D.E.M.O.N.S: Getting Summoned Weekly isn't so Bad

Chapter 1225 1225 Burgandy’s Backstory

Chapter 1225 Chapter 1225 Burgandy’s Backstory

"So, now that we've finished that little debate," said Marigold, ignoring Oditr's rolling eyes, "I'm curious about your backstory Burgandy. I'm sure it's interesting,"

"I'm not sure I agree with you," said Burgandy with a wave of her mug-filled hand. "It's a touch complicate without knowing all the facts so just keep listening, I promise I WILL get to explaining everything.

"The first thing you should know about me is that I planned to stay a solo adventurer," Marigold, Burnice and Oditr looked shocked at this, while March obviously knew, while Kat and Lily didn't have the context to know why that was supposed to be shocking, "Sure it's dangerous, but I felt the increase in pay, and the extra danger was actually worth it.

"I'm sure you've all noticed I'm not exactly a people person. I've known a whole lot of fae growing up that never believed I had an earth affinity. I was constantly angry as a child, and I still am to some extent. I'm not even sure why, I just WAS. Fighting was how I blew off steam.

"My parents tried desperately to find something else for me to occupy my team. I've tried painting, a whole slew of instruments various sports and I even know how to sew. My parents threw me at just about every potential hobby they could think of… and it just didn't work. I loved to take my anger at… well everything? The world? Whatever you want to call it, I would throw that energy at anything, or anyone that seemed to be looking for a fight.

"Did you know I won a fight with a giant hawk when I was seven? My parents were horrified, I nearly died in the attempt, but it was the happiest I'd ever felt in my life. Though admittedly I'm quite lucky my great-grandmother is both alive and a healer. She patched me up for free… the first time. Every time after that she'd force me to do chores if I came to see her for injuries.

"Which of course, as a younger woman just made me angrier but I still DID it. The one time I really complained grandma whooped my ass so quickly I didn't even realise I was beaten until I was tied up on a chair facing the wall. Of course, she couldn't just beat me into the ground as punishment, I'd have probably risked angering her for a chance to fight… even if I was going to lose.

"No the punishment was to sit there, tied to a chair and stare at the wall… for hours. It felt like weeks for me at the time, and grandma never told me exactly how long the punishment was for. Just gave me a long straw attached to a cup and told me to sit there and not move. Then she silenced the chair, so she couldn't hear me complaining,"

Marigold looked like she really wanted to ask a question, but recognised Burgandy had asked not to be interrupted. Marigold was debating asking anyway when Burgandy answered, what was apparently her question, "Yes, indeed I did… soil myself more than once on that chair. I was board and drank all the water… which kept getting filled up. So I drank it again, anything to stave off the boredom. It was mortifying later… but next time I was on the chair? Well… I was really that bored."

*That's… kinda gross. And I 'say this' as someone who had to clean up all sorts of things at an orphanage filled with children.*

[I'm not saying I disagree… but I've read about studies where people left alone in a room where there's just a button that shocks you. People eventually start pushing the button, even though all it does is cause pain because being in pain is less… I was going to say 'painful' but that's obviously not the right word. I suppose it is less against the human condition to be in pain, then to be bored.]

*Burgandy isn't human though, she's a fae.*

[Yes well clearly it implies to all sentient creatures.]

*Mint has said before, dryads literally can't get bored.*

[Ok, so maybe it's a bit more nuanced then I was laying it out, but you get the point.]

Kat just smiled as she turned back to Burgandy, distracted enough to put that previous bit of information out of her mind. "So yeah, I can't say I was particularly normal child, or a normal teenager. Some days, I think the only reason I managed to pass school was because if they failed me they'd have to put up with me for another year. I'd get into fights all the time,

"Now, I want to be clear, I wasn't bullying any kids. That shit is boring. I tried it once after I saw some older dude bullying this little boy my age, but it was just… boring. I mean, they didn't even try to fight back after I punched them once. So I picked bigger targets… until they graduated.

"Then I tried fighting with the teachers. Man I loved the athletics instructor. That woman was the best. She'd fight me any time of day, no matter when I jumped her, and beat me into the ground. Enough to hurt, but not enough to need healing. Truly, it is what made that school bearable. I should really send her a letter. She deserves that much… maybe some gold.

"Anyway, for me, things turned around when my cousin, who's really more like my brother, got married to Willow's older sister. Hmm… what to explain first. Right, so for my cousin. His parents died, and he's only a touch older than me so my parents decided to take him in instead of having another kid themselves.

"So we're more like siblings, but we're technically cousin. Anyway, he's a lot calmer than me, and my parents are merchants. So we've got a decent amount of money, mostly built off the back of my grandparent's who took the starting capital great-grandma's healing provided them and really got our company off the ground.

"We're the biggest supplier of medical herbs in the entire fae kingdom. We also do good business in some of the beast, and human kingdoms but not really the elvish or dwarven. Anyway, enough bragging. So, thing is, Willow's family are semi-important nobles from the human kingdom but they aren't exactly doing so well financially… they also only had daughters in a traditionally patriarchal house. So they were looking for a husband that would do decently amongst the nobility and could give them an injection of money.

"Well, it just so happens that while my cousin, his name is Midori, by the way, well he was with one of our caravans while traveling through their lands. He was acting as the manager, because god knows I'm not taking after my parents and running the business. When Willow's family saw him? Well they tried to snatch him straight up. They really needed the help apparently.

"Midori turned them down though. Said he was only interested in marrying for love. You see, he'd just met this lovely human woman while he was in the previous town and despite only seeing her a few times things were already pretty serious. So the parents are arguing with him about this, and then suddenly, Willow's sister, Aspen, is literally thrown into the room by the head maid… you'll never guess who it was though?"

"I feel like we very much can," bit out Oditr.

Burgandy nodded, "Yeah I mean, it wouldn't be such a crazy story otherwise? Needless to say, my bro was no longer complaining about the marriage. So that was all fine and good. I was off adventuring by myself, when I get this letter from my parents that they need to discuss something with me back at home. I wasn't too far away, just a few towns over. So of course I come see what's up.

"Well, it turns out that Willow was looking to become part of an adventuring team, but they only had four members. I wasn't interested at all… but my parents more or less tricked me into it. Looking back, it really wasn't hard for them to do it. I fell for the bait hook line and sinker. It was probably in my best interest.

"March has really helped me out with my anger problems. She's normally down for a fight… but if I ever got too angry? She'd just sit on me while lifting weights so I couldn't get up. It has surprisingly helped me calm down quite a lot. I'm still not the most stable person, and Thyme's nonsense about 'having a relaxing tournament round' has been really grinding my gears. I'd much rather fight but… well… you don't say that to someone like Thyme, not when they're in charge. So… I'm trying my best to relax. It's going… alright,"

*Fascinating. I wonder how long she's been with the team? I mean, she can't be that old. So I wonder how long she was off fighting things by herself? And when she decided to join up with everyone else on her team?*

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