D.E.M.O.N.S: Getting Summoned Weekly isn't so Bad

Chapter 310: Clouded Thoughts on Return

Chapter 310: Clouded Thoughts on Return

Kat was performing some last-minute stretches for Kara before heading out just to prove she was physically capable. The bed had been folded up into the wall, so she had plenty of space to stretch out without her wings or tail getting in the way. Kara was standing off to the side taking notes on a clipboard while instructing Kat through the routine.

Once she was satisfied, Kara smiled at Kat and said "Looksss like you are all good to go."

As soon as Kara said that, the system delivered Kat a message.

User Kat has been declared fit to be released from MAD care. User Kat will have 3 days of rest before being summoned to begin User Kat's punishment.

Kat's good mood at being told she was fit to be released instantly turned into a frown when the message appeared. Before she could get too caught up in her head though, Kara said, "Don't worry it will be fine"

Kat gave a small smile and said "How do you know? You can't see the messages that I get right?"

Kara nodded and said "No I can't but I can take a pretty good guesss. It really won't be that bad Kat, trusst me. It will be sssomething that you'll be fine with I'm sssure. It might not be pleasssent but it certainly won't be asss bad asss you think it will be"

"If you say so" said Kat not fully believing Kara's words, but the Medusa just smiled at her before putting her clipboard away.

"I'll sssee you around Kat" said Kara

Flames started to appear beneath Kat and she could feel herself being pulled away. "Is there a way for me to maybe hang out with you some time?" asked Kat

Kara smiled wide. "Jusst come back to the hossspital and asssk for me by name. They should direct you to me. I'll leave a note at the front desssk about it" said Kara before Kat's vision was engulfed by flames.

Kat thought they were beautiful just like always, but her mind turned to darker directions. *Seriously though… what is going to happen to me once those three days are up? I've been given three days to make sure I'm in perfect health so… maybe it will be rather rough on me? Perhaps slave labour or something?

I wonder if I'll be forced into contracts I'm not a fan of? That might be the case… but it feels wrong. Why force them on people when they can find the perfect person for the job. I doubt I'll be given something too deplorable…

But if that's the case… why am I worried? I've been taken care of exceptionally well at the hospital and as far as I can tell it hasn't cost me anything. Kara mentioned we have good healthcare… but that's just so at odds with what little I know about demons and what Lily has told me…

And Lily… and Sylvie especially… what am I supposed to say about the fact that I saw someone die and didn't even feel bad about it? What about Xiao… I just left him there and didn't even check if he was still breathing… is… am I a horrible person?

I care more about what they're going to think about me then the fact that the deed was done and I didn't prevent it… what about what I helped do to Xiang at the end there? Is HE dead? The spell or whatever it was sounded like that wouldn't be the case and he was just sent really far away but…

The world, or at least, my Earth is made up mostly of oceans… what if he ends up stranded in the ocean and dies? That would be… well I can't even say that would be bad! He was about to do horrible things. He was about to attack defenceless children… Sure he clearly wasn't himself but…

Xiang always wanted revenge… is that what he wanted? How in his right mind was he really? Sure he couldn't say anything… but what if that was the only thing he was prevented from doing? Was everything else according to his desire?*

Kat pursed her lips as the flames rushed around her, they flashed with brilliant colours and almost seemed to reach out towards Kat and try to assuage her worries. She didn't pay them proper mind though and continued to fret.

*He was moving more like a robot at the end… but that also means his movements were close to perfect with no waste… I wish I knew more about bloodlines… because that's what that was right? Or maybe some hidden artifact? I mean I can get up from wounds like that because I'm a demon…

So what if Xiang also is something else and that's what let him survive? But the penalty is like… either loss of control or loss of just his voice? Xiao said his bloodline required you to be attuned with fire or whatever that means to prevent yourself from burning from the inside out…

So could that be Xiang's punishment? I just don't know… I don't know enough about that crazy world and I never wanted to take that contract in the first place… dammit. What if the punishment is really light on me? If it's no trouble at all… would I have been better to just reject it all completely?*

Kat swallowed, thinking that might be an even worse outcome. To know she helped Xiang do something so questionable thinking she had no choice… when really, she had much more of one than she thought.

Before Kat could get too wrapped up in that line of questioning, the transportation dropped her down next to her bed. Kat looked around the room, mostly untouched, but the lack of dust build-up told her that someone had come in and cleaned. She'd never seen anyone actually cleaning around the house yet, but based on Callisto's regular attire, Kat guessed it was something she did alongside the cooking.

Kat looked from her bed to her door, running her options through her mind. Simply collapsing into the bed and meditating was such a tempting offer and a great way to try and put off the inevitable conflict of working out what she should be telling everyone now that she was back.

Just as Kat was about to sit down though, a brief flash of a memory containing Sylvie's pouting face made its way through Kat's mind and she realised what was in store for her. *Dammit, if I do in collapse now Sylvie will not be happy with me. She'll be rather upset over the fact I got back without telling her.*

Kat sighed, and looked away from her bed knowing that she couldn't just collapse anymore, not without risking the crippling feeling of disappointing Sylvie she was sure was awaiting her if she did anything other than look for the girl. Kat focused her hearing outwards and tried to locate everyone in the house.

However, she found something strange, her hearing was extremely stilted. She couldn't hear much outside of the room other than the odd creaks of the house. *System? What's up, are my ears damaged?*

No. User Kat's hearing is limited due to the lack of Higher Energy in the atmosphere.

*Oh… ok then I guess.* Kat pushed her energy towards her ears hoping that would overcome the difference. She was right, and her hearing range drastically improved… but it was still nothing compared to what it was in Xiang's world.

Kat could tell that at least one person was in Callisto's room, but that was pretty much all she could make out. Leaving her room, Kat was surprised to note that it was actually rather dark out. Moving off to the side and looking out, she found the simple answer to her confusion was the fact it was night time still.

*Well, that answers that then. I can just go to sleep.* Kat went to head back to her bed but felt her resolve cracking quickly. The desire to just hug Sylvie and forget her problems was growing stronger the longer she considered it. Once the idea had occurred to her, she couldn't get it out of her mind.

Kat sighed once again, and made her way over to Sylvie's room but just before she opened the door, she heard a rustling from inside. Halting her advance, Kat waited for a few seconds, as the sound travelled closer to the door. Kat heard it click as the door handle was turned.

The door opened slowly, and Sylvie's head peaked out of the room from between the door crack. As soon as she saw Kat's figure though, she threw the door open and leapt towards Kat with her catching Sylvie easily. Sylvie didn't say anything and just snuggled into Kat's shoulder and held her tightly.

Kat smiled and stroked Sylvie's hair, which only made the girl increase her grip on Kat. Smiling even wider, Kat led Sylvie back to her larger bed that would have plenty of space for the two off them, and lay Sylvie down beside her.

Sylvie groaned a little when Kat put her down, but saw what was going on. Waiting patiently for Kat to get under the sheets herself before snuggling into the demon once again. "Welcome back" whispered Sylvie.

Kat smiled at that and whispered "It's good to be back"

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