Devil Slave (Satan system)

Chapter 176 Swat The Fly In The Room

"Now, now, you might all be wondering why I," Coco held a hand to his chest, Massaging the linening of his collar with his sharp Devil fingers, "the generous Boss Coco, have decided to gift you this feathers. Well, it is because, believe it or not, I have no use for them. At least, no longer. Besides, I might be a Devil by nature, but I really do not desire fighting and the chaos that comes with it. In fact, one might say that I absolutely loathe it. I believe it is absolutely disgusting and repugnant."

Coco spoke with such a frown on his face that one would think that he was a Holy father of a church condemning violence and preaching peace. 

However his next words were a total contradiction.

"Because of my hate for violence, I will give this box," he patted the box a little to one person, and one person only.

He looked at Lenny and the other two.

A wide grin revealing his uneven Devil dental.

However, neither Lenny nor the other two moved. 

They all stared at him and the box.

"Come on now! You may begin your squabbles for the Chosen one."

Immediately that was said, Lenny felt a blade lounged in his throat.

At the same time, he felt his head had been smashed by a heavy hammer from the other side.

But feelings were distinct but very synchronized.

In fact, it was surprising that his mind was able to capture the extreme pain of both attacks effectively.

Immediately he felt it, he kicked against the bar table as hard as he could launching himself back like a torpedo from its shoot.

It was only after he hit the wall behind him that he breath sharp breaths of relief.


Subconsciously, he touched his head and his neck.

Just now, he had felt as if he was stabbed and smashed.

However, the two on either sides had not yet moved.

What Lenny had felt was a desire for his death.

However, it was just their desire.

It had not yet merged with their actions but it was so dangerous that Lenny pictured his own death in his head.

It had been so vivid that he thought he had died.

What had saved him was his instinct as an assassin.

Their hands were still on the table and one of them still drank from the cup of wine Coco had set, but Lenny knew that if he had so much as waited an extra half a second, he would have died already.

"Hahahaha!!!" A loud laughter was heard. It was brutish and domineering.

It sounded like a wealthy merchant laughing at the begging of a pauper.

Surprisingly, it had come from the Dwarf woman that was in Lenny's right.

She turned to him, "not bad! Not bad kid!! You manage to dodge my hammer. I must say that you are a really special one." She then turned to the masked big man.

"What do you think, Magistri of Lord Basit's Arena?"

The big Masked man chuckled lightly, "Hehehehe!!! I knew that Smell was familiar the moment I saw you. Magistri of Lady Hanger's Arena."

"Magistri is a title. Only the gladiators under my care may call me that. You can call me Manta. Like our host, I am self named and the New Magistri under Lady Hanger."

"Hehehe! Since we are giving introductions, then I'll give mine," the big man removed his mask and the ragged clothes on his body to reveal a body full of scales, a long tail. 

He also had a mouth that was without lips, revealing only sharp rolls of teeth.

"I am Razor," his speech came with hissings and splash of saliva from time to time. "I am named by Lord Basit himself, and Long time Magistri under his Reign."

Hearing both of them, Lenny could not believe it.

The shock he felt was liken to crossing the road and then being hit by a bus from no where.

The two people before him were actually Magistris. This was unbelievable.

Firstly, Magistri was not a name.

No! It was a Managing Title given to those of lesser Demon ranks in charge of directing the affairs of an Arena.

The title was given to whosoever was in charge of the Arena.

What Lenny had just heard was that the two before him were Magistri's.

These were the rulers of Arenas.

People that had fought their way to the top of their craft and then lorded over it.

These were practical monsters.

It was no wonder Lenny felt as if he had died when he had not.

Just their intention in the air had signified the birth of his death.

They just that strong.

Immediately, he used SURVEYOR on them.

It was just like they had said.

Manta was of Rank 5 Lesser Demon rank.

While Razor was a rank 4 Lesser Demon rank.

These were two very dangerous individuals.

It was no wonder the Devil Boss sent back Lenny's teammates.

Compared to these people, it was a privilege thatenny could even stand in the same room with these people.

Right now, he was even the weakest in strength.

However, it pumped a lot of questions in his head.

After all, Magistri's were not supposed to participate in this event.

If it was so, then his Magistri would have been here.

Manta took a look at Lenny.

She could instantly tell what he was thinking.

"Hmmm.... I can tell what you are thinking boy. But don't get it wrong. Our participation in this event is not against the rules. Demons are very strict with rules, regulations and even contracts. However, they had never been a contract in existence without a loophole. The rule stated that only gladiators could participate and only gladiators of a certain level."

She smiled a bit, "however, they are a few drugs in this world that can reduce our power level to fit the criteria and release it once inside. Besides, we relinquished our positions as Magistri to be here. Or is that not so Razor."

"Hehehe! True. That is true. But who would have thought that your master would use the same method? I am a bit impressed. It must have been an expensive drug."

"Yes, but not as expensive as the feathers of a Fallen." Manta added.

Razor nodded, "True, that is true. So, are we going to begin or what?"

As he said this his long tongue licked his mouth.

"I agree, we should begin. However," Manta turned to Lenny, "the fly will be an annoying disturbance. Let me swat it a bit."

She suddenly moved and when she appeared, her fist was inside Lenny's chest...

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