D.E.M.O.N.S: Getting Summoned Weekly isn't so Bad

Chapter 305: Medusas and the Pit Fiends

Chapter 305: Medusas and the Pit Fiends

"It isssn't really my place to explain it all, but the hossspital issn't bussy at the moment ssso I can if you'd like? It will only be the really top level sstuff, and I'm fairly biasssed you know? You will have to learn the rest in your own time ok?" said Kara

Kat nodded and said "That's fine. I really know nothing. I mean, the system has mentioned it sort of, a few times, but I was always busy and had other things on my mind or was in the middle of something more important to chase up the details on what it meant"

"Ssso to sstart with, there isssn't jusst one planet or even one dimensssion that demonsss control. We basssically have a monopoly over all dimensssionsss that circulate demonic energy throughout it. The Angelsss don't mind if we take thessse worldsss over becaussse nothing but a few ssspecific plantsss and our own demon kind can sssurvive in them. A tasssk many higher ranking demonsss undertake is sssearching for worldsss with demonic energy in them" said Kara explaining the basics simply

Kat though, was still hung up on the middle of what she said about angels. "What do the angels have to do with anything?"

Kara tilted her head "You don't know? But you could hear me sssay angel? That'sss… very sstrange but… I can't sssay more if you don't already know. Literally cannot. Watch…" Kat could see Kara's mouth moving, but the only thing that came out was static. It sounded like she was playing white noise, and her mouth movements were distorted around the edges making it even harder to guess what she might have been saying.

"Oh…" said Kat, once the white noise had stopped.

Kara shrugged "It'sss jusst the way it isss nothing bad about that. Now, that you know that I can ssstart to explain thingsss a little more. Each world capable of only sssuporting demonsss that we find is taken over and usssed as a 'Hub' of sssortsss. Thessse hubsss act mosstly independent of each other. Only the high ranking demonsss travel between them. Ssseeing asss you are here, thisss is your hub world, if not alssso your home world.

"Now, I don't know much about the wider politicsss between hubsss, I'm not that sstrong mysself so I can't tell you. What I can sssay is that you can basssically treat them asss if they don't exisst for now. This hub isss the entirety of the demon world asss far asss you and I are concerned. If you get sstrong enough for thisss to change, you'll have to assk ssomeone elsse. I don't ssay thiss to be rude, but it'sss jusst how it will likely be. The Universsse isss huge and demonsss aren't micromanaged between hubsss. There isss more than enough for everyone to do with jusst the one." Said Kara with a soft smile. Kat could see that she really did mean what she said and was happy without exploring the wider world. *Then again, if the hub is a whole dimension there might be multiple planets worth of space…*

Kara shook her head and continued "Anyway, it doesssn't matter much becaussse they all work in ssimilar waysss. One isss much the sssame asss the other. Ssso, in control of each hub are the Big Ssseven factionsss. They have been around a long time. Mossst people sssay they are asss old asss the demon race and once only contained a sssingle member. However, we have plenty of demonsss who are purely one type of demon that matchesss up with the founder, ssso people insssist their mussst have been at leassst two.

"The easiessst to point at are Succubi. There are plenty of pureblood succubi and incubi around. Sssadly you aren't an example of thisss but I assure you they exist. Thisss leadsss othersss to sssay that there had to have been at leassst a few at the sstart but it doesn't really matter."

"Wait" interrupted Kat "How can you tell I'm not a pure succubus? I mean I know the system said I wasn't but how can you tell?"

