Devil Slave (Satan system)

Chapter 692 Hunt In The old West

Chapter 692 Hunt In The old West

As Lenny took cover, he couldn't help but look at the projectile that had been fired his way. The blade had made a small cut on his neck. 

However, this wasn't supposed to happen; the Magistri had stated that the only thing that could hurt them in this place was the weapons they had chosen. Lenny distinctly remembered Agent 'X' picking a sword, not a blade. 

Taking a closer look at the projectile now lying on the ground, Lenny saw it wasn't a knife but rather a broken part of a longer blade. The realization hit him hard.

"Shit!" Lenny cursed out loud. Agent 'X' had broken the sword into smaller blades and was using them as projectiles. This method of attack was unconventional and smart. 

It effectively bypassed the rule of choosing only one weapon by transforming it into several. Lenny was now not only facing the threat of a long-range weapon but multiple ones at that.

The implications were clear and dangerous. Agent 'X' had adapted his chosen weapon to create an advantage, and now Lenny had to reconsider his approach. With a single bullet in his gun, he couldn't afford to be reckless. Each move needed to be calculated, and his awareness had to be sharp.

He quickly assessed his surroundings, looking for anything that could provide an advantage or a momentary reprieve. The old town, with its deserted buildings and narrow alleys, offered plenty of hiding spots, but it also presented numerous angles for attack. Lenny needed to be constantly aware of his environment, ready to move at a moment's notice.

The cut on his neck, though minor, was a stark reminder of how close he had come to a more serious injury or worse. It underscored the reality that in this game, even a small mistake could have fatal consequences. Lenny couldn't afford another slip-up.

He gripped the 44 magnum tighter, its weight reassuring in his hand. The single bullet it held was a precious commodity, one that had to be used at the perfect moment. Lenny couldn't waste it on a hasty or ill-considered shot. He needed to wait for the right opportunity, for a clear shot that would end this once and for all.

With a deep breath, Lenny steadied himself, his senses on high alert. He knew Agent 'X' was out there, waiting for another chance to strike. 

The game of cat and mouse had escalated into a deadly duel, each participant searching for the other, each aware that the next encounter could be the last.

As the sun continued to beat down on the ghostly town, Lenny moved cautiously, his eyes scanning for any sign of Agent 'X', his mind working through strategies and contingencies. This was more than just a fight for survival; it was a battle of wits, skill, and willpower. 

Lenny peeked from behind a house, scanning the dusty, sunlit streets for any sign of Agent 'X'. The town, with its rundown buildings and eerie silence, felt like a maze designed for a deadly game of hide and seek. The slightest noise or movement could give away his position, and with Agent 'X's improvised arsenal, Lenny knew he couldn't stay in one place for long.

Lenny knew that even his movements were a hassle. He could not move anyhow. He looked at a corner. 

There was a bottle. From the reflection of the bottle, he noticed that someone passed overhead on a house building. The person was quick but not so agile.

 Lenny instantly knew that it was Agent 'X'. After all, he was also injured. Meaning that navigating this place was as difficult for Lenny who had only one hand, as it was for Agent 'X' that had his lower body terribly injured and his kidneys empty from his body.

 Lenny took the empty bottle, trying to use its reflection to see behind him. However, another blade rushed for him, instantly bursting the bottle. Luckily, Lenny removed his hand just in time, but he still got a cut. 

Lenny crouched behind his cover, the cut on his hand stinging sharply, a stark reminder of the precariousness of his situation. He had attempted to use the reflection in the bottle to keep track of Agent 'X's movements, but the sudden attack and subsequent shattering of the bottle had foiled that plan. 

It was clear that Agent 'X' was monitoring his every move with lethal precision.

"Fuck!" Lenny cursed as he examined the new cut. He realized now that Agent 'X' wasn't just attacking randomly; the blades were strategically thrown not only to injure but also to manipulate his movements. Each blade that landed seemed to serve a dual purpose: a potential weapon for Lenny to use and a trap to lure him into the open.

Lenny glanced at the corner where the latest blade had landed. He briefly considered trying to reach for it, but as two more blades whizzed perilously close to his neck, he abandoned the idea and retreated further into hiding. Agent 'X's projectiles were incredibly fast, and it seemed that every time Lenny tried to take advantage of the thrown blades, it only served to expose him to greater danger.

He was in a difficult position. The open spaces of the town offered little cover, and the buildings, while providing some shelter, also limited his view and made it difficult to track Agent 'X's movements. Lenny knew he needed a new strategy, something that would level the playing field and give him a fighting chance.

Taking a deep breath to steady his nerves, Lenny carefully peeked around the edge of the building, trying to spot any sign of Agent 'X'. The town was eerily quiet, the only sounds the soft rustle of the wind and the distant creak of old wood. The sun bore down from above, casting stark shadows that flickered and shifted, adding to the sense of unease.

Lenny realized he needed to be proactive. Relying on cover and reacting to Agent 'X's attacks wasn't going to win him this duel. He needed to take the offensive, to force Agent 'X' into a position where he could use his single bullet effectively.

With a plan forming in his mind, Lenny began to move. He kept low, using the buildings as cover, moving in a pattern that was erratic and unpredictable. He needed to confuse Agent 'X', to make it difficult for him to anticipate Lenny's movements.

As he moved, Lenny kept his senses sharp, listening for any sound, any hint of Agent 'X's position. He knew that the next few moments were crucial. If he could just get a clear shot, if he could just line up his target, he could end this once and for all.

Lenny's eyes locked onto the rundown gun shop, its dilapidated sign swaying precariously in the gentle breeze. The broken windows provided a glimpse into the trove of items inside, an arsenal that could potentially shift the dynamics of their deadly duel. Despite the risk of exposing himself to Agent 'X's relentless attacks, Lenny knew this was an opportunity he couldn't pass up. With a surge of determination, he sprinted toward the shop, each step a calculated risk.

Agent 'X', from his vantage point, noticed Lenny's sudden movement. His expression turned to one of surprise as he watched Lenny dart into the gun shop. Curiosity mixed with caution as he waited to see what Lenny's plan was. The shop, with its stock of firearms and related items, was a wild card in their confrontation, and Agent 'X' knew that whatever Lenny was planning, could not possible be good.

After a tense few minutes that felt like an eternity, the quiet of the town was shattered by the sound of a box being thrown out of the gun shop. Agent 'X's eyes widened as he saw the box's contents: bullets and fireworks, all aimed in his direction. The realization hit him like a physical blow — Lenny had turned the gun shop's inventory into a makeshift weapon.

Before Agent 'X' could react, the fireworks were ignited, their fuses burning down rapidly. With a series of loud booms and a burst of colorful light, the rockets launched toward him, their trajectories erratic but deadly. The sudden barrage caught Agent 'X' off guard, the dazzling display of fireworks masking the real danger they posed.

Agent 'X' scrambled to find cover, his earlier advantage now turned against him. The air was filled with the sound of explosions and the smell of gunpowder, the festive colors belying the lethal intent behind them.

As the rockets continued to rain down on his position, Agent 'X' realized that truly, the bullets and the rockets had no effect on his person. 

There just phased through him. 

He laughed wildly, "Too bad, Lenny! you can't kill me with this. Or have you forgotten, weapons from this world can't do shit!!!"

However, the moment he said those words, he suddenly heard the breaking and cracking of wood underneath him. 

Agent 'X' cursed as he realized Lenny's Aim...

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