Devil Slave (Satan system)

Chapter 683 Spin the Wheel

Chapter 683 Spin the Wheel

While things were unfolding darmatically for the people of Glenn's Territory, something else was happening in the Red Sands of the Nether Region. Lenny tales and Agent 'X' were about to face a different challenge in the game show

In the Red Sands of the Nether Region, the game show "HOW TO BE THE DEVIL'S SLAVE" was reaching a pivotal moment. The Magistri, with his characteristic showmanship, addressed the camera with a loud chuckle. "Ladies and gentlemen, we are back with the next challenge between our contestants. Lenny Tales has already received three bullets, of which he managed to dodge one and already had his hand sawed off. On the other hand, Agent 'X' might no longer be able to walk because of the damage to his insides and his lower half. Both contestants have lost a lot of blood, but they are still fighting on for 3000 magic points. This is that moment, guys. The one you have all been waiting for. It is... SPIN THE WHEEL!"

The audience, feeding off the Magistri's excitement, erupted in cheers and screams as the babies pushed a giant wheel onto the stage. The wheel was a daunting sight, each segment decorated with symbols and pictures representing various challenges and punishments. 

Some symbols were immediately ominous, like the one depicting a man covered in stinging red scorpions, while others hinted at bizarre and excruciating torments, such as vomiting an organ or enduring a pike through the body.

Lenny, despite his weakened state, examined the wheel with a critical eye. He recognized some of the tortures depicted, having encountered or heard of them during his time as an assassin. 

The diversity of the wheel's segments ranged from potentially lethal to seemingly mild, but Lenny knew better than to underestimate any of them. The game had proven time and again that nothing was as simple as it appeared.

As the wheel came to a stop at the center of the stage, the Magistri prepared to explain the rules of this next harrowing segment. The contestants, Lenny and Agent 'X', braced themselves for what was to come. Both were severely injured, their bodies pushed to the limit, yet the will to survive and the lure of the 3000 magic points kept them in the game.

The Magistri, basking in the anticipation and fear emanating from both the contestants and the audience, began detailing how "SPIN THE WHEEL" would work. 

Each contestant would take turns spinning the wheel, and whatever segment it landed on, they would have to endure the corresponding challenge or punishment. The severity of the outcomes varied, but each one promised to test the contestants' limits in new and unimaginable ways.

As the rules were explained, the tension in the room grew. The audience watched with bated breath, a mix of excitement and horror at the prospect of what was to come. Lenny and Agent 'X', despite their injuries and exhaustion, steeled themselves for the spin, each man determined to face whatever fate the wheel had in store.

The Magistri's words hung in the air, a mixture of anticipation and foreboding. "For this round, each contestant gets to spin the wheel twice," he explained, his voice laced with a hint of dark amusement. "That is if you make it to the second one. And remember folks, only the person to remain alive till the very end gets the reward." The music and drums played, adding to the dramatic tension of the moment.

Lenny, listening to the rules, allowed his mind to race through various strategies and potential loopholes in the game's design. Despite the danger and the high stakes, he found himself drawn into the thrill of it all. The game of life and death was igniting a primal fire within him, a burning desire to outwit, outlast, and survive. The prospect of the 3000 magic points was enticing, but it was the sheer exhilaration of the challenge that truly captured his attention.

In this world of the Red Sands, Lenny was in his original body, the one before he had acquired his new and enhanced form after rebirth. This meant he had none of the half-born demon blood enhancements or any of the extraordinary capabilities of his new body.

 He was back to basics, relying solely on his innate skills and wit to navigate this deadly game. It was a situation that demanded adaptability and ingenuity, and Lenny was rising to the occasion.

The Magistri, with a dramatic flair, turned to Lenny. "Lenny Tales, since you ended the last round for us, why don't you begin this new one? Come up and spin the wheel for us." Lenny nodded, ready to take on whatever the wheel had in store for him.

His mind also played the rules that he had been told about before. As he did, he arrived at incredible solutions and possibly loop holes in this event.

 lenny could not believe it himself, but the truth was that he was actually enjoying this game of life and death.

However, as he was about to stand, his eyes caught something at his feet. A small object, seemingly insignificant, lay there. With a subtle movement, he picked it up and concealed it between his fingers. 

A chuckle escaped him, a sign of his ever-present awareness and readiness to use whatever advantage he could find. What he had found and how it might influence the game remained a mystery, but in the Red Sands, every little bit could make a difference.

Lenny approached the wheel, the object hidden in his hand. The audience watched with bated breath as he reached out to spin the wheel, the segments blurring into a whirl of colors and symbols. The fate of the next few moments rested on where the wheel would stop, what challenge or punishment it would dictate. And as the wheel began to slow, the tension in the room reached a peak, everyone waiting to see the outcome that would determine the next harrowing step in this dance with death.

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