Devil Slave (Satan system)

Chapter 712 Glenn’s Son?

Chapter 712 Glenn's Son?

?Lenny smiled back at him, "Father Black!" Both men embraced one another, Patting their backs.

It was indeed good to see a familiar face. However, When Lenny looked behind Father Black, he was surprised to see only two other people that he recognized. It was only Elder isiah and Elder Zod.

A kind of foreboding suddenly came upon Lenny, and as much as he did not want to think about it, he already had a range of guesses.

As Lenny raised his head up, he absorbed the sight of Glenn's territory, now fortified with walls, a stark reminder of the battles and struggles it had faced in his absence, he was led into the great hall by Father Black.

The sight of the numerous seats, many unoccupied, spoke volumes of the losses and changes that had transpired. Father Black offered him a seat, a gesture that carried a weight of significance in this place of leadership and decision-making.

Father Black's question about Lenny's whereabouts pierced the air, echoing with the curiosity and concern of years passed. Lenny's response, a simple exclamation of surprise and confusion, revealed his unawareness of the passage of time. "The Nether realm!" he declared, his words casting a somber tone over the room. The mention of the Nether realm, a place notorious for being inescapable and synonymous with a fate worse than death, filled the room with a sense of awe and disbelief.

Father Black, more than anyone, understood the gravity of Lenny's revelation. The knowledge that Lenny had survived the Nether realm and returned was unprecedented, a feat that defied all known wisdom and experience.

However, Lenny was more concerned with the state of affairs in Glenn's territory. His question prompted Father Black to recount the events that had transpired during Lenny's absence.

The tale was a chronicle of loss, sacrifice, and resilience. Father Black spoke of the deaths of Nikky, Crusher, Insect-B, and the many others who had fallen.

He detailed the abduction of Lady Vinegar by the Undead Commander and the sacrifices made for the survival of the territory.

With each story, Lenny's expressions fluctuated—a tumultuous sea of emotions reflecting anger, sorrow, and disbelief. He had envisioned Glenn's territory as the starting point of a better world, a beacon of hope in the post-apocalyptic wasteland.

But now, confronted with the reality of his absence and the losses it had incurred, Lenny felt the weight of his absence more acutely than ever.

In a moment of overwhelming frustration, Lenny's fist collided with the ground, sending tremors through the earth—a physical manifestation of his inner turmoil. Father Black, understanding the depth of Lenny's pain, attempted to offer solace. But the sense of loss and the burden of what had transpired were palpable.

Lenny's return to Glenn's territory was not a fun homecoming; it was a confrontation with the harsh reality of time lost and dreams shattered.

As he grappled with the revelations, it became clear that his journey was far from over. The path ahead would require rebuilding, healing, and confronting new challenges, all under the shadow of the sacrifices that had been made in his absence.

At this moment that his heart was heavy, lenny suddenly had other questions. After all, this was a witch's territory and he was aware more than anyone else of the implications of this territory's survival. "How can this place still exist if she is dead?" lenny asked. And then a voice pierced through the atmosphere of the room.

The air in the room seemed to shift as the young man made his entrance, his presence immediately commanding attention. Dressed sharply, he exuded an aura of authority that belied his youthful appearance. His late teenage years were apparent, yet there was an unmistakable sense of power that flowed from him, a reservoir of energy that was palpable even to someone as formidable as Lenny.

His deep blue eyes contrasted strikingly with his pepper red hair, which Lenny, with his keen observation, noted seemed to be dyed, hinting at a different natural color hidden beneath.

The young man's features were strikingly handsome, his well-

defined chin and the pride in his eyes speaking of confidence and a strong sense of self. There was something familiar about him, a resemblance that tugged at Lenny's memory, but he couldn't quite place it.

The young man's declaration cut through Lenny's contemplations. "That's because It is my territory." The simplicity and confidence in his statement left no room for doubt about his claim.

Lenny's eyebrow arched in response, sizing up the young man before him. It was evident that the young man, despite his considerable power, was not in the same league as Lenny, who had attained the rank of a third-rank Great Demon. Such a disparity in power usually commanded a certain deference, yet Luca's demeanor suggested he was unfazed.

"And who are you?" Lenny's question was direct, his tone indicating both curiosity and a measure of skepticism.

The young man's response came with a smile, an expression that carried both pride and a sense of legacy. "I am Luca, son of Glenn the witch!"

Those words resonated in Lenny's mind like pealing bells. The revelation was startling, almost unbelievable. Luca, the son of Glenn, the very witch whose territory had been a beacon of hope and a foundation for Lenny's vision. The connection was unexpected, a piece of the puzzle Lenny hadn't anticipated.

In that moment, the dynamics of the room shifted. The revelation of Luca's identity added a new layer of complexity to the situation. Lenny, faced with the progeny of Glenn, now had to navigate this new reality where the territory he had hoped to build upon was under the stewardship of Glenn's own blood.

But that was not the most surprising thing of all. After all, according Lenny's memories, Glenn never had a chile. At least, at the time he had seen her, she was not with child.

Also, even if she had a child, then with whom did she have it with?

lenny recalled Glenn to be a very selective woman, but even more so, quite faithful. And she was with him. So therefore, who is the boy's father?

The weight of this discovery hung in the air, a mix of surprise, realization, and the dawning of a new chapter...

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