D.E.M.O.N.S: Getting Summoned Weekly isn't so Bad

Chapter 1072 A Distant Bang

Chapter 1072 A Distant Bang



BOOM. A large explosion could be heard in the distance, and when Bing turned back, she was horrified to see a large pillar of light some ways behind them. It was too far away for Bing to see, and the pressure of moving so fast already made her chest feel tight. Now that she'd seen the remnants of a powerful explosion it felt like her chest was bound in a steel vice, slowly doing its best to crack her ribs. "M-mum, is Kat ok?" asked Bing shakily.

Meng looked back, "I can't see any trace of Kat from here," Bing felt her heart clench, "but the angle is bad and there are quite a few trees around. It seems your father was determined to be a sore looser even in death,"

"Hope the demon bitch was taken out," grumbled Feng, so low Bing wasn't entirely sure that she'd heard it until a loud crack followed up. Meng was now beside Feng, arm raised and the red handprint of Feng's face made it clear what the sound had been.

"Feng Jingzi Baofengyu, I can't believe you would say such a thing," hissed Meng.

"Oh, look who showed their true colours as soon as the demon was clear. Already looking for an excuse to beat me," grumbled Feng.

Meng's expression went stormy, and Bing could see actually storm clouds gathering behind Meng's head. Perhaps it was a reflexive mechanism to release her emotions? "I raised you better then this!" hissed Meng.

"You lied to me my entire life!" shot back Feng.

"I did no such thing. I lied about a minor issue that frankly, you were too young to understand. Even if I had been completely honest about your parentage, you were children, and I would never want you to think of my as a monster, but my patience is wearing a bit thin with you right now Feng," said Meng with clearly restrained rage.

"Oh, your patience is wearing thin just now?" asked Feng. "What happened to the woman who would love us no matter what?"

Meng's glared intensified, and Bing could only watch as several minor explosions and pops happened behind Meng's back. Bing could see her mother's hands twitching, reaching for something that wasn't there only to force them back to a more neutral position, but it was a constant cycle. "Feng. I can forgive a lot. I can forgive your dislike of me. I can forgive your disbelief. I can forgive the fact that you tormented your sister instead of letting her sleep…"

Feng's eyes went wide but Meng just continued on, "Oh yes I know of that. I can and have forgiven you for stabbing me in the neck. However, not only did you disrespect your sister's friend, you insulted the woman who gave me a real chance to keep my children. You insulted the demon that saved you from your own stupidity not even ten minutes ago. You owe that woman your life, because I'm not sure I would've been fast enough.

"She took horrific wounds to ensure that you lived through your stupidity. And while I do still live you. I am also your mother. Not your friend. Not your girlfriend or love. Certainly not your concubine. I will let you get away with much, but I am a Rank 4 cultivator that has lived for a long time. I will not let you sit here and denigrate someone you owe your life to. You are acting with such blatant disrespect that once we are out of immediate danger I will be disciplining you for this. Harshly."

"What gives you the right?" asked Feng, with calm he didn't feel. To others though, it sounded like he was asking what the weather was going to be like today. "You're not my mother,"

Bing could swear she heard the air crack in that moment. Meng's entire body tensed. Every part of Bing was screaming that she needed to protect her brother, that this woman in front of her was about to kill him. Bloodlust seeped into the air, so thick that Bing could see it. Though that might just have been part of the illusions. Still, Feng stared her down. Daring her to do it. Daring her to prove him right.

*WHAT THE FUCK FENG! You might have gotten Kat killed… and now you're hear saying the most hurtful things you possibly can to Meng, the woman who raised us just because you want to be a bit pissy? Can you not see just how horrible I feel for leaving Kat behind! I have to trust that she's fine, but I could see that she was heavily injured when she tackled Bang of course. I cannot fucking believe that you're really doing this right now.*

Bing was thoroughly displeased, but Meng was apoplectic. She was angry, not just with Feng, but with herself. How could a son she had raised so such blatant disrespect? Such lack of honour? A dark part of her mind whispered that she was a spy, an assassin, a killer. That she had no honour and this was part of her karma. Meng's jaw was clenched tight, and if she hadn't fully strengthened her bones as part of her foundational cultivation, Meng was sure they'd have cracked under the strength of her jaw.

"Feng-" the word burned as Meng spoke it, the moment was tense, and Feng was almost certain he was going to get it for his words. He was too angry to regret it right now… and perhaps he wouldn't have the chance. A blink later and he was standing where Meng had just been, and the sharp crack of thunder seemed to boom out nearby.

Bing watched in horror as something too fast for her eyes to see smashed into the side of Meng's chest, in the spot Feng had just been standing. Meng heaved as the air was drawn out of her lungs, both from the impact of whatever that was and from the broken ribs now puncturing her lungs.

Before anyone could react properly, Meng had directed them downwards at a blistering speed. Before Bing knew it they were down on the ground. Feng had fallen to the floor, the pressure from the speed too much for him. Meng was finding it hard to care right now. The pain was intense, and she'd been too caught up in her argument with that idiots son of hers to notice the attack coming. What they needed to do was get ready. "Bing, you and your brother need to run. I don't know how many people are following us, nor how powerful they are. I suspect Bang gave them one of the trackers designed to follow you. I'll need to burn a good deal of qi to disguise your signature, but I can't defend you both as easily as Kat could,"

"Why Mum? I don't want to leave you behind," whispered Bing, heart in her throat. She also wanted to ask a dozen other questions, like why are you hurt. Why did you take that hit for Feng even though he was being an ass. Why can't I leave Feng behind instead? But Bing didn't have time, not even to contemplate them mentally. They were on a clock, and she knew that.

"Bing, illusions are by there very nature fragile. I can do a lot to hide you, but if things start escalating the collateral damage will be more than I can defend you from. A stray arrow, or perhaps more bombs if they take after Bang. I simply can't protect you well from that sort of thing. All I can make sure of is that you won't be found by anyone other than myself for the next two or three hours," explained Meng.

"Promise me mother… promise me this isn't you trying to die a martyr. I swear I will find a way with Lian to curse your soul to be denied the afterlife," hissed Bing with anger. If Meng noticed her voice cracking then that was obviously just because of how angry she was. Fear had nothing to do with it.

Meng gave a cocky grin, "Ah my daughter, didn't you here my bragging partner? I'm the best assassin alive. I'll not die here," said Meng.

Bing smiled back, not able to, or perhaps, not willing to notice that Meng did not make any promises, and that an assassin always fights with the advantage of stealth. Something Meng was very much lacking right now. Assassins certainly weren't involved in defensive actions, unless they were set to kill anyone who came near. No, this was a fight Meng really didn't want to participate in right now but she had no choice.

 "Ok Mum… just… come find us soon," said Bing as she ran over to her brother. His ankle was sprained, and Bing felt mildly annoyed at the damage. *This is going to slow us down. It is a lenient punishment considering the shit he said, but now it might be our downfall. I'll need to carry the ass and I'm not feeling particularly generous right now.*


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