D.E.M.O.N.S: Getting Summoned Weekly isn't so Bad

Chapter 280: Run Boy Run

Chapter 280: Run Boy Run

After that last bit of information, Kat was dismissed, and Heshi vanished. Well, Heshi teleported so that she was looking down at Kikuchi, and Kat could still see her, but after a short staring contest, it was clear she wasn't saying anymore.

Kat considered taking the floor nearby as her bed, but decided that would be rude and she didn't want to see what Kikuchi would say when she woke up and found a random demon on the floor. As such Kat climbed back onto the roof. It was flat enough that she didn't slide off. There was still a bit of surprise considering how fast dirt and grime slide off, but it was clear enough that there was a more selective power.

Kat let herself relax completely and tried to get some sleep instead of just meditation. However, it seemed that no matter how hard she tried; she would always end up in the lake. Eventually, when she relaxed a bit more, she felt her mind sinking into the waters and spreading out. As this happened, she forgot that she was trying to see if she could still sleep and let her mind instead spread out into the water.

There were faint ripples, signalling other people, but they weren't moving, just disrupting the water nearby. As such, Kat, in her dispersed state didn't feel the need to act on this at all. This was how Kat passed the time peacefully… until she was rudely awakened early in the morning.

"HEY! DEMON IT'S TIME TO LEAVE" shouted Xiang, though Kat didn't recognise it at the time.

From Kat's perspective, it was like someone dropped a massive stone into her water. Kat's mind instantly snapped together and her eyes shot open. Flames leaked from every limb including her wings and horns as she made it to her feet.

Then the words caught up with her, and she realised what was going on. As she looked towards the centre of the road, she heard a clamouring from below her. A moment later someone yelled out a response "SOME PEOPLE ARE TRYING TO SLEEP"

"WELL SOME OF US HAVE THINGS TO DO" Xiang shouted back. In response a pot flew out of the window aimed straight for his face. Only Xiang's reaction speed stopped in from colliding with him.

Kat's eyes went wide as she watched the dumbfounded look on his face. That was when the other utensils started flying. Other people must have gotten in on the idea and were now hurling things from the windows nonstop. It wasn't much with just a person, but with a whole building full of angry residents it was more than enough.

Xiang bolted off at his full speed, hurrying out towards the exit of the outpost. Kat finally couldn't hold in the laughter anymore and broke out in giggles on the roof. When she recovered enough to stand back up, she looked down the road and saw Xiang a still running out of town at max speed and broke out into laughter again.

*I can still catch up. It should be fine.* Thought Kat in between fits of laughter. When she finally recovered. The first thing Kat did was send off a message to everyone detailing what just happened. She even sent it to Minor, with a very brief explanation of what was happening, and insisting she was a much better summoner than Xiang… even if it was her mother that did the summoning.

*Well, I suppose I should catch up to him. Jumping down, Kat looked over the random cooking utensils on the ground. Should I… yeah, yeah, I should. I feel somewhat responsible for bringing that idiot into town. Plus, if I do this first I don't have to deal with him for another few minutes.*

Kat took a deep breath before speeding up her thoughts and flooding her limbs with demonic energy. First, she grabbed all the pots and pans, putting them to the side and stacked together for easy access. She left a few of them unstacked to be used for the next stage, which was picking up the large number of wooden spoons before dumping them into the waiting pot. Next, she sorted out the distinct cutlery sets where she could. Most of them lacked designs and were too hard to pick out, but there was one that had a nice floral engraving on it, so she put in their own pan.

After that, there were a few random plates… that did not survive impact. Kat decided to sweep them up together and put them to the side. She left them because she was worried, she'd be blamed for breaking them. Then she remembered that she was about to leave town and likely never return, so she might as well do a bit more good and just clean it up.

Finally, Kat picked up the other random items. A few rocks, a hammer, a couple books, a set of wine glasses that somehow managed to remain intact, a metal teapot, and a few other things. Once they were distributed, Kat took a glance over at the neat piles of random stuff and then up at the windows. Should could see various faces, ranging from confusion, to joy and even on with anger.

Kat just shrugged and took off, making sure to keep her speed down until she made it out of the town before breaking into a full sprint. *Hmm, I wonder if I should fly… nah. Xiang might not know I can just yet. I mean sure, if he took a second to think about it he probably knows… but I'm not sure he could manage that.*

In the end, Kat caught up to Xiang in less than five minutes. She found him on the side of the road huffing and puffing and trying his best not to pass out. When she skidded to a stop, Xiang glared up at her but didn't say anything.

Kat decided, it was only right she act with dignity, and be the bigger person. So she just stood there staring down at Xiang with a big grin her face. "Why… why weren't… you ready… to leave" said Xiang puffing between words.

"You never gave me a time to leave, or a clock" said Kat in a completely innocent voice.

"What about when I was attacked. Why didn't you defend me? What about my honour?" asked Xiang, slightly recovered, but still puffing.

"Defend you from a bunch of random household objects? Surely you aren't so weak?" said Kat *Yes, focus on how it's you who is in the wrong please. Why should I have to defend you from your own mistakes?*

"Then… I must return and show them my superiority" said Xiang trying to stand tall and stumbling.

Kat almost paled at those words. Luckily she was already so pale, the difference was negligible. *That is not where I wanted him to go… um… um… maybe… I hate that I'm about to say this but.* "Is it right for a cultivator to go and attack civilians? You say you are showing your superiority by going back and attacking them, but it's a massive waste of our time. Surely your time is more valuable than that right?" asked Kat praying it would distract him.

"Yes. Yes you're right. They are beneath me and I have no need to waste my time educating peasants. Still… we don't yet have a destination…" said Xiang

*Ok… I can give myself 70% marks for that. Managed to stop him attacking people, but now he's calling them peasants. Which… might be actually true on a technical level depending on how the laws work here… so maybe I should let that slide.* "Don't worry. I found the location we are looking for. It is down this road some days travel, then a short trek through the woods" said Kat

"Great job minion. I see that you used your time wisely. Congratulations. I might just reward you for your efforts once this is all over" said Xiang taking a step forward… or well… back towards the town.

Kat sighed. *Whatever I'm getting paid. It's not enough.* Kat put her hand on his shoulder "That's the wrong way" said Kat

Xiang performed an about-face, without even acknowledging Kat's presence and headed off down the road. Kat just sighed again. *At least he is heading the correct way this time.* Kat started walking behind him.

Of course. They only made it about ten minutes before Xiang needed to take a break. He was back to trying to regain his breath. Clearly, he hadn't actually recovered from his run properly. *This is going to be a looong day I suppose. Hopefully he has the patience to make sure it doesn't turn into a long week as he tries to rush it like an idiot.*

After about a minute of recovery, Xiang pulled out a bottle of water, took a long swig and then started walking again. Clearly trying to ignore the fact that he was completely exhausted just a few seconds ago. *It's gonna be a long week isn't it. I can only hope that angel knew what it was talking about.*

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