Devil Slave (Satan system)

Chapter 203 I Am YOUR God!

"Fireworks! Which Fireworks!? You guys have fireworks in the apocalypse too?"

Lenny threw out a bunch of confusung questions and the Magistri did not just understand what was going on.

As far as he was concerned, the fireworks were supposed to go off immediately Lenny collected the Bronze box.

During which Lenny would have taken the opportunity to get lost.

However, what he did not know was that, it was at the point Lenny collected the Bronze box that Momosa had appeared.

It was only after the Great Demon had held back his Presence and Pressure that the person assigned to the fireworks had the opportunity to set them off.

"What do you mean? What guy with wings?" The Magistri had a raised brow.

"You know, big guy, brown snake hair, looks a bit like the others from the Governor's family." Lenny tried to describe who he saw.

He was really shitty at it, but even his shitty description was of some use, and the Magistri's expression suddenly morphed into that of both surprise and fear.

"Fuck!" The Magistri cursed. Having a faint realization of who it might be.

"Hurry! we have to get the fuck out of here."

The Magistri got Into the aircraft and so did Lenny.

He hurried to the cockpit. 

The pilot, a demon as well, was also sitted and ready. 

He had two horns on either side, poking out of his face cap.

The Magistri hurried forward, and patted the pilot on the shoulder, "hurry up, and get us out of here."

"Yes sir, but where to, sir?" The pilot replied.

"What do you mean 'where to'? I told you before. We are going back to the..."

The Magistri's words were suddenly stuck in his throat as the familiarity of that voice registered in his head.

At that point, the Pilot turned about and a face neither Lenny nor the Magistri were expecting to see appeared before them.

Both of them froze in shock, unable to move.

A drop of sweat trailed down both men's faces.

How couldn't it?

The person before them was none other than Cuban himself.

He had a broad smile on his face.

"Hey boys, Were you planning to leave without this Daddy? Hmmm! No good byes. Nothing!?"

As he talked, he stood to his feet and approached them.

Both of them subconsciously backed off, one step at a time.

However, Cuban suddenly released his pressure and both could move no further.

This was pressure of a Demon at the Deep Demon rank.

Cuban was already rank three.

Lenny was just a lesser demon of rank 3, and even now, his strength had dropped to that of a Rank 2.

Even before the Magistri, Lenny was but an ant.

Before Cuban, his existence was like allowing dust to remain settled on a glass frame.

He was practically none existent.

Cuban could erase him at any time with a wave of the hand.

Cuban walked up to both of them.

With a finger each to the head, he flicked.


Both of them were blasted through the body of the air craft.

The blast appeared little, and it was obvious that Cuban was holding back by a lot.

However, both of them, screeched on the runway with their backs, digging two long stretches of trenches.

Lenny felt as if he had tried to head boot a speeding truck head on, and had obviously lost the fight.

But it was not over yet.

Before they even came to a stop, Cuban was already on the other side.

It was his hands that stopped their forward momentum.

He lifted both of them in the air and crashed their faces to the ground.


For this punishment, they was no seniority between Lenny and the Magistri.

He treated both of them like the ignorant trash they were.

Afterwards, he flipped the both of them over, just like a chef making pancakes would do.


Yet again, another solid hit to the ground.

It was only two hits, but by now, their appearances had become miserable.

Blood on the ground like their veins and arteries rejected it's flow in their bodies.

Lenny had lost a few of his teeth. His joints, broken. He even had femur sticking out of one leg and an elbow bone out one hand.

Nearly the same conditions could be said of the Magistri.

Cuban grabbed the Magistri by the neck, "I can understand that the little one did not know better. After all, they know nothing of true power, but you," he pulled the Magistri to his face as his spoke.

"You stupid thing. You have my blood in your very veins, and I, the meal of your heart. From that very moment, your entire being was BONDED to me."


Another strike with their heads to the ground, and their faces were disfigured even more.

Even the flesh on one side of the face had been scraped off.

"Don't you know, or have you forgotten who I , what I am?" Cuban asked the Magistri with an obviously disfigured face, too bad to answer.

"There is no thought you have that I don't know. No secret that I don't see. No infatuation I am not aware of. I feel it in my head every second you even open your lungs for air. I AM YOUR GOD!"

He smashed the Magistri's head once more into the ground.

Smashing his skull into bits, with brain matter spilling everywhere.

Lenny only had one more functional eye at the moment.

The other was swollen from the inhumane beating he had just enjoyed.

However, he could clearly see that Cuban had just killed the Magistri.

However, the most ridiculous thing he had ever seen in his life happened.

Cuban took his bloodied hand to his mouth, and tool a bite from it.

He few drops of blood fell from his hands into the bashed Magistri's head.

And then a sight Lenny would never believe happened.

It redefined everything Lenny had ever known about death.

It also made Lenny look at Cuban in a new light.

This was the moment Lenny understood a bit of the kind of power that the Royal families possessed and why Cuban was called a Blood Demon.

Cuban was not lying, he was the Magistri's god.

(Author's note: I know, I got your blood pumping...LOL. I would really love your encouragement to continue with your reviews. I love you all. Thank you)

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