D.E.M.O.N.S: Getting Summoned Weekly isn't so Bad

Chapter 257: a Minor Accomplice

Chapter 257: a Minor Accomplice

Shizuka seemed to shiver as her fur and hair rapidly flicked between Major's light blue and Minor's deep red. It seemed to strobe, with rings of red and blue moving out towards the tips of her hair and tails pulsing with slowly increasing speed.

Kat watched fascinated as the colours started to blur together even to her advanced eyes, looking much closer to a strange light grey instead of either one. Then all of a sudden, the motion haltered and the colour flashed to light blue as if it had never been anything else.

Kat held her breath and waited as presumably Major shifted in the bed. Kat stood up and moved to their side as silently as she could, intending to allow Major to sleep more if it was necessary.

When, a second later Major's eyes opened, Kat let herself breath again. "What… what happened my head is killing me" said Major?

"How much do you remember?" asked Kat in a soft and gentle voice as she could manage, which, consider her work at the orphanage, and her new demonic position, nearly put Major right back to sleep.

"Ergh, Kat what are you doing here" asked Major?

*Welp, with a response like that it has to be Major.* "Do you remember the dream you were just in?" asked Kat still keeping her voice soft.

Those words shook away and sleepiness that might have still been present. Major practically through herself into a sitting position, and whipped her head around to look Kat in the eyes "That was all real?!" said Major

Kat nodded and Major seemed to take this in stride, opening her mouth to say something else but before anything more than a slight wisp of air could make its way out of Major's mouth she completely froze… and then broke down crying "I-I… I can h-he-ar her" sobbed Major grasping onto Kat's outfit and pulling her in close.

Kat let herself travel towards Major and hugged the crying girl, and starting stroking her hair the way she did with Minor. This seemed to only cause Major to hug Kat tighter as she continued to cry her eyes out.

At this point, Kat could hear steps approaching from outside. *Great, I bet Enuko is going to storm in here, and I swear if she attacks me I am not going to be happy.* As if summoned, Enuko threw open the door and took in the scene. Kat was glad however that, she took the extra fraction of a second required to realise that Major was grasping tightly onto Kat and that she was repeating it was all real over and over again gave some better indication as to what was going on.

Enuko lowered the arm that had been raised in a strike and let her features droop proceeding to stand in the doorway like a lost fox. *What are you doing.* Kat glared at Enuko trying to communicate with her eyes so she didn't interrupt Major.

This seemed to get the wrong idea across as Enuko sighed and started walking away. Kat gave a sharp shake of her head and redoubled her glare. This time Enuko seemed to get it and slowly walked towards the pair as if moving too fast would shatter the illusion before her.

No such thing happened of course, and when she arrived in tail range Kat slowly snaked her tail behind Enuko and pulled her into the hug as well. As soon as Kat had both kitsune in her arms Enuko started crying as well. Kat just smiled and pulled them tighter, nothing needed to be said.

Eventually, it was Major who broke the hug, looking up between Enuko and Kat, stating once more "I can h-hear her" with somewhat less tears, though they hadn't entirely vanished.

Kat and Enuko smiled and shared a glance "I see you did as I asked" said Enuko

"Of course," said Kat "This was my most important summoning to date. I had to succeed"

Major made a squeak of affirmation. "Though, I don't want this to sound rude, but can Minor take over the body somehow now? Or is she just a voice in your head for the moment?" asked Kat

"Eh… um, we're not sure" said Major

"That's ok, I just wanted to ask because I have to leave soon" said Kat

That caused both foxes to freeze in place. "What?" asked Enuko, the first to bring herself back into the moment

"Well… so, hang on one second" said Kat *System how much can I explain?*

User Kat is allowed to explain everything except the systems existence, and is asked to refrain going into significant details of home world when speaking with the two Entity before you.

*Ok thanks.* "Right, so I wasn't sure what I could or couldn't say for a second, but I'm actually fine to talk about it. So, I currently owe a debt to the major powers of the demon world. It's nothing major, just paying back what was invested in me to get a start."

Enuko nodded along as Kat continued "But, the deadline was for one month, and with the extra time I spent here I've gone over that limit" Enuko instantly started to speak up but Kat charged forward ???BUT, because of the strange circumstances I've been given twenty four hours here, then another twenty four at home before I get summoned again"

Enuko chewed on her lip for a moment before she began speaking "Can I somehow pay that off? I mean, I was going to give you something"

*System? Can she just give me money?* Thought Kat as she sped up her thought process so as not to just stare off into space for too long

User Kat is able to be granted items from Summoner Enuko, however as it was not used in the summoning process it cannot be converted to Embers.

*Ok um… what? Why not?*

Converting into Currency is reserved for higher Rank demons to prevent market manipulation.

Kat felt her mouth threaten to drop open but she couldn't risk Enuko thinking something strange was going on so she held it close. *That's actually a problem?*

Of course. The Greed faction has routinely tried to engage in it and as such the other large Organisations voted multiple policies in to prevent it.

*That… that makes a lot of sense actually but I kind of wish that it didn't.* "Um, sort of?" said Kat "You can offer me things but I don't have the required status to convert whatever you might give me into what I need to pay off my debt"

"Huh, that's strange… but I suppose it makes some degree of sense. Alright, is there anything I can get you then?" asked Enuko

*Hey system… can I ask her for lessons on how to use my fans? Would that stop her from eventually being punished for summoning me about a task?*

Yes. Lessons can be considered payment for Beacon Contracts.

*Is it an issue that I'd have to come back though?*

No. D.E.M.O.N.S is willing to take on the cost of transporting User Kat to lessons if those lessons are a payment for a Contract.

*Well damn. Ok then.* "Um, if it's possible, could you teach me had to wield a set of fans? I don't have them on me, I left them at home, but when I'm free I'd love to come back" asked Kat

Enuko looked thoughtful for a moment "Well, I can't personally teach you anything really. I don't use them, but I do know someone who might be able to if that is acceptable. How will we arrange the time?" said Enuko

*Um… system can I make Minor an accomplice?*

That is acceptable. User Kat will have no remaining Accomplice slots if you do this.

*Go for it then.* Major froze. "Kat? My sister wants to ask if you are responsible for the burning letters she can see in front of her"

*Can I answer that question? Even in front of Enuko?*

Yes. Now that User Kat has an Accomplice in this Dimension the rules regarding what User Kat aren't as strict.

Kat felt like slamming a hand into her face but settled for answering Major "Yes, that's my doing. She'd be considered an accomplice of mine by the system"

"What are you getting her into?" asked Enuko. Her voice was calm but her eyes held a sharp glean.

"Nothing dangerous I assure you" said Kat "It will allow Minor to contact me whenever she wants. It is only something that became available to me recently"

Enuko pursed her lips "Ok. I'll trust you" she said but each word looked like she was trying to cough up rusty nails, even as she tried to keep it as pleasant as she possibly could.

"Though… can you make me one as well?" asked Enuko

Kat shook her head "I am afraid that all of my slots are taken up. Perhaps in the future I can, but for now, I cannot"

Enuko nodded and mumbled "I'm not sure if I prefer it this way or not" *I'm not sure if she realises I can still hear her… but surely she has fought people with really good hearing right? This seems like a bad habit.*

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