Devil’s Music

Chapter 170: The Flower that Bloomed in the Earthquake

Chapter 170: The Flower that Bloomed in the Earthquake

As morning arrived the next day, people from international and private relief organizations began flocking to the site. Geon and Chae-eun, seeing the workers transporting various equipment and relief supplies, rolled up their sleeves and began to help. Yeongseok, too, was so engrossed in helping that he forgot about the camera filming them.

Journalists from around the world, capturing this scene, heard an American producer shout upon spotting Geon,

"Is that K? That's K, right?"

American journalists, following the producer's cue, turned all their cameras towards Geon. The Geon in the camera was not the well-dressed, always stylish K who appeared at concert venues. Instead, he was covered in dust and sweat, his face filled with the dirt of hard work. The American camera directors, taking the initiative, began filming this version of K, and the footage was broadcast live in the United States.

Many Americans were moved by the sight of Geon, unlike other celebrities who wore makeup and paid attention to cameras even while participating in relief activities, working hard in a way indistinguishable from the locals. Even the news anchor broadcasting the footage was lost for words at the sight of Geon. A female anchor, upon seeing Geon comforting a crying baby and ending up crying himself, burst into tears as well.

While monitoring these scenes, a representative from UNICEF sought out Geon, who was resting in a tent. Geon, who had been lying down catching his breath, was startled by the call and stepped out of the tent.

"K? Is K here?"

"Yes, I'm K."

"Pleased to meet you, K. I'm Kevin Dizzler, the head of UNICEF's Nepal rescue operations."

As Kevin reached out for a handshake, Geon reciprocated and said,

"You're from UNICEF? I've always admired the work you do in disaster situations."

Kevin smiled warmly and brushed off the dust from Geon's clothes.

"When you're working on a rescue, you have to pay attention to your own cleanliness. It's inevitable while working, but make sure to wash up when you're resting. If you fall ill, you'll become a burden rather than helping others."

Geon awkwardly smiled, watching Kevin brush off the dust.

"Ah, yes. I'll keep that in mind. But what brings you here..."

Kevin pulled out a pamphlet from his bag and said,

"You're aware that your actions are being broadcast on the news, right? K is currently the center of attention in the United States, China, and Korea. We're an international relief organization planning to air a fundraising broadcast on TV, and I came to ask if you'd be willing to help."

Geon took the pamphlet and asked,

"A fundraising broadcast?"

"Yes, you might have seen them on TV before. The most common ones are those calling for regular support for African children. In situations like this, we also air temporary fundraising broadcasts."

"Ah, I've seen those. Ads that show the dire situation of children and ask for help, right?"

"Exactly. Our organization has branches in each country, and we get help from famous people in those countries for our activities. We produce advertisements with footage of their work. Both individual and corporate donations come in, but the small amounts from a large number of individuals really make a difference."

"I don't mind doing the ad shoot, but...will I be able to help as much as you expect?"

Kevin laughed, crossing his arms,

"Right now, only journalists and disaster response workers are in Nepal. No celebrities or public figures have come in for volunteer work yet because safety hasn't been confirmed. Many wish to come and help immediately, but they need permission from their organizations or companies. The only known public figure here is K. Ah, and Ryu Chae-eun, but she's not globally known, so excluding her."

Geon looked at the site with a slightly worried expression. He could still see people frantically searching for their buried families.

"I've realized just how small and powerless I am. I'm not sure if I can be of any help."

Kevin leaned forward, trying to persuade him,

"You're already doing a lot, and everyone knows it. Could you possibly help us a little more?"

"I'm willing to help; I just worry I might not be able to provide the assistance you're expecting."

"I've seen and heard about what you've done here. I can assure you, there's no one better suited to convey the situation on the ground than you."

After looking at Kevin for a moment, Geon handed back the pamphlet and asked,

"Is a filming team ready for the ad?"

Kevin nodded as he took back the pamphlet,

"They're on their way. They can't land in Nepal directly, so they'll fly to India and drive from there. It'll take a few days."

"Sigh.. Okay, but I'm currently appearing in a broadcast back in Korea, so I need permission from the director. I'll need to take some time off."

"I understand. Discuss it internally and let us know your decision. Our base camp is about 50 meters to the right, marked by our flag. Feel free to visit us anytime."

"Alright, Kevin. I'll get back to you soon."

"Thank you. I'm looking forward to it."

After Kevin left, Geon, having rested a bit more, headed back to the site. The villagers had temporarily relocated to a school about 2km away from the village, so the site was filled only with workers and rescue personnel. After professional equipment had been brought in, there wasn't much left for Geon to do at the site, so he took two boxes of relief supplies that the relief organizations were carrying to the school.

At the school, Chae-eun was seen bustling around the makeshift beds laid out in the outdoor playground, assisting the injured. Doctors and nurses dispatched by international relief organizations mainly asked Chae-eun to move items that required a lot of moving around, so she was continuously on the move, delivering medical gauze, bandages, and the like. Yeongseok, who had been watching Chae-eun's efforts alongside a filming cameraman, saw Geon approaching and said,

"Ah, you're back? Did you get some rest?"

After setting down the relief supplies he had been carrying and wiping off his sweat, Geon responded,

"Yeah, just a bit. It's been hectic."

