Devil Slave (Satan system)

Chapter 171 Twisted Love Like No Other...

A22 had absolutely no idea what she was doing.

However, the instruction remained that she whispered the Spell word, and so she did. She did it in as much effort as possible for it to sound like that of the Soul Devil, affectionate and inviting.

Lenny's hand paused in the air, and he quickly turned in the direction the name had come from.

Once again, the whisper floated through the ear into his ears.

Meanwhile, the gladiator that was about to be butchered hugged his knees tight. In his heart, he prayed to every superior being he had never heard of.

He even prayed to the god of the Mushroom paste he ate from the Arena.

Any one at all that would answer his humble pleas was prayed to.

And just like that, he waited and waited, but the death he anticipated did not come.

Those blood dripping Katana blades did not fall.

Slowly, he opened his eyes. 

They was a rumour that time slowed down at the point of death. Maybe this was it, he thought to himself.

Slowly, he lifted his head to look.

However, the blade with the dripping blood was paused.

It paused right before the parting of his head.

A few drops of the blood that was evidently from his former colleagues fell from the blade to his face.

The moment it did, he could not take the tension any more and pissed himself as he fainted.

However, Lenny had paused the Gladiator before his blade was no longer the subject of his attention.

Instead, it was something else.

It was a whisper.

It was clear as day and as pulling as gravity on an apple to the ground.

Immediately, he kicked against the ground as he rushed in that direction.

"Huh!? Where are you going!?" The Soul Devil Questiones as it noticed Lenny Leaving it's control.

It tried to will him back on track, but the call of that name was an instinctive stimulus to his very soul.

And since the Soul devil did not possess control over his soul, it did not possess full control over him.

The Soul Devil got angry at this, sudden turn.

Meanwhile, deep within Lenny's mind, the Soul Devil was trying hard to break his new soul Defense.

This was not easy, and in it's frustration within Lenny's mind and the fact that Lenny had responded to another Call, it got too carried away and broke character, forgetting to call him back with the same name.

However, that did not mean that it was not making progress.

Cracks had already decorated the Defence, and the Satan System alarmed continually.


<Soul Defence breach in progress>

<Soul Defense at 69%>

<Please Take precautionary measures or risk Soul Take over>

However, the Current Lenny responded to nothing but her name.

Lenny's ears were sharp as that of a mother hen to the cry of her little chicks.

Lenny turned at a corridor and then another.

The Devil had no choice but to follow, pulled along by the puppet.

The moment he reached the trapped bend, A222 turned to A123 and C888.

"NOW!!!" She screamed.

Immediately, both Gladiators activated their Darkline magic around their weapons as they rushed out in full force.


Both swords slashed at the roots connecting Lenny to the Soul Devil.

It happened just in time too. The Soul Devil was already 95% through Lenny's Defense.

A little more and it would take over Lenny soul.

As the slashes tore the roots, the Soul Devil screamed at its loss a SHRIEK like never before.

"Yes! We did it" C888 smiled at A123. But men were elated.

Lenny staggered a bit, and then he fell to the ground.

C888 rushed to him, "D999! D999!! Come on!!! Get up," he turned Lenny over.

"Come on, get the fuck up," he gave Lenny some slaps on the face. 

However, Lenny's eyes only stopped glowing Green.

It was still lifeless and disoriented.

"VERMIN!!!" The Soul Devil screamed loudly, the sound waves from its mouth blasted C888, A222, and A123 to the wall.

Immediately, it's roots snaked through the ground and connected to Lenny's body.

The moment it did, he's eyes once more resumed their formwr glow.

"Did you really think that breaking the connection was going to be enough!" The Soul Devil chuckled, and it's voice echoed and over lapped on itself.

"You do not understand the entricates of the soul. This one is already broken. He is mine."

The moment it said those words, Lenny rose from the ground like an undead brought back to life.

His eyes glowed a deeper green, and then they suddenly turned red.

