Devil Slave (Satan system)

Chapter 233 Our Hope

Any Assassin that was worth his salt knew the great advantage that having knowledge of any martial art was necessary.

As one that dabbled at the core of the trade, Lenny made it his mission to know.something about everything.

Surprisingly, he discovered that when it came to battles, it was not the sophisticated arts or attack types that were most useful, but rather, perfecting the basics to create an incredible foundation for one's self.

These basics, Lenny leant to amplify, by perfecting their every form.

When it came to the use of the blade, there was no one greater than this one.

'O' Gasume Stance.

Immediately, he kicked against the ground as he rushed for the Magistri.

White Flames rushed out of his body in a tidal wave.

He was like a volcano spitting out white molten lava, rushing at the huge waves of blood.

Just When both forces were to hit one another in an epic collision, Lenny activated another skill.

It was one that he had not used for a long time, but right now, it was going to close the gap difference between their strengths.

*Rabid Dog!*

Rabid dog was a skill that allowed him to temporarily bring out twice the capable amount of his body's ability.

It was basically like a power suit of armor for him.

*Vroom* Lenny moved and for a slight second, the Magistri could not see him.

And then he saw a slight image of Lenny behind and another at another side.

He would only barely see Lenny and then he wouldn't any more.

The Magistri frowned.

"There is no use Lenny Tales. In this cursed world, there is no hope. We lost those fifty years ago when we were left behind in this unforgiving world. It is our Fate to suffer! This includes You, me and every fucking human born of a woman. Hope is a Luxury we cannot afford."

The Magistri waved his hands and a rush of blood attacked any place he managed to see Lenny.

However any time it looked as if the attack would hit, Lenny would disappear, like an after image.

He was just too fast. His spped had now caught up to the level of the Magistri.

"Yes, this is a cursed world!" Lenny's words ecohed all around, reaching the ears of the Magistri.

"But it is still our world. It is still Our Fate, and no matter how bad it gets, we only truly Lose when we remain on the ground refusing to continue the fight!"

Lenny's words seemed to cut a cord in his chest.

It was as if his heart had temporarily returned.

The Magistri suddenly had old memorirs flow in his head. It was memories that were nearly forgotten.

It was of him and his friend.

There had only met when they became D class Gladiators and were fortunate enough to actually share a cell all the way to the B class.

This friend and cell mate of his was much older, and the Magistri was much younger.

However, day and night, he would talk of the old world and the wonders it had.

He would tell the Magistri of the beautiful green fields and the peace that the world once enjoyed.

He was so full of Hope. A word that seemed almost completely absent in this world.

Even though this particular cell mate of his was broken and beaten, he never lost hope.

Even though his own blood sister was used as a mating farm tool, he still lost no hope.I think you should take a look at

The Magistri listened to those stories his cell mate told so much so that he too inherited this hope for a better future.

Unfortunately, when the time for escape came, he was not able to go. 

He stayed behind, someone had to misdirect the demon guards and his prison mate sort to free his sister.

His cellmate escaping was the first time that hope actually bloomed into reality.

And that was also the time he realized that he could actually do more.

Even when he defeated the Arena and the Magistri took away his heart, and filled him with demon essence, because of that Cell mate, he was able to still hold on to a tread of hope.

This hope was only fully rekindled when Lenny arrived.

However, Cuban had bashed it to dust.

Just then, while his memories distracted him, the Magistri felt someone come behind him, and he quickly turned about to look.

But it was too late.

Lenny's blade's launched into his body.

"Satan system, burn all of Cuban's blood!" Lenny ordered.

Immediately, White flames launched into the Magistri's body.

It snaked though his cells, his veins, and arteries.

Burning all of the blood that made him the Magistri.

"AHHHH!!!" The Magistri screamed loudly.

This was a very painful process.

But surprisingly, it worked.

A Silhouette of Cuban oozed out of the Magistri's body, and then after another look at Lenny, it evaporated.

The Magistri on the other hand, had suddenly regained his human appearance.

However, the blades were still lounged in his body.

The Magistri looked at his hands and then his lower body.

The hair, horns and even hooves were gone, replaced once more by his feet.

Feet that he had not seen in many years.

He smiled as he saw this.

He smiled so hard that he actually broke into a low laugh.

This was laughter that carried the bitter pain of the past. It was laughter that carried his joy of release.

However, they was a new problem. It was one that both Lenny and him knew of.

Without Cuban's blood, nothing was sustaining his life. After all, he no longer had a heart. It had been fed to the demon.

Surprisingly, tears of joy rolled down the Magistri's eyes. "You know, I had a friend like you before. Back then, regardless of his tag, he prefered calling himself Buckle. He was so full of Hope until he suddenly lost it."

The Magistri raised his head and made eye contact with Lenny.

"Please, for all of our sakes, don't lose...your... Hope!"

Those were his last words as he fell to the ground.

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