Chae-eun, having laid out on the mats among the injured, was darting between them, providing assistance wherever needed. The relief organization's doctors and nurses had quickly come to rely on her for transporting lengthy items, so she was constantly on the move. Seeing her dedication, the cameraman continued to capture her efforts while Yeongseok, arms crossed, remarked on Geon's arrival,

"You've done well. Managed to get some rest?"

Geon, who had just brought in more relief supplies, put them down and mopped his brow,

"Yeah, I grabbed a little downtime. It's non-stop here."

The scene was bustling with activity; the schoolyard had turned into a makeshift hospital where Chae-eun was actively helping, and Geon was bringing in essential supplies. The cooperation between the international relief workers and the dedication of individuals like Geon and Chae-eun showcased the global effort to assist Nepal in its time of need. Despite the exhaustion and the overwhelming scale of the disaster, the spirit of helping and healing was palpable among everyone involved.

"Yes, I took a short rest in the tent. But, brother, UNICEF asked us to film a fundraising advertisement. Can I do it?"

"Why are you asking me? I'm not the president of your company."

"Because we're in the middle of shooting. We need to take time out for this."

"Fine, there won't be any duplicates since we've already got plenty of footage of you working. You're asking because you want to do it, right?"

"I am a bit worried, actually. I'm not sure if I can be of any help."

"Hasn't your thought that you want to help if it's something beneficial not changed?"

"Of course, brother."

"Then go ahead, even 10 won more is helpful."


"Go and help Ms. Chae-eun. She's been working non-stop today, not even resting for 5 minutes. She keeps moving because she can't just watch and listen to the people groaning in pain. She's going to collapse at this rate."

Geon nodded and rushed to Chae-eun. Despite his offer to help so she could rest, Chae-eun kept working until late in the evening and returned to the tent, where she fell asleep without even washing up, exhausted. Geon then immediately went to UNICEF's base camp to find Kevin. Kevin was delighted to see Geon and invited him into the tent.

"You've come quickly, Kay."

"Yes. Dragging it out doesn't do any good; the sooner the funds are gathered, the more we can help the homeless."

"That's a good attitude. It seems you've decided to do it after hearing you talk?"

"Yes, I'd like to help if I can. What should I do?"

"The shooting is already over 80% done. We've captured plenty of footage of Kay without any omissions."

"Really? So, there's nothing specific I need to do?"

"There is. We'll shoot more of you working. There's no particular intention behind the shooting, just think of it like the cameras that have been following Kay around, and occasionally answer any questions we throw at you."

"Ah, I see."

"Yes, then let's start right away."

"Please, I ask for your cooperation."

After leaving the base camp, Geon immediately went to the filming team's camp, took out the J 200, and stepped outside. Despite not being sure how much help he could offer, the sight of a girl clutching a broken tree branch and crying over the destroyed landscape hardened Geon's resolve. Sitting on a large rock outside the base camp's tent, he took in the devastated view of Gorkha village before closing his eyes and focusing.


In Korea, Shihwa couldn't take her eyes off the news every day. The sight of her brother always covered in dust and dirty floodwater was distressing, and her worry grew day by day. The local scenes from Nepal aired on the news were horrific, and the plight of the unfortunate people was continuously shown, but for Shihwa in Korea, it was just a cause for distress, not something she could truly feel. Her only concern was for Geon. Sighing in front of the TV on a Sunday afternoon, Shihwa grumbled.

"Ah, it must be really hot there, right? And I heard it gets incredibly cold at night. I wonder if my brother might catch a cold.."

Yeongha sat down on the floor with a plate of sliced melon she had brought.

"Do you not see what's happening? People are losing their limbs and dying every day, and you're worried about a cold?"

Shihwa puffed her cheeks and rolled her eyes.

"Who doesn't know that? But they're all strangers to me. I'm more worried about my brother catching a cold. It's been days already."

"Goodness, you really are a fool for your brother. Eat this instead."

Shihwa took a bite of the melon Yeongha offered her with a fork and said.

"Anyway, it's too kind of him to think he can be of any help in such a dangerous place. It would be more helpful to just leave it to the aid organizations and donate a lot of money when fundraising. Tsk."

Yeongha pointed at the TV and said.

"It looks like the fundraising broadcast is about to start. I see the UNICEF logo."

As Shihwa turned her head towards the TV with a piece of melon in her mouth, the screen, displaying the UNICEF logo in white against a black background, appeared. The black screen faded out to reveal what seemed to be satellite footage. The peaceful Himalayas in the background and the tranquil hillside village looked very serene. As night fell and deep peace engulfed the village, the footage began to shake. Screams were heard, and villagers started running out of their homes.

It took less than a minute for the houses in the

mountain village to collapse completely. For a minute, the TV showed unfiltered damages of the earthquake. As Shihwa watched, a piece of melon dropped from her mouth. After the earthquake, a cloud of dust rose into the sky. From within the now invisible village, the cries of children erupted.

The screen then shifted to the urgency of the rescue site. A Nepalese man with amputated legs was carried away in pain, and the tears of children who lost their mothers began to appear. A young man carrying a heavily bleeding woman on his back was running down from the village, crying. The woman on the young man's back seemed to have lost consciousness. As the young man who was far away came closer,

The tear-streaked young man shouted.

"Here! This lady was trapped under a rock!"

Yeongha stood up abruptly from watching the TV. Shihwa dropped the fork she was holding and, with trembling hands, pointed at the TV and said.

"Is that... brother, mom?"


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