As they did, the roots in his body turned red.

The Satan system rang ceaselessly.

<Soul take over!!! Soul take over!!!>

However he paid it no attention. 

Truly, his soul was broken.

"HAHAHAHA!!!!" A loud commanding laughter of Victory rang through the Corridors.

Back in the Arena, Cuban sighed heavily.

This was not what he expected. In truth, even the other Arena masters expected more. 

But such as it was, they had no choice but to accept the results.

Even Clawed sighed in pity. After the incredible things Lenny had displayed, he had already planned of purchasing Lenny from Cuban.

To have Lenny under him as a subordinate would be a worth while experience.

In fact, if he even did it well, he could escavate some useful things from Lenny's DNA. It was really a shame that such a bountiful treasure became useless before it could become very useful.

The Magistri also watched. He had put in much faith in Lenny.

However, like the others, this was the furthest he was to ever reach.

All had given up on Lenny except Lady Vinegar.

Her eyes remained glued to the screen like a child looking up to its mother for food.

Her eyes showed her unwillingness to give up.

It was an incredible display so fervent that Basket face standing close to her noticed it.

Even through her veil, he noticed her need for Lenny to keep going, to keep pulling forward.

He could not help but also sigh at this.

He really did not understand this and did not exactly think much about it.

It was possible that she Saw Lenny as a potential new pet.

Then again, it won't be the first time it was happening.

Humans to Demons were like little puppies to humans some times.

It was also the reason why she took Cuban side in the bet, he thought to himself.

Too bad this toy broke before it got ordered for.

Meanwhile, Dread enveloped A123, A222 and C888's heart.

Things had totally changed.

The Soul Devil had taken over, sinking into Lenny's soul.

That was the reason Lenny's glowing eyes had changed colors.

"Yes! Yes!! Yes!!! Such a very delicious soul," the Soul devil was obviously very elated by its take over.

It then turned to Lenny's teammates.

"Your friend is mine. But worry not, you will join him soon. KILL THEM!"

The order was like judgement right from the throne of grace that created them.

It was at this time that A222 remembered the Black shield.

However, When the Soul Devil blasted them away with it's sound waves, it had smaked away the Black shield away from her hands.

At the moment, they absolutely had no defence against Lenny's might.

Lenny waved his Katanas in the air.

This death was going to swift and precise.

While A222 and A123 panicked, C888 did not.

From the moment Lenny gave him a new lease on life, he had concluded that his life was no longer his but Lenny's.

This was the life he had resolved himself to live.

A123 covered A222 with his hands, protecting her in his embrace.

He placed a deep kiss on her forehead as he awaited his destined end with his lover in his embrace.

However, C888 was different. He was willing to die with the dignity that he had given his all to save Lenny.

He knelt down before Lenny opening his hands and letting go for Lenny to decide his face.

"Hahahah!!!" The Soul Devil enjoyed loud laughter as it watched Lenny bring his blades down on his teammates.

Death was eminent, and slaughter was sure.

The Blade came down, and A123, A222, and C888 closed their eyes.

However, it did not come.

The desired death did not come.

Lenny's blade like the last time stopped.

This surprised every one.

Whether it was the Soul Devil, the Gladiators about to be killed or those in the Arena.

Every one was left surprised by this.

After all, an order from one that had taken over a soul should and could not be disobeyed.

Lenny's eyes were red, and it was clear that the Soul Devil was incharge however, his hands did not descend.

They remained frozen in the air.

C888 swallowed hard.

However, he looked at Lenny, and then subconsciously, he followed Lenny's eye sight.

Lenny was looking at a piece of Paper on the ground.

This piece of paper had fallen from C888's Loin cloth.

On this piece of paper was a man of red skin with two horns on his head.

This paper was old, and from the looks of it, it was from a children's book.

This was the same piece of Paper Lenny had carried all his life.

 From that day of his first job to the day of his last.

This was the symbol of a greater love. The love he had for the Devil himself....

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