D.E.M.O.N.S: Getting Summoned Weekly isn't so Bad

Chapter 1061 Mother?

Chapter 1061 Mother?

Bing's perspective!


Bing wanted to say she was dealing with the whole 'mother was replaced at birth' thing… but she wasn't. Bing was pushing all of her feelings down right now, because as poorly as she was taking this information? Feng was taking it much worse. In fact it was her budding friendship with Sue and by extension, Kat and Lily, that let her believe it. Kat was trustworthy in her eyes, and True Sight was a powerful ability. Bing just wished it hadn't been her own mother that turned out to be hiding under powerful illusions.

It called into questions so many things, and Bing felt the need to rage and scream just as much, if not more then Feng but she pushed it down. Bing couldn't be certain just how much was the truth at the moment, nor even if the heartbroken expression on Meng's face when Feng stabbed her was real. For now though, she just had to take things as they came. Bing knew she could have a breakdown later.

What they needed to do was establish what was now happening. What was true, how much was a lie, and what they were planning to do in the future. Kat had already given her answer, but Meng had been avoiding doing the same. Perhaps it was time to force a few concessions from her 'mother' "I'd like to see what you look like mother," said Bing as she stared at the woman.

Meng swallowed but nodded and let the illusion drop, Bing's first impression of the woman was that she was tiny. Meng was not really short… but she lacked so much of the presence she had when pretending to be the matriarch of her sect. It felt like Meng was desperately wishing to not be looked at so closely, and her cultivation was doing what it could to make that happen without a proper technique. Considering what Bing had been told about Meng so far, it might even be a genuine technique, and not a matter of just body posture.

"Tell me something that you'd only know if you were my mother since birth," said Bing firmly.

Meng winced but nodded, "Well daughter… I could tell you quite a few things but I'm not sure how much it would help, neither you nor Feng have techniques that allow for the viewing of such memories, it would prove nothing," Bing held her head up high and glared at Meng. Meng cracked in under five seconds. "Fine but you asked for this!

"When you were both little, really little, you used to hate each other. Always biting and slapping each other if you were put in close proximity. I had to breastfeed you both separately because I couldn't count on you both sitting quietly during the process. Didn't matter if I was feeding you both at the same time, or if I took it one at a time, you would hit and kick and bite at each other. I thought it was my fault for quite some time, but reviewing my memories of the short time you were with your biological parent revealed you both had always been like that," explained Meng.

"We got along great!" hissed Feng, "We did everything together until… well until that one thing, that I don't want to bring up with an imposter and a fucking demon,"

"Rude," grumbled Kat. Feng glared at her for it but Kat just stared back, letting her eyes glow.

Meng, jumped in with, "You warmed up to each other during the first truly bad storm we had around the compound. The thunder was especially loud and you both clung to each other like if you let go the world would end. It was a terrible pain to feed you for days after that event because you would not let go of each other. It took a week… and you hit each other once more each, frowned for some reason and started crying. You were quite taken with each other since that point… though obviously you stopped being so friendly later on. Though, you both have different ideas about what point in time is the cause of your separation,"

"Wait a minute," asked Bing quickly, with a confused look on her face, "How did you manage to breastfeed us? You aren't our r-" Bing cut herself off, the slight twitch of Meng's face, and the pain in her own traitorous heart wouldn't let her say it. It had been a mistake anyway. *I did not mean to say that. I shouldn't have even thought about it.* "You aren't our biological mother; you didn't get pregnant… so how did you manage to feed us? I mean… you didn't… didn't…"

Meng shook her head and said, "To the question I suspect you're struggling to answer, no. No I did not get pregnant and abandon or abort the child. I am infertile, have been for my entire life. It might be one of the big reasons that I have always been so enamoured with having children of my own. The answer is a lot simpler, well, I personally think it's a bit of a silly question anyway.

"Even if I didn't know a technique to produce breast milk, which I very much do, you were two babies. It would be quite literally the easiest thing I've ever done with my power to convince you both you were drinking from breasts while feeding you goat's milk or something else of that nature. Actually, that's something I lied about doing to my superiors. I wasn't to breast-feed you. I might get attached. Of course, it was a valid concern, I did get attached, but that was always going to happen so," Meng ended her thought with a shrug.

"Wait… WHY do you know that sort of technique?" asked Bing.

"It was for spy work right?" answered Kat. Meng grinned. "Right?" Meng grinned wider. "Um…" Kat looked away not wanting to hear the answer.

But instead, Meng slid forward so that she was standing next to her daughter's ear and started to whisper. "Can't you imagine it? I did quite a few seduction missions you know. Can you just imagine it? Having two over-engorged melons that you can just burry your face in and then suck on. Just imagine it… pressing your face into a set of nice tits and then getting rewarded for your efforts,"

The words licked at Bing's ears and she couldn't help but imagine herself in that position with Sue. Bing's throat dried as she imagined the process. Her thoughts were going from zero to sixty real fast then Feng shouted, "Why are you telling that nonsense to Bing? Why would she care about that sort of technique?"

"You're sister is a lesbian," said Meng deadpan.

Bing squawked in indignation, "I AM NOT" shouted Bing. Nobody believed her.

"Bing, it's ok. Your brother is entirely straight and he can deal with giving me grandbabies… though I'm also pretty sure I could find a way for you to have kids with another woman if you wanted. I certainly know how to give myself a fake dick. Wouldn't get anyone pregnant but I mean…"

"MOTHER!" shouted Bing as she let Feng go and started to block her view of Meng.

Meng couldn't be happier at the chastisement. It wasn't 'Meng' or 'Spy' or any horrible word that Bing could use. It was a pure, untainted, purely reflexive cy of 'mother' and it was the most glorious prize. Meng would treasure this moment forever. Even when Feng interrupted, "Wait my sister is gay? Why didn't anyone tell me!"

Meng shrugged, "I've known for a while but Bing here has been in denial for a long time, though, based on her lacklustre defence of herself, less in denial then before,"

"Is that why you spend so much time with Lian?" wondered Feng.

"Ewh, gross," hissed Bing as she blasted Feng with air to get him further away. "Gross, gross, gross, gross, she's basically my sister Feng! That's like you having fantasies about me!"

"Sis why!" hissed Feng as he comedically clutched at his eyes, "Why would you put that thought in my mind!"

"You started it you little shit!" retorted Bing.

"Why you!" said Feng as he jumped at Bing arms outstretched, and at mortal speed. Bing let him, taking the impact but stumbling over something behind her she didn't see… couldn't see because it was a solid illusion Meng made. The two fell to the ground and started to tussle with each other like five year olds. Pulling hair, pushing, shoving, and rolling around on the dirt.

Meng smiled at it like it was the most beautiful sight in the world while Kat shimmied to her side. Too curious not to ask, "So did you really learn that lactation technique just for sex?"

Meng shrugged, "It WAS on a list of sex spells the organisation gave me to learn. Though it was in the 'optional' section and I've never once needed to use it for anything other than feeding my children. So… take that as you will,"

Bing and Feng though, weren't listening instead they just kept playfully fighting with each other trying to blow off some of the emotions burning inside themselves.

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