D.E.M.O.N.S: Getting Summoned Weekly isn't so Bad

Chapter 1053 Sweet Dreams

Chapter 1053 Sweet Dreams

*Ok. Hopefully Lily will forgive me interrupting but I need advice. I just don't know what to do here. Meng seems genuine about her love for Bing… and really that's my deciding factor so far. Is it a good idea to leave Bing with an assassin though? Perhaps? I'm leaning towards yes… despite my misgivings.*

"Hey, I'm just going to… stop paying attention for a bit to check on my partner if that's alright? I… well honestly I just don't have any good ideas, and I'd like to know if she's ok," said Kat.

"Meh, do what you like, I'm in no rush, and if my bosses use their truth compelling artifact I can honestly say I kept you busy this whole time. Misleading sure, but true enough for the artifact not to get pissy about it," said Meng with a wave… as she summoned a fucking barrel.

*That's a barrel of alcohol, isn't it? You know what? I don't want to be paying attention to whatever shitshow is about to go down here anyway. I can at least say I'm doing major damage to Meng's liver…*

Kat focused on her connection to Lily, opening it slowly just in case she was in combat. The last thing Kat wanted to do was distract Lily and get her hurt… but the link was strangely silent. Kat swallowed hard, ignoring the panic in her chest and carefully kept opening the connection more. Ever so slowly, Kat got more of the picture… and it was clear Lily was asleep. Still, Kat couldn't shake off her fear.

*Dammit. Is she asleep because she's tired and safe? Or asleep because she's been captured and knocked out? Exhausted? Injured? I just don't know! Dammit Lily, why did you have to take up the habit of sleeping for most of the day! Now I can't be sure if there's anything wrong just based on the fact you're sleeping in the evening! Ugh… can I?*

Kat pressed harder on the connection and felt her body in the real world shuddering slightly between her normal form and her dream walking form. *Oh yes, right. I can enter people's dreams. Can I enter Lily's dream even from this distance?*

Meng watched on as Kat went from solid demon, to pink smoke and back again before flopping unconscious, with just her horns as bright pink smoke. "Do I even want to know?" Meng glanced at the barrel, "Nah, I got better things to do,"


Kat groaned as she sat up in a mostly white space, the only thing of note was a bed off in the distance. She first got her bearings, shaking off the nausea and disorientation that came with the transition before stumbling her way over. Kat felt her eye twitching at the sight as she got closer. I don't know how to feel about this.

Lily was flat on her stomach on the bed, with a copy of Kat sitting on Lily's back and using on hand to scratch her ears while the other ran hand ran nails across Lily's stomach. Lily was panting heavily and blushing bright read while dream Kat spoke, "You did such a good job with keeping Lian I just thought I'd reward you a bit,"

"Bmt U bagely mnnaged ta" Lily said, trying and failing to make a coherent sentence, constantly interrupting by a rumbling purr that shook her hole body.

*I don't know how embarrassed I'm supposed to be about this? I kinda feel like a creep watching at the moment… but Lily is MY girlfriend and this is just a dream. Plus it's not like she's imagining someone else in my place, that's clearly me. So why do I still feel super awkward about this? And like… should I interrupt? I do have questions… but is it rude to interrupt my girlfriend while she's getting worked over by a dream clone of me?

Actually, new question? Does this count as masturbation? Technically speaking, this is all Lily's dream, and the dream me is just as much a part of her as the dream body of Lily is. Hmm… these are questions I… DON'T WANT ANSWERS TO DAMMIT. Back in the box naughty thoughts.*

"Such a good kitty," whispered dream Kat into Lily's ears, "I think you did a fine job, after all, would I be doing this if you failed?"

"Yes!" meowed, Lily, making the real Kat chuckle off to the side, knowing that it WAS true. Kat would definitely be cheering Lily up somehow if she failed. Not like this sure.

