Devil Slave (Satan system)

Chapter 248 Power Of A Rank 1 Hell Beast 5

The Honey like liquid washed through his body, healing both his fatigue and injuries.

They practically healed before his eyes.

Lenny chuckled at this.

"Not bad! Not bad indeed." He complimented.

While he continued to soak in the goodness that the Hell beast provided, he watched those little creatures that wanted to skin him earlier glide above his head.

Each of them had their own unique colored butterfly wings.

Some were white, red, orange, blue, and the colors were just too much.

Their wings gave out subtle bright light.

It was not much, but it was not too little either.

Just enough to brighten the place and make it look ethereal.

As Lenny laid in this 'Honey' pool and enjoyed the beautiful sight above his head, he couldn't help but think of how relaxing he felt right now.

If he was ever going to take a holiday, he concluded that it was going to be in the stomach of a Hell beast.

In fact, he really could not understand why they were called hell beasts.

These things were just too incredible.

"Any one that thinks these are terrifying creatures has not been inside them." Lenny thought out loud.

As he laid peacefully, under the harmless creatures that were enemies a while ago, Lenny discovered that these things were actually of the Hell beast's body.

They acted like antibodies did.

However, they had been corrupted when the Hell beast was captured, and their duty changed to attacking anyone that would want to free the Hell beast.

Just then, a side of the beast's body opened up. It was like a fleshy curtain. An obvious invitation for him to follow.

Lenny stood to his feet, feeling good and refreshed, he stretched a little, cracking his back and joints before moving found.

However, only a few steps and he remembered something.

He placed a hand in the orange liquid, sending a good size potion of it into the System's storage unit.

Lenny nodded at this. He had a feeling this would come in handy in the future.

Following different curtains of skin that opened up on their own, Lenny strolled through different passages.

Along the way, he even saw a reminate of what he was sure was Watch Eye being digested in a transparent stomach.

After a few more turns, the next opening, was to the outside world.

When Lenny stepped out, what he saw could only be described in one word....


At the moment, he had popped out at an opening on the beast's face.

This magnificent creature was still the size of the 'Big Ben'. 

However, now, things were far different.

It stood on all fours.

It looked like a Giant Ant eater with it's long snout, shape, thick limbs, and sharp claws.

However, it had one giant inverted glowing Red Eye in the center of it's head.

Lenny patted it a bit, "what's up big fella!?"

The beast gave a Pulsed-call just like a whale.

It was loud and defining of it's elation to Lenny for saving it.

"Yeah! Nice to meet you too. You know, I can't keep calling you Hell beast. How about this... Long-Nose. That good!?"

The Hell beast gave another loud pulsating call with it's long nose.I think you should take a look at

Apparently, it was okay with it.

Lenny could see that they was bright Lightning in the sky as the dome surrounding the Town of Spring slowly ceased, rushing into an elongated tube on the Hell beast's back.

As it did, the first thing that rushed into the town was a strong heat wave from the outside world, and then the loud clamouring of hundreds of thousands of devils as they rushed in.

These devils had been prevented from entering the town for a very long time.

The moment that the seal holding them back was lifted, they rushed in like starving sharks after smelling blood.

Some of the bigger ones amongst them even crushed the smaller ones as they rushed in.

Lenny was at a high point.

He could easily it.

These devils destroyed absolutely everything in their path as they rushed forward.

However, he could clearly see that they seemed to be rushing for something else.

He turned to the Hell beast.

"It seems they are coming for you mate!"

The Hell beast suddenly leaned forward and then just like Watch Eye, it's one inverted giant Eye glowed even more, and then like a rain storm, it let out it's wrath.


Watch Eye's blast was incredible, but compared to this, it was like a needle fighting for size and capability with a sword.

The blast was as wide as four hundred meters range and looked to only get wider as it expanded. 

It's maximum range was about a kilometer.

It turned everything in it path to dust.

It was like using a concave lens to burn ants, only this was a thousand times worse.

It destroyed everything in sight. Even the Arena was not exempted from the destruction.

It was level to smooth ground.

When the Hell beast was done, the earth looked charred black.

There were molten burn marks on the ground, evidence that this things blast even melted the earth itself.

Nothing was exempted from its reach.

Lenny walked on its Long nose, stepping forward to have a better look at the destruction.

All he had was praise and admiration for such power.

All the Hundreds of thousands of devils were turned to charred dust much like the earth had become.

Suddenly, the dried wind hitting Lenny's face had a different flavor now.

It was of burnt meat.

"Wow! You are incredible Long-Nose, truly incredible."

As Lenny praised it, he noticed that the Beast gave a mournful cry and it's eye looked sleepy.

It was most likely because of the bond newly formed between them.

Lenny could understand the Hell beast's thoughts and even sympathize with it's pain.

It had been in captivity for a very long time. This had weaked it seriously.

However, the true problem was about to come.

Lenny suddenly heard the sound of an approaching Aircraft.

A loud shout followed, "LENNY...TALES!!!"

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