D.E.M.O.N.S: Getting Summoned Weekly isn't so Bad

Chapter 314: Callisto’s Hideout 2 Electric Boogaloo

Chapter 314: Callisto’s Hideout 2 Electric Boogaloo

In the end, nothing further productive was discussed that afternoon before Lily left. Vivian managed to catch up on some much needed sleep, and Sylvie and Callisto joined Lily in puzzling over the increasingly complex and bizarre situations Kat proposed to them. They started discussing things like the nature of existence and if a brain made with magic counted as a real brain, along with, if a brain had legs, does it also have a brain or is it just the brain?

All in all. It was a good time if a little weird. Callisto did offer to cook dinner for Lily, but she insisted on returning home. Callisto managed to extract a promise that she would return tomorrow because apparently Vivian did actually have something to tell everyone. Once Lily had left, Sylvie decided that Vivian had the right idea and curled up next to her.

Callisto, seeing this nodded, and grabbed Kat lightly on the arm, and pulled her to her feet, before indicating she should follow. Kat was confused, but followed Callisto out of the room. She didn't notice Sylvie's eyes were slightly open, nor the nod she gave towards Kat's retreating back before settling in for a proper nap.

Once upstairs, Callisto entered her room and Kat followed carefully. Inside it was much the same as the first time she had seen it, though much cleaner. Where once paper was strewn everywhere now paper was only strewn mostly everywhere, with a clear pathway towards each of the three desks. Kat was directed to the chair that sat in front of the desk with carved quills on it, before Callisto reached over to the chair from the largest desk with all sorts of nonsense carved into it and pulled it over.

Callisto then proceeded to sit there and look at Kat, clearly waiting for her to speak first. With how clear that look was, Kat didn't feel the need to drag it out, and just asked "What?" after five seconds of staring.

"Perhaps you would like to tell me 'what' instead? That is why we are here" said Callisto

Kat frowned "I really don't know 'what' you mean Callisto. I followed you here. I don't see how this suddenly means I have something to tell you?"

Callisto leaned back further in her chair, arms folded in her lap legs stretched out. "Now Kat, I can point out to you the information I am requesting, but it is not truly me who desires to know this information but you that desires to share it without repercussion. I am providing this opportunity for you. It does not seem to be the kind of information that I would overly desire, but it I would guess that it is important that you provide me with it"

*What? Is… what? I'm confused… why would I want to tell Callisto anything? No that's wrong, I'm happy to talk with everyone but… that's such a weird way of phrasing it all…*

Clearly, Kat's confusion must have shown on her face, because Callisto spoke up again before long. "Kat, I'm more than aware that you did not discuss the events of the final few days during your last contract with the others. Indeed, you held your end of the bargain and sent them messages as requested except for the time you were indisposed and, in this hospital, and yet…

"You happily regaled us with tales from that time, explaining the intricacies of demonic society, or at least, this corner of it. Why, you even provided running commentary during the start of your journey, and while I didn't witness the exact wording personally, I did hear about it and the difference is so stark that it can only mean you are avoiding the topic.

"Adding this onto the fact that nobody asked, and you always steered the conversation away, implies that you are physically capable of speaking about it. If you were perhaps under contract not to, I believe you'd have just told us. Thus, I have come to the conclusion that you must have seen or done something that you are unable to fully process.

"I'm thus giving you the chance to speak about it. You should be well aware of my more clinical take on human interaction, and, while I had my misgivings when you joined this household, and I like to say I trust Vivian's judge of character, you have done nothing but perform exemplary while here on Earth, even going so far as to share the specifics of abilities, which, too, if further evidence of my theory"

Kat sucked in a deep breath. Callisto sounded so sure of herself. It was clear that while she was saying 'theory' and 'guess' there was no uncertainty in her tone. She was simply leaving Kat the option to get out of sharing the information if she so desired. Kat let the silence stretch on for a few minutes, as she contemplated what to do.

*This is perfect isn't it? I mean, who better to tell… but… what's that old saying, 'a secret for two is soon a secret for nobody'… but isn't there that other one about it being a secret between two but never three, or something like that… can't quite remember that one…

Then again, I certainly remember the old 'a burden shared is a burden halved' which would imply I should tell her… and I mean, I do want to tell everyone. I don't want them to think ill of me… but I think it's worse trying to lie to them… well, as much as a demon CAN lie to anyone.*

"I… look, I…" Kat started but stopped, unable to find the words. Callisto, seeing the attempt being made, simply relaxed herself further, keeping her eyes on Kat, unwavering in their intensity. "Look I… when I was away… this time, someone died…"

Callisto nodded slightly but didn't say anything, it was clear Kat had more to say. "That is to say… well, yes someone did die but… well, there might have been two? I mean… the second one was fairly clear but I wasn't exactly in the right headspace to tell, and I… well, I thought my memory was close to perfect but… well apparently if I'm delirious, in pain, and focused on other things… it's a bit lacking and…

"Look, I'm still sort of dodging the issue. Let's… let's just focus on the first one. So… um… there were these bandits…"

Callisto listened as Kat, in fits and spurts, tried to explain to her everything about the bandit raid. She didn't glorify her actions, nor did she cover up the aggressive nature of the bandits. She told it as truthfully as she could, relying on her memory to get her through, the specifics, by simply reciting actions and making none of her own comments.

Callisto nodded along, until the story finished with Kat describing how and why the leader died. "So… I think I understand your issue. The man attacked you first, and then continued to attack after being defeated which led to his own demise, and you regret not being able to save him?"

Kat shook her head "No actually… or I mean not really… I… I think I could have saved him… or well, I know I had a chance to save him at the very least and even though I didn't I just… don't really care?

"I mean… I feel worse when I think about how you all will react than I actually do about the fact that some guy is dead… and well, sure he was a bandit, but even the other person who is probably dead I just… don't care for? Like… it doesn't really matter?

"And I mean… I know I'm having suddenly lost the ability to care or something, because despite being in horrible shape, which yes I will get into later, I got up and protected two children but… I just… isn't death supposed to bother you? Isn't some great evil or something?"

Callisto shrugged. "Well, I will first say that I do not think less of you for the choice you made. I also do not think less of you for your inaction. I do wish I knew more details about this second individual, but I suppose we can address this separately.

"In terms of what I think you should feel… well that is hard. Seeing a man die before your eyes is one thing, and seeing them die before your eyes knowing you could have stopped it had you tried is another… and yet I have no idea what either of these things are like really. I have had family members pass on, and I did not grieve for their passing, not like others. I suspect this is simply a product of how I am.

"And yet, I doubt this gives you comfort, to know that the least sane of the household would condone your actions. Yet, I can tell you this, Vivian would likely wrap you into a hug and tell you it's alright and that you have done no wrong…

"Though I suspect, that isn't what you want to hear is it Kat?" said Callisto.

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