Devil Slave (Satan system)

Chapter 620  Calling All The Monsters!

Chapter 620  Calling All The Monsters!

Concern etched across Lenny's features as he scrutinized the Primordial beast's core, a reservoir of potent energy that should have been unwavering. To seek answers, he activated his Appraiser skill, a unique ability that allowed him to delve into the essence of magical or supernatural entities.

As the skill unfolded, revealing hidden details and attributes, Lenny's brows furrowed with perplexity. The core displayed anomalies, a deviation from its expected state of unyielding power. According to Appraiser, this was the core of a Rank 5 Great demon ranked primordial beats. However, this should not be so. After all, he had not even began to devour the Primordial core like he should. All he did was take some to restore his health and his strength. The absorption was to occur After he was back to peak form. This was disconcerting revelation, and a foreboding sense of uncertainty gripped him.

Turning his gaze away from the enigmatic core, Lenny once again surveyed the expansive, shadowy darkness that surrounded him. The void seemed to stretch endlessly, an abyss that held secrets and potential dangers. With the puzzle of the weakened core lingering in his thoughts, Lenny could not help but ask the Satan system as to what was going on.

<The Nether realm has distinctive properties that set it apart from the other worlds. Firstly, the Nether realm does not exist in the known world>

lenny frowned at this. "What do you mean that it doesn't exist in the known world?" <It means that the nether realm is a world that exists outside creation. It is an expanse that was not created by the One Above All.>

The revelation by the Satan system surprised him. lenny did not understand what this meant. Although, he did remember that Lady Vinegar had told him one time that the Nether realm although can be accessed by witches was not a known region. It was for this reason that only Negative magic could call forth beasts from its bowels. This revelation of the nether did not make sense to lenny. If the nether was not created by the One Above All, but still existed, then it bugged the question: Who created the nether?

 However there was even more to come. <The nether realm exists outside known reality, and therefore, the Nether feeds on it.>

Lenny's frown tightened. it suddenly clicked in his head. He concentrated well on the Core and then he saw it. The magic from the core was being diffused into the Nether. In fact, diffusion was a rather cute name for it. The Nether was actively eating the core. Lenny raised a hand to his face. Now, the frostbites made more sense to him. The Nether was not just consuming the Core, but it was also trying to actively consume him. He remembered every time he had seen a witch open a gate to the nether realm and those grotesque creatures would pour forth. The air always dropped in temperature. At the time, he had thought made they were just cold blooded creatures or something of the like, but it was because the nether seemed to exist outside all things. It existed outside known reality. which means although it was an arbitrary of death, it existed outside death itself. Right now, the nether was feeding on him and the core at the same time. Lenny frowned at this. He could send the core into his storage unit, his body was still healing. his legs were only just getting back, and his inner organs were starting to recover. This had suddenly become a race against time for both himself and the Primordial core. After all, if sent the core back into his storage unit, he would not be able to heal and the nether will begin devouring him. Knowing this, Lenny strained forward as he placed both hands on the core. "In that case, let's eat!" he muttered.

Lenny, realizing the urgency of the situation, wasted no time in harnessing the power of the weakened Primordial beast's core. Activating his absorption ability to its maximum capacity, he plunged into the process with determination, desperate to glean every ounce of energy from the fading source.

However, the heightened absorption had its consequences. As the core's energy coursed through his veins, accelerating the healing of his wounds, an excruciating pain enveloped him. It was as if microscopic ants, each armed with venomous mandibles, were feasting on his injuries. The agony intensified to an unimaginable level, threatening to overwhelm his senses. Lenny gritted his teeth, resisting the temptation to succumb to the searing pain.

Unbeknownst to him, in the murky distance of the nether, grotesque abominations stirred. Drawn by the radiant light emitted from the core, these nightmarish entities began to converge on Lenny's location. He remained oblivious to the impending threat, absorbed in his struggle against the dual torment of physical agony and the relentless darkness that surrounded him.

From the murky depths of the nether, grotesque creatures slithered forth, a twisted menagerie of nightmarish forms. They seemed like the failed experiments of some deranged scientist, each one bearing abnormalities that defied the laws of nature.

Some of these abominations possessed an excess of limbs, moving in awkward and unsettling ways. Others resembled walking skeletons, their elongated appendages dragging along the ground as they lurched forward. Ripped and rotting skin dangled from their bodies like the remnants of a decaying soup. Some had an unnaturally excessive number of eyes, scattered all over their bodies, producing squishy sounds as they squashed them underfoot.

Among the horde, towering creatures loomed, their sizes reaching mountainous proportions. and even behind them, were even far bigger creatures. creatures that could only be summoned by witches or beings beyond the Great Demon realm. All of them moved towards the calling light.

 In the distance, another swarm of nether creatures, bearing a vendetta against Lenny from past aggressions, sensed his presence and surged through the nether towards him. Meanwhile, a humanoid figure at a different vantage point caught sight of the distant light and muttered incredulously, "Impossible another is here!?"


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