D.E.M.O.N.S: Getting Summoned Weekly isn't so Bad

Chapter 1056 KatE Delivery Girl

Chapter 1056 KatE Delivery Girl

"Ok, well… I'm going to do something that's probably stupid, but differently stupid," said Kat. "I need to let Sue know what's going on and while I doubt it, she might have some ideas for us,"

Meng nodded, a glint in her eyes, "She seems like a woman with all sorts of wonderful ideas, I support this decision wholeheartedly,"

"And yet suddenly I find myself feeling like I'm making a mistake… but fine whatever," grumbled Kat as she called up her power. There was a bit of resistance, and a sharp, tugging sensation on what had to be her soul before KatE burst into existence in all of her flaming glory.

"Ok… but like… what is that and why do I feel the need to run away and never look back?" asked Meng as she leaned away from KatE instinctively.

"This one has been given the designation KatE, though perhaps for your mortal and unenhanced tongue, Kate will have to suffice. I am, in essence, semi-sentient demonic energy with a small slither of Kat's soul to give me preferences apart from the desire to burn everything to the ground," explained KatE as she moved over to the wall and put her hand on it.

Ice started to cover the wall as Kat frowned, "Wait… so am I giving up a piece of my soul every time I summon you?"

"This one does not believe so," responded KatE in her standard tone. "Through what details I was able to glean from my second foray into existence it is likely that the shard is returned and needs time to properly reintegrate itself into the main body of our shared soul before I am resummoned. I have no information to suggest it is the same slither of soul each time, which should, in theory, mean that I will grow more like you as I share various parts of your soul,"

"Well it's fucking creepy is what it is, no offence," said Meng

"I take no offence, as I do not appear to be capable of producing the correct emotional response associated with 'offence' or 'being offended'. I will carry out Kat's orders without fail, and then return to Kat's body. Speaking of, how are you right now Kat, you were not in any proper state last time," said KatE

"It's really weird… I feel… hollow definitely and drained. I only have about twenty-percent of my demonic energy left and I think it might slowly be dropping. That's twenty-percent AFTER Lily's share as well. I can see through your eyes but I can't control your actions, or at least, it doesn't seem that way. Not a fan, of the experience personally," explained Kat after a bit of thought.

"Interesting, I appear to be able to sense your intentions and direction yet I do not see through your eyes as you do mine. Furthermore, it appears I can now leave this cavern," informed KatE

"Hey, how are you getting out?" asked Meng.

"I am comprised almost solely of demonic energy and as such it is possible to force my form through solid objects. It is a wasteful technique, that requires me to saturate the material with large portions of my demonic energy reserves and under most circumstances simply running around the problem or breaking my way through is more useful. Alas, not this time," said KatE

"Stupid demons, able to no-sell all the defences on my best vault just by existing. Should hire more demons to steal shit," grumbled Meng.

KatE gave Kat a nod and then zipped through the wall. Once on the other side KatE took off, heading down the mountain towards Sue. That little trick with the wall took over half her demonic energy reserves, and KatE noticed her reserves only dropped, not recovered, despite Kat also seemingly loosing energy. "Truly a bother," mumbled KatE as she made her way down the mountain.

It took some time, but eventually she was in a familiar town. When she found herself at the mansion, KatE could see it swarming with activity through the windows. KatE just walked up to the door and forced the handles open. They were locked, but compared to her own strength it was a minor thing. Hromdir was barking orders from the central staircase so she just walked up behind him and waited for a moment.

When the air started to chill Hromdir turned around, then leapt backwards with great force once he saw KatE's form. "Are… are you dead? Are you the wraith of the demon come to complete her mission?" asked Hromdir, voice shaking as he did so. From just the cold… or more… KatE lacked the emotional bandwidth to properly consider.

"Your assumption about my existence is incorrect, I am an ability of my original creator, Kat and have come to deliver a message to yourself and Sue. Please call her here so that we can discuss the plan for the future," explained KatE.

Hromdir nodded and called over another servant to get Sue and headed off to a room they had secured for meetings since Bodeir's disappearance. Inside was Creshe as well, who KatE supposed was here representing the ship's captain, someone they still hadn't met yet. Sue came in soon and looked at KatE in shock.

"Greetings compatriot Sue, I am KatE, as you likely know. I have come bearing a message," said KatE.

"Right, well… go ahead I guess?" said Sue in slightly confused response.

"Indeed, the situation is as follows…" KatE quickly went on to explain the whole situation with Meng, and then requested advice.

"Why not simply take out Meng herself. I understand if you are fond of young mistress Bing, but Bodeir's life IS your priority as per the contract," asked Hromdir.

"It is still dangerous to interrupt someone when attuning to an artifact is it not?" asked KatE "Assume that Kat took the fight to Meng. It is entirely possible Meng left behind some delayed illusion or way for her to disrupt the bonding process. If Kat decides to fight, despite Meng's seemingly amicable position, it likely increase the danger to Bodeir Jr. Not necessarily of course, and Kat has no delusions that she is attempting this course of action because of both her own and Sue's budding friendship with Bing, but it does appear to be the least likely to result in damage to Bodeir assuming we can escape Bang's notice, and even if we obtain it, still might be safest,"

"I think the lass is making a fine choice… though I do have to ask, what's with all the complicated plans?" asked Creshe.

"What do you mean?" asked KatE

"Why can't Meng just grab her kids and run? The world is quite large, simply running until she enters another continent once or twice would likely see her outside of the main powers on this one. They may remember her, but with some minor work she could join up with a sect on the other side of the globe. It seems like the best of all solutions," explained Creshe.

KatE paused completely, shuddering a bit like a crashing computer program before returning to normal operations. "It appears that solution was not considered by my original or Meng herself. While it is excusable for Meng, as she is likely restrained in some way, Kat has no such excuse, nor does Lily. I will ensure they are properly ashamed for missing such an easy solution,"

Hromdir glared a bit at Creshe, having intended to try and convince KatE and by extension, Meng that defecting to the Mountain Shaker sect was the best idea, yet he could already see just how much better Creshe idea is. Despite nominally being in charge of the Holy Icy Wind sect Meng was bound to lose that very same power quite soon. Her only value would be as a Rank 4 cultivator and whatever she manages to steal before leaving. Her children valuable only for their talent, but a powerful Rank 4 illusionist would be strong enough to protect them from most who desired them. A Rank 4 was nothing to scoff at.

"Is there any proper timeline regarding when we need to leave? How long will master Bodeir need to attune to the artifact," asked Hromdir.

KatE shrugged, "I cannot answer that. Meng did not know as she made sure he chose a purposely ill-fitting artifact that would give him difficulty to attune, yet it was never explained what the standard attuning time actually was to myself or Kat," answered KatE.

"Hmm…" mumbled Hromdir, not knowing the answer either. Not for one that was not innately compatible with the young master.

Sue, seeing that neither Creshe nor Hromdir had any questions decided to ask, "So how is everyone?"

"Kat is suffering under Meng's alcoholism induced burping, Lily is unconscious but safe and Lian is likely protecting her but still greatly weakened from her self-sacrificial attempts to provide Kat with a way to help Bing, and does not yet know of the truth of Meng so is likely still panicking a great deal," said KatE blandly.

Sue groaned, "Can you do anything to help them?"

"I only retain approximately ten percent of my demonic energy reserves. I will be force dismissed in no more than five minutes," explained KatE as Sue glared at the energy construct.

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