D.E.M.O.N.S: Getting Summoned Weekly isn't so Bad

Chapter 320: Chekov is BACK

Chapter 320: Chekov is BACK

When Kat and the rest of the group arrived at Chekov's workshop, Kat was half expecting to have someone else fly out of the door like the first time they arrived. She was half right, but also very wrong. The door did in fact open as they pulled up, but what walked out was a very elderly couple with a matching set of walking canes.

They waved at the group before heading over to their own car and eventually driving off. *Huh, who would have thought that Chekov also sells things to normal people.* Of course, Kat didn't recognise that the pair of canes doubled as nunchucks for the old man and a bo staff for the old woman…

Vivian led the way up to the warehouse's door and knocked despite it still being open. "Come in!" was shouted from inside the facility. Following Vivian's lead further, Kat found herself mesmerised as she watched Chekov work.

His hair was cut very short, and was mostly just a light dusting of hair that had grown out. What was there, was a jet black with the odd fleck of blond… though that might have been the wood dust. There was plenty covering the entirety of Chekov. Even the short hair of his had managed to gather up their own trove of woodchips to bargain with.

He wore a thick leather jacket with slight nicks across its surface, and woodchips stuck to all of the folds. The jacket itself was mostly brown with no additional adornments… unless you count the woodchips of course. There was tape around the edges of the long sleeves, keeping it flat against his wrists and out of the range of the projects he worked on.

His pants were thick denim with even more wood chips that hid mostly around the pockets. There was a large cut in the side of the right leg that seemed to have frayed the outer layer but had not quite gotten to Chekov's skin. Finally, his boots were old thick leather, and Kat suspected they were steel capped. They actually had the least woodchips on them somehow despite standing in a pile of them.

Chekov's eyes couldn't be seen properly due to his dark safety glasses that covered most of his face. They were in a blocky style that gave maximum coverage around the eyes and nose. Further assisting him was a large scarf that had been wrapped around his lower face instead of his neck, which was protected by the high collar on his jacket.

Currently Chekov appeared to be using a belt sander on what Kat had to assume was a new copy of the canes that the old couple were using. He was smoothing down a branch into a thin rod with a number of other tools on a shelf off to the side. Vivian made sure to keep everyone standing far enough away that flying debris would not likely be a problem, but Kat decided to help a little more.

Taking confident steps forward, she spread her wings out, blocking the sightlines of the others, and standing in front of Sylvie just in case any major pieces came flying her way. Luckily, nothing dangerous happened over the next few minutes as Chekov finished his sanding. Once done he put away the sander, and lifted his glasses up off his face.

"'Ay good to see ya" said Chekov "I vas wondering when you would come and collect. I still have not done the tall one's desk but I managed the other two. I was starting to think you forget"

Vivian smiled as Kat lowered her wings allowing the others to see Chekov properly. "No of course we wouldn't. You know me better than that Chekov. I just wanted everyone to be here when we picked them up"

Chekov shrugged, woodchips falling from his shoulders as he did. "Ya sure. You know that the finished ones have hidden compartments yes? I'm not sure their owners want them all known"

"I'm fine with it" said Sylvie instantly "They can know about them"

Chekov smiled "Ai, little one I suppose if that is what you want. Normally I'd refuse the watchers on one so young, but you know what you wish for. What about you glasses? Want me to reveal the secrets to all?"

"Um… I mean… yes?" said Lily

Chekov laughed and said "Girl, if you tink that convinced me you are very wrong. I can see it in your eyes that you didn't really, but still, why say it then?"

Lily looked downwards, not meeting Chekov's eyes as she said. "I… I think I want them to know… or maybe not all of them… but most I think"

Chekov smiled and threw his arms out to the sides, sending more woodchips cascading down. "How about this, I show you a few of the more obvious ones, as well as the hardest to figure out and leave the rest for you to find on your own with whomever you might vant?"

Lily's eyes lit up at the suggestion. "Yes, yes please actually. Um… I'd really like that thanks"

Chekov nodded "Of course. Well then, right this way everyvone"

Chekov took off, though instead of heading deeper in, he instead headed out towards the front door. Leading them back out into the parking lot, Chekov took a hard left turn, and headed to a warehouse that bordered the carpark. Walking along its edge, Chekov completely ignored it until they reached another much smaller road. Once across, they came face to face with yet another warehouse, this time, Chekov opened it slowly, pulling on the large bar door style metal doors.

Kat seeing this, came to help, pulling on the right side with minimal effort. "Thank you. Now, I can see it in your eyes, you all be wonderin why we changed warehouses? Well… let's just say I made my money before I got moved, and now I own a good chunk of the warehouses around here and ALL of the land"

Kat swallowed and tried not to think of the sheer amount of money it must have cost to buy so much. They were certainly outside of city limits, but at the same time, still part of said city. It was unclear how much Chekov considered 'all' of the land, but it could be the nearby streets or the entire warehouse district. Kat wasn't sure which was more likely.

When the door was opened, Kat looked inside and saw rows of cubicles breaking up the warehouse. From what she could see, each contained at least one wooden contraption of some kind. From the front of the warehouse she could see a clock on her left, and a bookshelf next to that. On the right, she could see four doors in one cubicle, forcing her to dismiss the idea it was one object for each, and a second clock in the other.

The air was noticeably dry, even for Kat as she took her first steps in. Once they had all entered, Chekov turned and said, "Mind shuttin the doors?"

Kat nodded, and moved to shut them both. Once the heavy, for normal humans, doors shut, Kat could practically feel the air drying out around her. It was a weird sensation. It wasn't hot, and her skin was still smooth as she ran her hands along her arms, but there was a dryness to everything that almost seemed to cling to her.

"Don't mind the air. I keep it controlled to make sure the wood don't get all mouldy. Each cubicle has a little cup o' water to stop them drying out completely, but I keep the air itself extremely dry. Of course, they all have finish on them so they be at minimal risk but well… I can afford it" said Chekov as he stood, brushing off wood chips as he walked now.

"Um, why the cubicles?" asked Kat

"Well… it just seemed right you see? Somebody suggested I keep customer's order sealed inside a box and stacked in here… but that felt so wrong for me da? Instead, I keep them both together, and separate like this. You may look as you work, and yet there is a place for you?" said Chekov, now free from most of his wood shavings.

"Oooh, I do I do" said Vivian pretending to be a kid in class with her hand up.

Chekov just scoffed at her reply and said "Yeah but you be cheating da? Callisto had to give you da answer the first time around. How do you feel taking your roommate's work?"

Vivian just stuck her tongue out towards Chekov's back and smiled. "It makes sense actually" said Lily "These pieces are all important to you. You take great care when… I'm not sure giving them away is the right phrase but perhaps… allowing them to leave? Eh, anyway, it's a compromise to keep things organised, but still open" said Lily

Chekov nodded seriously "Da"

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