Kara smiled "Well, there are a few tellsss. The firssst being your hornsss. They are rather unusual, and certainly not standard. Asss a doctor thatsss the firsst I noticed, but the biggest give away isss that you have naturally white ssskin. Pure Succubi have red ssskin and almosst alwayss get the ability to change that at Rank 1. I sssaw you exhausssted and unable to do anything. Even if I didn't see your records, there would be no way you kept sssomething asss meaningless asss a pigment change going even in your sssleep at sssuch a low rank"

"Oh… right… can you tell me what I am? The system didn't seem to want to" said Kat

Kara shook her head and said "No, I'd need to do tesstsss to find out, and if D.E.M.O.N.S won't tell you I likely can't. Would you like me to continue where I left off now?" and Kat nodded in response

"Ok, well, back to what I wasss sssaying. What doesss matter isss that most of the Big Ssseven have one dominant race that make up mossst of it'sss membersss. The Big Seven are, Lust, Greed, Gluttony, Envy, Pride, Wrath, and Sloth. There are other factionsss but they are normally attached to one of the Big Seven in an advisssory role.

"For example, I'm a Medusssa, with dominant Succubus heritage. Thisss meansss I am firstly an Envy demon, secondly a lust demon, but I've joined the healthcare faction, Medical Associates Demon, normally shortened to MAD. Yesss, I know, the founder wasss jusst as bad asss whoever named D.E.M.O.N.S, but it isss actually one of the largessst factionsss outside of the Big Ssseven and while we don't have the sssame political power they do, we have nearly asss many membersss we have sssomeone every major demon race and mossst sstable mixes, thiss letsss usss continue without sssubordinating ourssselvesss to one of the Big Ssseven."

Kat put her hand up again, causing Kara to let out a polite giggle. "Yesss Kat?"

"What do you mean by stable mix?" asked Kat

Kara gave Kat a light smile "You might be a bit young for that, and it isssn't really part of my medical field…"

Kat pouted in response. "Fine, if thisss is what you want" said Kara with a smile "A ssstable mix isss sssort of itsss own speciesss of demon. It meansss that inssstead of one heritage taking over, they ssshare and can be given to their children. For example, I sssaid earlier I wasss a Medusa, with Succubus heritage, right?

"Well, if I found another demon with the sssame mix asss me, our children would alwaysss be the sssame asss usss. Otherwissse, sssay a pure sssucubusss and a pure medusssa had a child. Their children can be a Sssucccubusss, a Medusssa an unssstable mix, or a sstable one. Unssstable mixesss, will only passs on their dominant heritage instead of all of them. Additionally, if a ssstable mix hasss children with a completely unrelated demon, say once again myssself, and… a pit fiend, my children would be a mix the sssame asss me, or a pit fiend. They won't be jussst medusssa or jussst succubi.

"Unstable though, as I said only passssesss on the main bloodline. Sssay mine wasss unssstable, I might have Medussssa children of Succubi children, but they will not be a mix like me. Doesss that make sssenssse? I feel like we've gotten ssside-tracked a lot"

Kat was blushing a little at this point. She didn't really think she wanted to even consider having children, certainly not this early in her life. *Heck I'm immortal, I can give it good few hundred years before I need to worry about anything… and I'd probably rather start an orphanage like Gramps…* Still though, she asked "Am I a stable mix?"

Kara shrugged "No idea sssorry. I'd guesss sssso? Knowing you were human before the chancesss your bloodline awakened asss an unsstable mix ssshould be low… jusst consssidering what I know of medicine… but we don't exactly have a lot of cassse sstudiesss…

Kat nodded "Yeah, that's fine… I mean… it doesn't really matter I'm not planning to have kids for a while but… I do wonder a little about who I must be related to. I mean, if I'm a stable mix like you said there must be more of me? Or more of the same race as me right?"

Kara nodded "Yesss, that doesss make senssse… though depending on how old your bloodline isss you they might not be around anymore. Sssome bloodlinesss bleed into othersss and sssome ssstart having issuesss. For example, the Medussssa bloodline and Pit Fiend mixesss ocasssionally turn into children that can't ussse demonic energy. If Pit Fiendsss were less…" Kara shook her head and continued "They have issuesss sometimesss having children that are demonsss and not jussst a normal sssentient. Of courssse there isss nothing wrong with that… Succubi have proved that they can have children with non-demons and turn out fine…"

Kat blushed even redder and insisted they go back to talking about the Big Seven. This had gone too far into territory she didn't want to be thinking about.

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