Devil Slave (Satan system)

Chapter 213 Increments In Power, Lesser Demon Rank 4

"ahhh!!!" Lenny suddenly grabbed his head.

"What is it?" Bodat asked.

"I think I over used it again. I will need to rest for a while."

"Huh!?" Bodat frowned at this. Lenny had barely gone half way, and he was saying that he was already tired.

"There is a mark you have to reach daily. You are still far behind." Bodat's frown was evidence of his annoyance.

"Or do you want some motivation!?" He suddenly grabbed A222 by the hair and pulled it harshly, landing a punch to her abdomen.

"AHHH!" She fell to the ground as she moaned in pain.

"Wait! Wait!! There is no need for that. Just give me about an hour to rest, and I'll do better."

"Hmmm!" Bodat was pleased to see that he got Lenny by his weak point.

Using A222 to propel Lenny to work harder was not the first time.

"You have thirty minutes." Bodat left the nursery and closed the door behind him.

The moment he did, Lenny went to his room by the side and closed the door behind him.

It was not that he did not trust A222, it was just that he trusted himself even more, and his instincts told him to keep certain things to himself.

Lenny sat in a lotus position.

"Satan system, we may begin." Lenny ordered.

And so, it began.

The Angel feathers had been drained of their power.

All the while, the Satan system had been converting all that power into digestable bits for Lenny.

It was now time for him to reap his harvest.

The moment the order was given, Lenny's heart beat quickened.


slowly, it became like a loud drum, and then it suddenly stopped or at least, Lenny thought it did.

A sudden rush of not blood, but liquid power gushed out into his arteries, rushing into every part of his body.

As it did, it changed every individual cell, strengthen them, and in some cases, changing their structure.

The process was not painful.

In fact, it was so much relaxing that Lenny fell on his back.

It was weird kind of pleasure.

If Lenny were to describe it in words, then he would say that he felt as if every cell of his body had suddenly developed a mouth and was enjoying scoops of honey.

The pleasure was so much that it could have even become addictive if one was not careful.

However, for Lenny, it was different.

First was his cells. The power glowed through every cell, tissue, muscle and organ.

It healed those that needed to be healed and replaced those that needed to be replaced.

And then after saturating his cells, it further sank into his bones.

*Crack! Crack!!*

Again and again, his bones were restructured to accommodate the new power they were gifted.

This part only tickled a little, but to say it was as pleasurable would be a lie.

And then for a few seconds, Lenny's eye sight became blurry.

Not just his eyes but all his other senses.

It was as if he had been thrown into a pit.

He could not feel, taste, see, smell, or hear absolutely anything.

And then, like a train speeding out of a tunnel, the entire world suddenly be came bright.

In fact, it became too bright.

It felt as if all these time, he had truly been looking at the world blurry.I think you should take a look at

His hearing was sharper and stronger.

His eyes clearer, and all his other senses became better too.

It felt as if he had been in murky water all this while and was suddenly allowed to take a bath.

It was both refreshing and exciting.

Both the process was not done yet.

The dead cells on his skin peeled away to reveal that lustered skin he was born with underneath.

It was really nice and smooth.

To one's touch, it would be tender.

Yet, tender did not mean fragile.

The kind of explosive strength he was now capable of was beyond incredible.

Lenny could feel that every cell of his body was pumped up with explosive power urging for release.

Slowly, he could once again hear his heart beat.

It was still at the same speed. However, he no longer thought it was fast.

This was the speed it had to go from now on because of the kind of power his body was now capable of.

Slowly, Lenny spread out his senses.

The first thing he noticed was that his perception too had been increased.

In fact, it had been increased by a lot.

Although he could not still cover the entire Arena, it could cover a good distance all around.

Also, there was more.

His perception reached the demons, touching their bodies, and all around. Yet, they did not notice him.

Before, his Perception could get close, but too close and they would sense some one was watching them.

However, it was different now.

His perception ability even went into the bodies of the demons and surveyed their insides.

He was truly fascinated by the things he saw.

Truly, the anatomy of a demon's body was far different from that of a human being.

He made mental notes to carry out experiments later on.

Such a discovery actually got him very excited.

He really could not wait to dive into such a study.

However, that would have to be on hold for now.

Just then he remembered something and his perception went through the bodies of the Half-borns waiting outside.

Their insides had similarities with both humans and demons.

Some were more human than others, and some, more demon than others.

Just then, he remembered something and sent his perception for A222's body.

Surprisingly, the moment his perception ability touched her body, she shivered a bit as her head turned in Lenny's direction.

Lenny thought this to be truly incredible.

His perception only touched her a bit before he backed off.

However it caught something in her stomach.

Like she swallowed something of significant power and was yet to finish absorbing it.

This power gave a significant familariy.

Lenny knew he did not have much time. He pulled his perception back to his body and activated his Stats.

(Author's note: We have had a good run. We are now approaching the end of Volume 1. Yes, we will end it with massacre. Thank you for your love and encouragement. Please remember to leave a heart felt review.)

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