Devil Slave (Satan system)

Chapter 595 The Sisters of Eve

Chapter 595 The Sisters of Eve

...In the heart of creation, where whispers of eternity kiss the air, lies the "Paradisus Primordialis" – a garden of unmatched beauty and tranquility.

 Imagine a place where the sunlight bathes everything in a golden glow, where gentle breezes carry the sweet fragrance of flowers that bloom in colors beyond imagination.

The air is alive with the melody of birdsong, a symphony of nature's own composition. 

Each step on the lush ground is like a soft embrace from the earth itself, and the touch of the leaves against your skin is as tender as a lover's caress. The atmosphere is charged with a sense of peace that seems to seep into your very soul.

The fruits that hang from the trees are succulent and vibrant, offering a taste of sweetness that rivals the nectar of dreams. Crystal-clear rivers wind their way through the landscape, and the water is as pure as the laughter of a child. 

You can hear it—the gentle babble—as it weaves a serenade with the rustle of leaves.

Flowers of every hue carpet the ground, creating a living kaleidoscope that dances with the gentle rhythm of the breeze. The Garden of Eden was a canvas where colors play and blend, and each petal holds the essence of a thousand dreams.

In that place, time itself seemed to pause, allowing you to savor the beauty that stretches into the horizon. It's a sanctuary where the connection between earth and heaven is so seamless that you can almost feel the heartbeat of creation. This was not just a garden; it was a haven of wonder, a glimpse into a world where nature and divinity coexist in perfect harmony.

In was in this place that the one above all created his most perfect creation and placed him in the most perfect environment. 

This was a place without hunger, without need, and in the void of death. 

However perfect this place was, it had two trees

In the heart of the "Paradisus Primordialis," two legendary trees stood tall, their presence weaving tales of ancient wisdom and choices. 

The first was the Tree of Good and Evil, its branches adorned with fruits that hold the very essence of choices – choices that shape the destiny of all who tread this sacred ground.

The fruits, hanging like jewels, are a mosaic of colors, each one representing a different facet of existence. To pluck one is to embrace a journey into the realm of understanding, where the sweetness of knowledge mingles with the gravity of responsibility. 

Yet, the shadows of consequences linger, for the choices made under its boughs ripple through the fabric of time.

Beside it stood the Tree of Knowledge, a sentinel of wisdom that stretched its branches toward the heavens. 

Its leaves shimmered with an iridescent glow, and the air around it was thick with the scent of enlightenment. To seek the embrace of this tree was to drink from the font of understanding, where the mysteries of existence unfold like the petals of a timeless flower.

Under the dappled light of both trees, one could feel the delicate dance between the fruit's duality and the profound wisdom that the tree imparts. It's a place where curiosity and contemplation intertwine, and the choices made beneath these legendary trees echo through the very soul of the garden.

These trees, standing as sentinels in the heart of "Paradisus Primordialis," hold the keys to knowledge and choice, inviting those who venture near to partake in the eternal dance of understanding and consequence. The air around them hums with the energy of a thousand stories, waiting to be unraveled by those who dare to reach for the wisdom that branches like a labyrinth before them.

However, the One above all strictly instructed the first man, Adam to never partake of these trees. 

And truly, for hundreds to thousands of years, this rule was obeyed. 

However, at the time, Lucifer discovered this Garden and made his visit to it. This was the perfect place created for the most perfect being. 

He was jealous of Adam and he wanted his revenge against the one above all. 

And so he sought to kill Adam. 

Lucifer's power was great. He was one that could summon the power of the stars and turn mountains inside out. 

However, things did not go as it thought it would. For you see no matter what trap he set, Adam could not die. In fact, Adam fell no pain jumping down the highest mountain on earth. 

As earlier said, this was a creature that was very perfect, and empty of blemish. This included pain, struggle or even death. 

Even When Lucifer's plans let Adam to fall into deep waters, he would not drown, but instead enjoy the water like he was breathing on land. 

Even fire only danced on his skin, and all elements of the world were at peace with him. 

Lucifer tried for many years, but it was all of no use. Adam would not fall. He was the perfect being. 

To make matters worse, no matter how many times lucifer tried to kill Adam, Adam was still kind to him, for Adam was void of anything except love. 

Lucifer became lost as to what to do. For revenge burned in his heart like the sun, but he could not pour out those flames anywhere. 

Surprisingly, as time continued to flow, Lucifer found himself no longer trying to hurt Adam, but to actually sit and talk with him. 

And in no time, they actually became very good friends. 

As surprising as it may sound, Lucifer found himself loving Adam, for they had become best friends.

They would play together, eat together and even sing many songs together. If one were to make a perfect description of it, then it is okay to say that they had become brothers.

It was a time when even the primordial beasts could see the possibility of repentance in the eyes of the morningstar. That was when it happened. 

The One above all had decided that Adam had been alone on the earth for far too long, and needed a companion of his own kind, and so just like he had created his most perfect being from the dust of the earth, he also created them. 

These are the women that would later be known as the Sister's of Eve.

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