Devil Slave (Satan system)

Chapter 708 The Problems Of The Eighth Earth 4

Chapter 708 The Problems Of The Eighth Earth 4

?The urgency of the situation was palpable as the demons closed in with terrifying speed. Their chilling laughter and the thunderous beat of their flying beasts' wings filled the air, creating a symphony of dread. Old Meg, with his daughter perched on his shoulders, knew all too well the horrors that awaited them if caught. The gladiator pits were a fate worse than death, a place of endless suffering and brutality.

Heeding no further thought to Gonvo's betrayal, Old Meg's focus sharpened on survival. "RUN!!!" he shouted, his voice cutting through the night like a knife. The group sprang into action, their flight fueled by sheer terror and the instinct to live.

As they dashed toward the safety of Glenn's territory, Old Meg risked a glance back. The sight that met his eyes was the stuff of nightmares – demons riding on grotesque winged beasts, their mouths twisted in grotesque smiles as they relished the hunt.

Cursing under his breath, Old Meg pushed his body to its limits. His training as a Magi gave him an edge, his physical strength and stamina far surpassing that of an average person. Jasper, too, with her history as a gladiator, matched his pace, her powerful strides eating up the distance between them and their sanctuary.

Meanwhile, Gonvo's fate was sealed in a moment of savage violence. His smile, born of betrayal and false promises of power, was wiped away as a demon dog lunged at him, its jaws clamping down with lethal force. The gruesome scene unfolded in mere seconds, a stark reminder of the merciless nature of their pursuers.

Old Meg's daughter, witnessing the horrifying spectacle, instinctively covered her eyes. The innocence of her young age was no shield against the brutal realities of their world. But there was no time to process the shock; the chase was far from over.

The ground beneath them trembled, vibrations awakening slumbering mutated creatures drawn by the commotion and the scent of potential prey. These abominations, products of a world twisted by dark magic and cruelty, now joined the pursuit, adding another layer of danger to their desperate flight.

The group, their breath ragged and hearts pounding, raced toward Glenn's territory, their only hope of escape. The city, a beacon in the night, seemed agonizingly close yet impossibly far as they navigated the treacherous wasteland.

Old Meg, his daughter clinging tightly to him, ran with a singular purpose. Each step was a defiance against the fate that loomed behind them, a fight for a future that seemed more like a distant dream with every passing second. The night air was thick with fear and determination, the will to survive pushing them forward against all odds.

The harrowing sounds of slaughter chased them, the desperate screams of the less fortunate echoing behind them as demons mercilessly cut down anyone in their path. Old Meg and his family, along with the few remaining survivors, pushed forward with every ounce of their strength, their eyes fixed on the sanctuary ahead. But the relentless carnage unfolding in their wake suggested a grim outcome.

Just as despair threatened to overwhelm them, a glimmer of hope broke through the darkness. From within the walls of Glenn's territory, cannons roared to life, sending powerful blasts of energy hurtling towards the pursuing demons. The sight sparked a renewed vigor in Old Meg's heart. Someone inside the territory was aware of their plight and was fighting to aid their escape.

But the cruel and unforgiving wasteland was not done with them yet. Without warning, a colossal worm, its size rivaling that of three enormous buses, burst forth from the earth. Its gaping maw swallowed several of their companions whole, their screams of terror abruptly silenced. The ground trembled under the worm's emergence, causing Old Meg and Jasper to lose their footing and collapse onto the harsh, unforgiving ground.

In the chaos, Old Meg's daughter was flung from his grasp. Panic surged through him as he scrambled to reach her, his heart pounding in fear for her safety. But his terror was compounded as he saw Jasper, a short distance away, also struggling to regain her footing.

The miniature statue of Saint Lenny Tales, the embodiment of Jasper's unwavering faith, slipped from her hand. She lunged for it, desperate to reclaim the symbol of her belief. But fate dealt a cruel hand as a mutated giant crab, its pincers snapping and its eyes gleaming with a hunger for flesh, closed in on her.

In that fleeting moment, Jasper faced an agonizing decision. Her instinct screamed for her to flee, to save herself from the monstrosity bearing down on her. Yet, her devotion to her faith, to the image of the god she revered, held her in place. With a mixture of fear and resolve, she made her choice. Diving forward, she wrapped her arms around the statue, her body curled protectively over it.

Old Meg's scream of "NO!!!" tore through the night, a raw, guttural sound born of absolute terror and despair. His eyes, wide with fear, watched helplessly as the giant crab loomed over Jasper.

The scene was a maelstrom of emotion and chaos. The smell of dust and fear hung heavy in the air, the cries of the fallen a haunting backdrop to their desperate struggle. The thunderous booms of the cannons from Glenn's territory provided a fleeting sense of hope, but the immediate danger posed by the grotesque creatures of the wasteland was all too real, all too immediate.

In this moment of life and death, every sensation was amplified – the cold bite of the night air, the pounding of their hearts, the taste of fear and the metallic tang of adrenaline. Old Meg thought hard on what to do. His loving wife was about to become food to the unforgiving wasteland.

No! He could not allow such a thing happen. With a look of determination, he bit into his arm, as the blood flowed, he chanted immediately, a summon to the nether world for a Nether beast to appear and aid his plight.

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