Devil Slave (Satan system)

Chapter 710 Justice For Athena

Chapter 710 Justice For Athena

?As Lenny stood amidst the aftermath of his incredible display of power, he noticed Jasper bowing in worship before him. Old Meg, too, was there, his expression one of awe and disbelief. The legends and tales of Lenny's might, his defiance against the demons, had circulated far and wide, but witnessing such raw power firsthand was a different experience entirely. It was a moment that bridged the gap between myth and reality.

Amidst the quiet that followed the battle, a series of weak coughs pierced the air. They came from Athena, gravely injured and lying on Lenny's shoulder.

The transition from the Nether realm to the earthly plane had brought back the stark reality of her condition. In the Nether, the concept of death was foreign, but here, in this world, it loomed large and imminent.

Athena's lower body was gone, her form ravaged by untold suffering and abuse. As she coughed up blood, it was clear that her life was ebbing away.

Gently, Lenny laid Athena down on the cold, hard ground. He gazed into her remaining eye, searching for some sign of hope. "Are you sure about this? We're back at Glenn's territory! Surely, we can find a way for you to survive," he implored.

But Athena's response was a weak shake of her head. In her eye, Lenny saw a profound weariness, a soul exhausted by a lifetime of pain. The hellish ordeal in the Nether realm had been her breaking point.

With the last of her strength, Athena reached up, her hand cupping Lenny's cheek. "Promise me something!" she whispered, her voice barely audible as her life force waned. "What is it?" Lenny asked, his voice heavy with sorrow.

"My love, Hector, please, save him! I know he's still out there, in pain." Lenny heard the plea in her faint voice and solemnly nodded. "I swear on it, I'll save him."

Tears welled in Athena's remaining eye, a mixture of relief and sadness. For Lenny, witnessing Athena's final moments was deeply affecting.

He had seen many people die, but Athena's death touched him in a way he couldn't quite understand.

Perhaps it was the bond they had formed, the battles they had fought side by side, or the sheer extent of her suffering he had witnessed. Though Lenny never considered himself a good man, the goodness in others was something he could always see.

With a few final, blood-tinged coughs, Athena's struggle ended. Her body stilled, her eye losing its light. Lenny, with a tender gesture, closed her eye. "Rest on, Athena," he murmured, a solemn farewell to a brave soul.

The silence that followed was heavy with loss and reflection. Lenny stood there, a figure both feared and revered, shouldering the weight of promises made and battles yet to come. The survival of those around him, the legacy of those who had fallen, and the future of Glenn's territory rested in part on his shoulders, a burden he now wondered if he was to carry.

Ella, still clad in her peculiar monkey suit, looked around in bewilderment, realizing they had returned to the realm of the living. The magnitude of Lenny's power was not lost on her, but it was Lenny's gaze upon her that conveyed an entirely different message – one of deep-seated anger and disgust.

For Lenny, Ella represented the catalyst of Athena's tragic demise. His feelings towards her were a tumult of revulsion and rage, every glance at her stirring a visceral loathing. To him, she personified the ugliness of betrayal and cruelty, her beauty rendered meaningless by the monstrous acts she had committed.

Confronted by the woman responsible for so much pain, Lenny felt an overwhelming urge for retribution. He wanted Ella to endure the anguish she had inflicted on Athena, to experience the depths of despair. But time was a luxury he didn't have, with much to be done and many responsibilities resting on his shoulders.

A dark, ingenious idea took root in Lenny's mind, a form of revenge that would be both unique and fitting. He seized Ella by the head, her presence feeble in comparison to his restored powers, akin to an ant before a giant.

Lenny activated two of his abilities simultaneously.

The first, 'WILL,' harnessed the might of his extraordinary mind, focusing it on a task of immense complexity.

The second, 'The Influencer,' allowed him to exert his will over those beneath him, convincing them of his words, bending them to his intentions.

With both abilities working in tandem, Lenny embarked on his calculated revenge. He focused intently, channeling his abilities to send a command to every single cell in Ella's body – to turn against each other in a relentless internal war. It was a cruel and unusual punishment, a fate designed not just to end her life, but to make her last moments a battleground of her own making.

Ella, caught in the grip of Lenny's powers, began to feel the torment he had orchestrated. It was a silent and invisible struggle, yet one that wreaked havoc within her.

Lenny's gaze remained fixed on Ella as his powers infiltrated her very essence, initiating a macabre dance of destruction within her. The air around them grew thick with the tension of impending doom, a sinister undercurrent to the scene unfolding.

Ella's body convulsed violently on the ground, each movement a testament to the agony she was enduring. Her screams pierced the eerie silence of the night, a chilling symphony of pain and despair. As her suffering intensified, her voice grew ragged and strained, each cry a haunting echo of her torment.

Around her, the ground became a canvas of horror. Blood seeped from every orifice, staining the earth beneath her. But the nightmare didn't end there; her skin began to rupture spontaneously, creating new, grotesque openings. It was as if her very cells had turned against her, then again, they had. They had becoming agents of her annihilation, eating her alive from the inside.

The horrific sight of Ella's body betraying itself was unnerving. Her flesh tore apart in an unnatural, gruesome display, leaving her writhing in a pool of her own blood. The agony was relentless, an unending cycle of internal warfare that ravaged her from within.

Lenny stood watch, his expression impassive, almost detached, as he observed the culmination of his vengeful act. There was no mercy in his eyes, only the cold resolve of a man who had decided to mete out justice in its most brutal form.

The night air was heavy with the scent of blood and the sound of suffering. In this moment, Lenny was the embodiment of vengeance, his actions a dark reflection of the pain and suffering that had been inflicted upon Athena and himself.

Ella's torment continued under Lenny's unwavering watch, her body a battleground of her own making, a harrowing end to a life marked by malevolence. It was a chilling, haunting display, one that would linger in the memories of all who witnessed it.

Lenny's resolve was unyielding, his retribution for Athena's suffering and his own ordeal in the Nether a grim testament to the lengths he would go to exact his own form ofjustice.

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