Devil Slave (Satan system)

Chapter 196 End Of Tournament

A123 did not appreciate his ability one bit.

In fact, a part of him felt disgust that such a thing was because of him.

The 'Voice of Bedlam' was a full blown wide area mind attack.

Even Lenny had to admit that this was one of the most unique abilities he had ever seen.

After all, this ability did not discriminate friend from foe.

The only person it spared, was it's user.

A123's status had some what been elevated in Lenny's eyes.

He could already see a future were this ability could be used to incredible magnitude.

Especially since every time A123 used it, he would get to enjoy seeing such a beauty.

Lenny felt very elated.

He was in a very good mood. 

He wiped his tears as he stood to his feet.

Lenny was not short but A123 was still a head taller than him.

He slung a hand around his neck, "you know, I won't mind being very good friends with such a talented artist."

A123 looked at Lenny with a ashen face. He really did not know what to say about this.

He decided to push it out of his mind.

Lenny looked once more at the sight and nodded, "truly beautiful!" Then he turned to join his teammates.

A123 walked up to A222 and helped her up.

"I am sorry you had to live through that."

"Don't worry, it's no problem. After all, it is not my first time."

She smiled at him and he her. Both, was of a gentle affectionate nature.

A123 helped A222 with a shoulder around his neck while she carried Manta the poll and the case.

Lenny on the other hand carried C888 like a sack of rice under his armpit.

In this manner, they went through the big doors, one of which Lenny had destroyed.

Through the corridor with the nice statues, they arrived at the former bar that had become a fighting ground.

One look around the place and any one could tell that the battle here was fierce indeed.

Razor's dismembered corpse still laid at a corner.

However Coco elwas nowhere to be found.

Lenny moved in the direction Coco had pointed him to leave the Dungeon.

It actually surprised him but Coco did not seal the exit.

Instead, he left it open on the off chance that Lenny came back.

Lenny nodded and went through it.

It was long and the narrow, but just enough for them to squeeze through.

Another twenty minutes, and they could smell the dry air of the sandy desert.

And just like that, they were out of the dungeon.

And just in time too.

The Satan system was just about to give another Compulsory task.

Almost the instant they left, the Dungeon collapsed on itself.


<Congratulations on Clearing Dungeon>

<First Dungeon cleared. Clear more to obtain New Title>

<Appologise: Points cannot be awarded now, as all power is focused in converting Fallen angel power>

Seeing this, Lenny sighed.

Truth be told, he was not all that bothered about it.

After all, this was to be expected.

The system warned that all efforts including half of his strength would be used to digest the power from the fallen angel feathers.

The dry air outside was far more soothing to breathe than the putrid smell of the dungeon mixed with excrete, blood, and rotting flesh.

The air was so refreshing that it even made C888 wake up.

He was no longer as crazy as he was. However he still vomited to the side.

Apparently some after effect of the 'Voice of Bedlam' on his body.

A222 also felt better. Now that they were out of the dungeon, it was easier for her to use her Darkline magic to force the Chaos magic out of her system.

She handed Lenny his Human Poll and the Case containing the Fallen angel feathers.

She didn't know why, but she could tell that whatsoever was inside that thing was very important.

Out of all the Gladiators that had gone into this low level ranked dungeon, only four had managed to make it out alive.

There was noore use for the bat eyes. Once they were out of the dungeon, they self-destructed.

A short while after they came out of the Dungeon, a portal appeared before their eyes.

From it came a very familiar face.

It was the Magistri.

He walked out of it with a very broad smile on his face, "not bad kids! Not bad at all!!"

He stood to the side pointing at the portal.

They advanced forward to go through it. 

The tournament had ended.

However, just when Lenny was about to go through the portal, the Magistri's hand held him back by the shoulder.

"I have prepared a distraction. Once it happens, you will know. Meet me with the Pheonix heart at the air field behind the Arena."

With all.that had happened, Lenny had nearly forgotten that he still had this problem to sort out.

He took a step forward into the portal.

Unlike the first time, it was easier for him to hold back the need to vomit.

The moment he stepped out of the Portal, what met him was the sight of the Arena.

However, his ears were greeted with the loud sound of cheers from the audience.

The Demons screamed an celebrated.

This was an event that lasted many hours, but demons were demons. Even if it was a few weeks, they did not mind as long as they got the thrill they were after.

On each side was was a roll of half naked demon girls.

These were succubus. They were mostly purple and pink of skin.

Succubus were considered low bloodline Demons mainly used for pleasure purposes by other demons.

The ones before them were liken to show girls.

They had shapes and curves that would make any man bury them under the ferocity of his erection.

And they smiles were also wide and inviting.

With what could barely be considered a bra, supple bouncy flesh leaking from the sides and....

(Author's note: you)

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