Devil’s Music

Chapter 198: The Doll of Red Castle

Chapter 198: The Doll of Red Castle

“Wow, business is doing well, isn’t it? It seems to be doing even better than when I was here, which kind of makes me feel left out?”

“Don’t say that. After Kay left, business was good for a while, then we hit a slump. Our efforts in Nepal caught people’s attention again, and business has been picking up for a few months now. We make sure not to forget Kay’s contributions by sending donations to Nepal every month.”

“Wow, really? Good job!”

While sitting on the office sofa and chatting with Sambo, Lilian came in with coffee, placed it on the table, and exchanged a smile with Geon.

“I’m glad you’re back, Kay.”

Geon smiled back and said, “Thank you, Lilian. I’ve missed this place a lot.”

“You must be planning to re-enroll in school soon, right?”

“Yes, I need to. The timing for re-enrollment is a bit off, so I guess I’ll be busy with preparations and settling in here until early next year.”

“I see. I hope you find a place without running into another stalker situation like last time.”

“Thanks, Lilian. The company should take care of it, so I don’t think I need to worry, haha.”

Lilian looked at Geon anew and said, “Now you’re a bona fide star with an agency. Impressive, Kay.”

Geon laughed it off, “Well, I’ve had an agency since I was 19.”

“Really? I guess the signs of a star were there from the start, haha. Anyway, continue your conversation. Oh, Kay, did you come alone?”

“No, I have a dinner appointment with Professor Sharon from Juilliard.”

“Oh, is that so? Boss, we have a VIP room available. Should we guide Professor Sharon there when she arrives? It might be hard to dine in the hall due to fans.”

Sambo nodded and said, “Do that. But, Kay, since we’re offering the VIP room for free, could you greet the guests in the hall when you leave? It’ll be a great gift for those who came looking for you.”

“Haha, you’re still looking out for your interests, I see. Sure, Sambo.”

After Lilian left and they were deep into catching up with laughter, Geon received a message that Sharon had arrived. He said goodbye to Sambo and left the office, closely followed by four security guards. The security team, led by the head of security, encircled Geon as they moved.

“We’ll escort you to the VIP room.”

Geon, pulling his hat down low, followed the security guards. The VIP room, with one wall entirely of blackened windows, allowed guests to see out while preventing those outside from seeing in.

Once at the door, the head of security said, “We’ll handle the entrance security, so please go ahead.”

Geon smiled and extended his hand, “Thank you, sir. I’ve always just called you the head of security. May I know your name?”

“It’s Anatoli Arlovski, Kay.”

As Anatoli shook hands with Geon, the other guards eagerly introduced themselves, expressing their admiration and excitement. After exchanging pleasantries, Geon entered the room, leaving the security team outside, marveling at the encounter.

Inside the VIP room, contrary to his expectations of finding Sharon alone, Geon was surprised and delighted to see Daniel Weiss, a familiar face.

“Daniel Weiss! It’s been so long!”

Daniel stood up quickly, extending his hand, “Haha! Kay! I’ve been waiting. It’s really been a while.”

Geon, shaking hands with Daniel, turned to Sharon, “Yes, Daniel. It’s really been a while. But you’re here with Professor Sharon?”

Daniel laughed, looking back at Sharon, “I contacted Professor Sharon and learned that you and I had a dinner arrangement, so I rushed over.”

As they settled at the table, Geon mentioned, “It’s good you did. I was planning to visit anyway. How are Abigail and Kate?”

“Abigail would probably scratch my face off if she knew I met you alone, haha. Ah! Kate got married a few months ago.”

“Oh~ That’s good news.”

Sharon, feeling left out, puffed up her cheeks, “Hey, you two men. It’s been a long time for me too, you know?”

Geon, laughing, turned to Sharon, “Haha, no, Professor. You were the one I wanted to see the most!”

“Tch, too late now.”

“Really, it’s true. I even played my instrument at night in Nepal, thinking of you.”

Sharon, initially skeptical, softened at Geon’s words, “Really? Can I believe that?”

“Of course. By the way, have you ordered yet?”

Sharon looked out at the hall, “No, Lilian guided us here and mentioned that Sambo is treating us to a VIP course meal today, thanks to you, Kay. Looks like I’m getting a free meal because of you, haha.”

“Ah, that sounds like Sambo. He wouldn’t make a losing deal, so don’t feel sorry and enjoy it to the fullest.”

“Oh? Some kind of deal?”

“Haha, he asked me to greet the guests in the hall later.”

“Ah, the businessman in him shines through. If word gets out that Kay has returned, it would naturally lead people to assume you’ll frequent this place more often. That would attract even more customers. Truly impressive business acumen.”

“That’s why he runs such a successful club.”

Shortly after, several staff members arrived with plates of hot food, filling the table with a variety of dishes. As Lilian placed a steak in front of Geon, he looked bewildered.

“How are we supposed to eat all this, Lilian…”

Lilian covered her mouth, chuckling, “Ho-ho, the boss ordered it. I’m just following orders.”

Lilian waved her hands several times before leaving, and the serious dining began. As they caught up on each other’s lives, Geon turned the conversation to Daniel.

“So, Daniel. Before I left Korea, Professor Sharon mentioned you were looking for me several times. Is everything okay? Did something happen at the Metropolitan Museum of Art again?”

Wiping steak sauce from his mouth with a napkin, Daniel set down his fork, his expression turning slightly more serious.

“No, it’s not that. Actually, about two months after you went to Nepal, I received a call from an old friend. He was wondering if it might be possible to get your help.”

Geon, sensing a shift in the conversation, put down his knife and asked, “Your friend? What kind of help does he need?”

Daniel looked towards Sharon, who shook her head slightly. Geon, curious, pressed on, “What’s going on?”

Daniel started to speak, but Sharon interjected, “No, Daniel. It might seem like a good thing, but getting involved with those people could have unpredictable consequences. As your professor, I don’t want to expose you to potentially harmful influences.”

Daniel looked reluctantly at Sharon, then at Geon, who implored, “What is it? You can’t just leave me hanging.”

Sharon sighed and signaled Daniel to proceed. He took a deep breath and faced Geon, “There’s a girl. A beautiful girl who hasn’t spoken since experiencing a major shock. It’s been about four years. Since the incident, she’s become like a doll without emotions. Despite her father’s efforts and considerable expenditure on renowned hospitals, she remains silent.”

Geon, surprised by the turn of the conversation, asked, “A girl? How old is she?”

“She just turned eleven last month.”

Geon thoughtfully inquired, “And what exactly do you need from me? I’m not a doctor.”

Daniel looked earnestly at Geon, “One night, while watching TV with her father, she saw your UNICEF fundraising broadcast and cried. For the first time in four years, she showed emotion. Her father, seeing this, tried to contact you through his connections, learning that you and I know each other.”

Geon, understanding the gravity of the situation, turned to Sharon, “But Professor, why is this dangerous for me? It sounds like a request to help a poor girl. Of course, I’m not sure if I can be of any help.”

Sharon and Daniel exchanged looks before Daniel reluctantly nodded. Sharon then turned to Geon, “Kay, Daniel’s request might be for a good cause. However, you need to know who’s making the request.”

Geon, puzzled, asked, “Isn’t it the girl’s father? I mean, since he’s been spreading money around hospitals, he must be wealthy, right?”

Sharon took a deep breath, her expression filled with concern, “The girl’s father is Gregory Miocic. He’s the boss of the Russian Red Mafia, having established himself in the United States five years ago.”

“Excuse me??”


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