D.E.M.O.N.S: Getting Summoned Weekly isn't so Bad

Chapter 326: The Secrets of the Fairy Hollow

Chapter 326: The Secrets of the Fairy Hollow

"So what are the secrets oh master of the trees" said Sylvie in a 'loud' voice which was much closer to everyone else's normal speaking volume.

"Master o' the trees. I like that sound of that little one. Unless you'd prefer I call you da Namer?" said Chekov with a smile on his face.

Sylvie shrugged. "Either is fine"

"Little one it is then. It just seems more appropriate da?" said Chekov as he bent down. "So, first secret is this…" Chekov started to pull on various drawers on the left side. Once he'd pulled out four drawers as far as they would go, he reached far in to get the top right drawer deepest in the cupboard and pushed it in.

With a soft click, the outer left side of the tree swung open to reveal a large space. "You can put whatever you want in there. I thought about putting in some shelves… but you have enough space in the drawers I should think. Plus there are some others with shelves so it's fine da?"

Sylvie nodded along with Chekov's commentary as he closed the drawers up. "Can someone shut da door for me? The other side won't open if the first is." Said Chekov.

Kat used her tail to shut it with a click, to save any of the others from needing to move too much. Seeing this Chekov got to work on the other side. He pulled another set of four drawers out with none of them overlapping with the ones from the left hand side before reaching deep into the crevice to press in the bottom drawer this time.

The right side swung opened to reveal a similar hollow as before. Chekov also took this as his cue to crawl out. The opening this time was about the same as the other side, the only difference is that this one did in fact, have shelves. "Other than this, each and every one of da houses can actually be opened up. The bottom comes off if you turn it to the left just a bit first. The empty ones can be good for storage or for putting something else there, another figure perhaps"

Chekov then proceeded to do just that. With a slight twist the bottom easily came away and he just guided it down to show an empty box. Chekov then moved over to the one that had the Lily miniature and did the same thing. When it dropped down everyone could see that the wings were actually supported by hidden slivers of wood, and that the bookcases in the background were actually part of the wall.

"Be a bit careful with these. Da wings were hard to manage. Some of them are liable to fall off if you are too rough with them" said Chekov

"Will they be fine to transport?" asked Vivian

Chekov nodded "Yes. I've hidden it behind the windows but there are actually additional supports around all the wings when the floor is screwed in properly. They should be perfectly fine in transit as long as they are all screwed in"

"Are there any other secrets oh master of the trees?" asked Sylive.

"Da. There is one… or maybe two? It depends on how you want to count it. First, if you come back here" said Chekov, gesturing to the back where a line of cable was extending out and into the wall. "This is where the whole thing is powered. I wouldn't call it a secret exactly but the hatch is hidden"

Bending down, Chekov flicked a switch hidden in the same compartment and pulled the cables out as the lights dimmed. Once that was done, he twisted the nearby lily pad to cover the hole once again. *Huh… I guess that makes sense. It isn't exactly hidden when there is something so out of place to cover it.*

"As I said, not really a secret da? So, the other secret. This two sort of go together more than anything else" said Chekov standing up to his full height. Reaching for the canopy section and all the leaves. "Now, this part is little tricky. You will need to remember this a bit more closely ok?"

Sylvie nodded to signal her understanding and Chekov got to work. Instantly, it was clear that this secret was the magnum opus of Chekov's hidden things. He'd press on the leaves in some areas, turn vines in others, pull on flowers to get them to sit out, and even backtrack a few times undoing some of the previous steps, but with a confidence that told Kat they weren't mistakes he had made, but even more steps in the process.

Kat watched the whole thing, trying to commit it to memory before she could lock it away. She had no desire to know this secret unless Sylvie wanted her to. Even with her previous statements that said she DID want Kat to know this, it felt a bit too personal for some reason, in a way the others never really did.

Once Chekov had completed the process, the final step was to shift the entire thing to the right. Chekov gave the whole structure a twist by gripping on two rather prominent vines on either side. As he did this, the canopy that was once compact started to unwind itself, spreading out into more of a jungle tree's appearance, with a wide-reaching canopy instead of its original ball-like appearance.

"You will need someone else to do this da? You are a bit little, hence little one. Still, I suspect you will enjoy this for many years yet, so that's ok" said Chekov

Sylvie was breathless. Hanging from the canopy was various crystal looking things that caught the light and shined. They did hang down into the work space a bit, so that was probably why this was an optional feature. As Kat followed them back, she also realised that they would all be pulled back into the leaves, so the whole thing was still counted as a storage space still.

"Woah" said Sylvie

"Woah indeed" said Lily "I don't see any wiring to those crystals, but I bet with all the other lights, even if those don't have them, they'll still shine well"

Chekov nodded "Da, I should have left on. All lights are pointed at crystal. Each crystal have a few lights. The effect is great but… maybe it's best I give you at least one mystery to look into later da?"

Sylvie nodded vigorously and Kat could see Vivian was smiling. Of course, Kat was smiling as well. *This is perfect for Sylvie. To some, it might seem like a little girl's fairy dream, but the work is all to such a high standard, and they aren't really fairies, they are people she knows just like Lily. It's honestly magical looking at this thing set up…

It makes me wonder. System Chekov definitely doesn't have magic right? This isn't magical in the literal sense?*

Entity Chekov does not emit and mana. Additionally, there appears to be no mana in Entity Chekov's work.



Approving further examination

Potentially missing data…


D.E.M.O.N.S has determined that while Entity Chekov does not have mana, and Artifact designation "Sylvie's Fairy Hollow" also does not appear to have any magical properties. It is determined to be likely that if Sylvie's Fairy Hollow was soaked in mana or some other higher energy, it would become magical.

Kat froze up stunned. *How does that work?*

Entity Chekov is simply proficient enough at craftsmanship that this piece meets at least the minimum requirements to start absorbing higher energy. It is unclear if that will be possible in User Kat's home dimension.

*Why is that?*

User Kat is able to use Demonic Energy because it is inside User Kat for the most part, limiting Dimensional interference. Sylvie's Fairly Hollow however, is not an Entity, and possess no soul. It is unclear what would happen because of the strange Dimensional rule that suppresses all higher energy.

*Well… shit I don't even know what to say. Is Lily's the same?*

D.E.M.O.N.S believes it to be likely, but that Item has not been scanned.

*Hmm… should I tell them…? Nah let's just… not… *

While Kat was reeling from the revelation that Chekov could create not quite magical artifacts, the man in question was making sure that Sylvie and Vivian knew how to take apart the desk in question. Unlike Lily, it came apart in three large pieces.

Once that was done, it was up to Kat to carry the heaviest of the three pieces, which happened to be the top part, while Lily and Vivian split themselves across the bottom piece, and Chekov placed the middle piece on a trolly that was sitting nearby. Once that was done it was a simple matter of taking everything back to the car.

Well, it was a little bit of effort to fit everything, and it was decided that the middle piece would sit on Kat's lap inside the car both to make sure nothing was damaged and because it didn't really fit in the trailer… but it was fine really… promise. Kat didn't even nearly drop her piece this time.

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