D.E.M.O.N.S: Getting Summoned Weekly isn't so Bad

Chapter 227: a Minor planning session

Chapter 227: a Minor planning session

"So, we are still a bit short than. 20% ish right?" asked Kat

Minor nodded, and Kat continued "So, what about those mountains? Would somehow causing massive damage to them break the scene a bit the same way the filter would?"

Minor bit her lips "No… I don't think it will. I think we'd have a better chance messing with the clouds. The mountains act more like a boundary because this scene isn't that large all things considered. The clouds though, add to the atmosphere, so I think we should work on them"

Kat nodded "Ok, well, I'm not really sure what to do with them" said Kat

Hmm, Minor brushed her chin with her tails, and a mimicry of Kat's own nervous tick she had yet to notice. "So… ok I can think of two ways actually. One, may or may not require my help, and the other certainly will"

Kat gestured for Minor to continue "So, I think we can perhaps either, use a bit of my power along with your wings to push everything away. So, that should be fine because wind is mostly hidden, and maybe if you do your whole creepy demon presence thing I can make the wind brush away the clouds

"Secondly, if you can spread your flame throughout the clouds, depending on how well made they are they might start hailing, which should break the scene a bit as the piling snow slows down the armies as well"

"What demon presence thing?" asked Kat

"A-ah don't worry about it too much… it just… sort of happens sometimes. It makes you feel really important, but it's also very calming? It's weird. I think it might be your aura that does it but I can't exactly be sure about it" said Minor

*That's a little strange to hear… I'd love to ask the system if that has any sort of wider implications. I doubt that fear aura also comes with a respect component… other than respect given through fear of course…*

*Though maybe that explains it? Anyway, ignoring that, I think I should use my fire on the clouds. Minor will already be stretched a bit then as it is and I don't want to make her do even more work. I'm not sure she can handle anything else even if she'd say otherwise…*

*Though hang on. How come she knows that you can cause blizzards by cooling down the clouds and forcing them to turn from a gas to a more solid form… especially when she is missing something like the square cube law. Guess I can just ask*

"I'm surprised you know that you can create snow and rain by messing around with the clouds" said Kat

Minor shrugged "It's pretty simple. I mean, Major has studied quite a lot of spells that create localised weather phenomenon with her water magic. They are a bit beyond her, but she's been sure to research everything she can get her hands on"

*Oh… that actually makes a lot of sense.* "So, will that be enough? The purple, the wall, and the snow?" asked Kat

Minor nodded "I think so. It has to be" the second part of the sentence was barely whispered, but considering the close proximity Kat could easily hear, and she wasn't entirely sure Minor actually meant to keep it from her.

Still Kat chose to say nothing "So now it's a matter of order. What do we want to do and when do we do them" said Kat

Minor chewed on her tail for a moment before saying "Well, I think we have to build the wall first. Then we can deal with the filter… but maybe we should do that at the same time as the dark clouds? Maybe we can work together on it instead?" said Minor

"Are you sure? I can fly pretty easily through it all" asked Kat

Minor shook her head, more confident this time "No, I think it will be much more effective doing it both together. It will only take a slight bit more effort on my part, though it will still take a large chunk of your reserves"

"How much do you think I should use?" asked Kat

"Well, I can't really know exactly how your powers work, but I'd say somewhere between one third and one half" said Minor

*Oof, that's quite a lot of energy to lose in one go. Even with my poor control and worse planning I'm not sure I've ever used up so much in one attack. Repeated attacks in short succession? Yes, otherwise n… actually I did use everything against Grace… dunno if that counts though*

*I just sort of decided to use literally everything and threw it all into my flames… though I guess that's what I'm doing here anyway, and Minor is going to help me.*

"Ok, sounds like a plan. How do we want to order this?" asked Kat

"I'm thinking, splinter first to around half size, then wait till I recover, change the sky, then wait a bit if necessary then do the blockade" said Minor

Kat shrugged "This will probably be harder on you than on me. I trust your judgement" said Kat

Minor nodded "I'll be fine, now can you please grab a bit of wood. The more regular the better, and size probably doesn't matter" said Minor

Kat nodded, and narrowed her eyes, giving them a bit of demonic energy as well as some sent towards her mind to slow things down. She watched the figures clash in front of her, splinters broke off and fell constantly

For the most part though she ignored them. Many were out of range, and she wasn't going to risk alerting the army by going after anything out of tail reach. That still left plenty. It took only three destroyed figures to spot a piece that suited her needs.

Kat watched as the figure in question had its arm cut clean off by its opponent. Kat lashed out with her tail, having prepared for the moment in question, and easily grabbed the arm before it hit the floor.

Now it did also come with a wooden sword, but that was just more material to work with. That was until Kat realised… *It's so much better to just use the sword isn't. Why did I not even see this. *

As Kat stood there awkwardly, moving the sword from her tail to her hand, Minor noticed the same thing Kat did and blushed in embarrassment "Th-that's perfect… I can't believe I didn't just ask for a sword" said Minor

"For me, its because I thought I'd have to grab it after it left the mannequin, but that's no real excuse" said Kat

Minor shrugged "No harm done, pass it here" said Minor "Ok, we are going to have to step back to do this properly"

Kat and Minor ran backwards, with Minor slowly increasing the size of the sword as they ran. It was a little strange. She'd line everything up with her eyes, then the sword would shift so it was in front of them and a little larger.

She'd then pick it up and repeat the process. Kat didn't start to see noticeable strain on Minor's face until around the tenth attempt. At this point, the sword was now twice as large as Minor, and she was able to wield it fine, though she was now short on breath.

Kat put out a hand to stop her "Are you ok?" asked Kat

Minor nodded "I'm fine?? I just… didn't quite realise how bad it would be to do this repeatedly. I'm better of doing enlargements as much as I can rather than this rapid fire nonsense but I'm worried it will start to sink if I place it too far away for us to pick up quickly" said Minor

Kat gave a dismissive wave "I can just run ahead if you want, and make sure it doesn't"

Minor bit her lip "Ok, but you'll need to close your eyes. Wait until you hear it land please" said Minor

Kat nodded and sprinted ahead. After around a minute of going full speed, she could just barely make out Minor in the distance with her enhanced vision. *That doesn't seem quite right. I don't think I travelled that far… unless Minor managed to do something… or maybe the scene is just messing with me.*

Improving her vision slightly Kat watched Minor give her the thumbs up. Closing her eyes, Kat readied herself. She didn't have to wait long as not ten seconds had passed since closing her eyes when she heard a deep thud.

Opening her eyes, Kat started forward. The once hand sized wooden sword was not easily twice as wide as she was tall. *How the hell am I supposed to lift this. I get it won't be heavy but… where do I grab it?*?Kat saw the sword starting to wobble a bit as if it was going to fall over, and so she made her move.

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