Dream Kat grabbed Lily around her neck, squeezing just a bit, "Are you sure Lily? Are you sure you'd get a reward?" The real Kat frowned at that behaviour, but was surprised when Lily's blush, if anything, deepened as Lily barely managed to nod around dream Kat's hand.

"Oh? Well then…" started dream Kat as she reached down to play with Lily's skirt.

"Nope, nope, too far for real me, nope" mumbled Kat as she strode forward heavily. "Nope, nope, too far, I'm not watching this just for a bit of advice,"

Kat got to the bed, dream her probably should have been able to see the approaching demon but it was likely due to the fact this was a dream, and dream Kat wasn't really 'designed' to pay attention to anything but Lily. When Kat got to the side of the bed, she clapped, loudly, abusing her demonic strength for extra noise.

Dream Kat just raised an eyebrow but Lily spasmed in dream Kat's grasp as she tried to see what the having a nice dream about me… until things headed towards sex and… well that was a step too far. 22:48

I'm not willing to watch you have sex with someone else, even if that someone else is a dream sound was. When she saw a 'second' Kat nearby the whole area started to shake and crack. A blink later and Lily was looking at the real Kat, while sitting in dream Kat's arms. "Um… wait… what's going on?" said a confused Lily as the dream stabilised.

"Hey Lily," said Kat.

"Um… hey?" said Lily as her mind cleared, not that she noticed the difference. Her dream solidified with Kat's presence and direct intervention making everything seem more real. The 'room' gained floorboards and walls, as well as windows but no door or ceiling as Lily tried to figure out what was going around.

"I'm sorry to interrupt your fun time, but you see I needed advice," said Kat.

"But… but there's not normally two Kat's in my dreams. Wait I'm dreaming? How do I know that…" said Lily, before turning confused and glancing between both Kat's. Lily frowned as she kept looking between them both before hissing and leaping away from the dream Kat she had been sitting on. Her hiss only deepened when the dream Kat barely reacted. "What's going on here," hissed Lily.

"Calm, Lily calm. You're just dreaming at the moment and I needed to ask you for advice on what to do about the Meng situation. I wasn't sure if I wanted to interrupt you while… well you were clearly having a nice dream about me… until things headed towards sex and… well that was a step too far. I'm not willing to watch you have sex with someone else, even if that someone else is a dream version of me. It makes me surprisingly jealous," explained Kat.

Lily's eyes widened and red crawled up her face as it morphed into a horrible expression, "Oh no… what have I done…" whispered Lily.

"Hey, Lily, Lily, chill. It's all a dream, sorta? Sorta literally? Look it's fine that you dream about sexy times with me. That's fine, I'm not mad, and I'm sure for couples it's very natural. But not only does it still make me jealous despite mentally knowing this is closer to masturbation then anything else, it's also really pushing the Teen rating on this story," assured Kat.

"Wait… what?" asked Lily.

"Well, this is all in your head right? Normally I wouldn't be involved at all, so it can't be sex. Even dream me is just an extension of YOU. Therefore it's masturbation," explained Kat.

"No the other thing," said Lily.

Kat just waved her off, "Don't worry about it, this is a dream,"

"I feel like I should worry about it a bit," said Lily.

Kat just smiled. "Don't."

Lily frowned but didn't argue, as she turned to properly face Kat while fixing up her clothes. The fake dream Kat gained cracks across her body before disappearing entirely, not that Lily noticed. "So… what did you need my help with exactly? I'm not sure I can think of any reason I'd NEED to help. Fighting is your area not mine, and if Bing and Bodeir are like… trapped or something I don't know enough about qi to help,"

"Yeah… no… much more complicated then that. Let me tell you about Meng, the one we thought was 'Fake Meng' and sort of is? Look it's complicated and that's why I need your advice Lily," said Kat. As she started to explain the ridiculousness that was Meng, and the confusing situation Kat had ended up in. Starting with just how long Fake Meng, who was really a Meng as well, had been acting as Bing's mother.

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