar night was also wonderful.

But unexpectedly, a sudden white shadow destroyed the drone camera,

it moved too fast, not even getting a shot of what the shadow was.

Could it be a Snowy Owl?

Tiffany wondered to herself.

"Hm? What's wrong, Tiffany?"

Divina, who was napping in the back seat of the car, opened her sleepy eyes and asked in a groggy voice.

Divina and Tiffany were school friends,

who also loved wild animals,

and with the approach of the polar night, she was concerned about her friend Tiffany going alone to shoot, so she came along.

After arriving, she fell in love with the Arctic Continent.

Under the dim polar night, all was desolate.

And they were like elves in the night, wandering above the Arctic Continent, recording and capturing the minutiae of various animals' lives.


she had seen adorable little Seals, clumsily resting by the ice shore,

and had witnessed the dominant Polar Bear, displaying its agility while fishing in the water,

They had also witnessed the Arctic Wolf Pack's intelligence in hunting as they cooperated to bring down prey.

Beyond that,

Tiffany had mentioned that in this area, there was a White Lone Wolf,

quite large in size, with pristine white fur, extremely high intelligence, and much bravery—daring to hunt large prey on its own.

Even during the occasional live streams by Tiffany, viewers frequently brought up this White Wolf.

This sparked great curiosity in Divina's heart.

Just what kind of White Wolf must it be to linger so persistently in the viewers' memories?

"Dear, look, the drone camera has been destroyed."

At this juncture, Tiffany, looking dismayed, handed her friend the tablet showing the surveillance footage.

"Oh! What happened?"

Divina had just woken up and was not aware of what had transpired.

Normally, animals on the Arctic Continent do not randomly touch strange objects.

Especially not a moving, flying drone camera.

"A white shadow, it moved very fast and just destroyed the drone camera,"

Tiffany said.

"A white shadow? And it was fast? Could it be a Snowy Owl?"

Divina and Tiffany had the same reaction.

"I don't know!"

Tiffany spread her hands in frustration and helplessness.

In the end, after discussing, they decided that with the drone camera destroyed,

they should go back, regroup, buy a new one, and return to film.

They also planned to buy a smaller drone that could fly into the Grizzly Bear's den to film the little bear cubs.

Of course, what they didn't know was,

when they would return to film,

they might only find traces of blood on the snowy grounds.


In the pitch dark night, Su Lin returned to the cave.

He saw that his Cousin was on guard.

Upon seeing him return, she gave him a couple of friendly low howls.


Su Lin responded with a howl as well.

As for Wolf Sister, she was snuggled against Cousin, fast asleep.

And the Grey White Little Wolf was still being used as a pillow by Xiao Hui,

though in the severe cold, this also provided some warmth to the Grey White Little Wolf.

After scanning the cave, Su Lin returned to his spot,

leaning against the cave's stone wall and fell asleep.

He needed to conserve energy in the next few days and get himself to his peak condition.

A night without words.


The next day,

as soon as Su Lin woke up, he saw Xiao Hui squatting beside him,

"Ao! Ao!"

Seeing his leader awaken, Xiao Hui excitedly howled.

He even stuck out his tongue and licked Su Lin's fur,


That earned Xiao Hui a swipe from Su Lin's paw.

Wolf Mother and Wolf Sister were impossible to refuse,

but it did not mean he accepted this affectionate way of expressing.


Despite being smacked, Xiao Hui was not upset; in fact, he was still excitedly howling.

He felt that as long as his leader was still around,

not abandoning him, that was enough.

As for the leader disciplining a younger brother, it seemed perfectly normal to him.


Su Lin stood up, stretched his wolven body, and with a low howl, he took Xiao Hui out of the cave to patrol the vicinity.

As the Wolf Pack's leader, patrolling the territory was a daily task.

Plus, Su Lin had grown accustomed to it.

Moreover, patrolling near the cave

was a good opportunity to check for any unexpected intruders or prey.

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