D.E.M.O.N.S: Getting Summoned Weekly isn't so Bad

Chapter 1029 - 1029 Chapter 1029 That One Time with the Goose, or the Duck? Turkey?

1029 Chapter 1029 That One Time with the Goose, or the Duck? Turkey?

Sue’s perspective.


Sue would have to wait on that little prank though. Even after handing out a round of food and drinks to everyone, Bing still hadn’t returned. Nobody was all that worried about her just yet, but it did mean they were a bit stuck on topics. Lian was much less personable then Bing, and seemed content just to relax and recover from her matches. Kat was happy to pet Lily, and Lily was asleep.

So really it was just Sue that wanted to do something other than sit around. She’d already made her way through three drinks, a bag of salted nuts, and one of those cracker things Bing said tasted like sawdust. She was right, they DO taste like sawdust and only the fact that Sue needed something to do allowed her to put up with the taste to finish it all, just to have something to do for a bit longer.

Sue wasn’t really one for ‘enjoying the silence’. Her mind liked to stew on things if given the chance. Even just watching random shit on tv was better because that let her zone out more. Here, it mostly just gave rise to the temptation to start another lewd conversation, but Lily was asleep, Lian might as well be, and Kat was asexual. That last part was now relevant because Kat had become a lot more comfortable with her sexuality… and a lot more comfortable just ignoring Sue if it came down to it.

It also meant, that unlike most people who couldn’t simply ignore Sue when she was oozing sex appeal, Kat very much could ignore her if she felt like it, and with Lily asleep? Well, Kat just might feel like being quiet. Sue sighed and rubbed her hands over her toned stomach. *I’m lucky I don’t really have to deal with ‘digestion’. Food is just fuel for the fire. Huh… you know, I don’t think I’ve ever wondered how or why gluttony demons get fat? Like… isn’t it all burnt up in our stomachs? Actually hang on… didn’t I have a class on this? Shit was that the biology assignment I failed? Might’ve been.

Hmm… I wonder if I ate a whole bunch of food if it’d all go to my tits? I mean, that’s the joke I like to make, and my breasts and ass do make up a larger then average portion of my weight… but I’ve looked like this since I turned eighteen without gaining or loosing anything. Not during that stint where I tried all the food kinks during sex, or that time I thought I’d gained a bunch of weight and went on a diet for a month…

Only to find out the dress had shrunk in the wash, and that I hadn’t actually gained or lost any weight. God that one was awkward. But who the fuck sells clothing that shrinks when improperly washed these days?*

A small voice in the back of her head pointed out it was from a store meant for exceptionally beautiful but functional outfits to be turned into Demonic Attire and a ‘shrinking in the wash’ was not an issue the store needed to be mindful of. *Still… probably should’ve paid more attention during that unit. Aw well, I guess I could ask Mum… but it’s not like boob jobs are expensive. Not that I need one. Why am I fixating on this right now? Oh yeah, nothing better to do if I’m too scared to get the conversation going again just because two people are dozing. I mean we’re at a tournament for crying out loud. I can hear thousands of people moving around outside. It’s dimmed sure, but still very audible, and I’m only Rank 1.*


Sue’s ears twitched as she heard the door opening, turning just a bit so she could watch, Sue internally cheered as Bing opened the door. *YES! SAVED FROM AWKWARD SILENCE! God I could kiss you for this boon Bing! Hmm… should I actually kiss her? See how she tastes? Hmm… no… probably not. I feel like she’d take that as a punishment, even if her blushing face would be hilarious. Still… that won’t save her from…*

Sue’s train of thought paused as she properly looked at Bing. Her arm was in a sling and she had an ice cube wrapped in a towel being held against her eye with her free hand. Her outfit looked ice and clean… but it was clearly a spare pair. Bing still had a lazy grin on her face… but… *Should I? She looks a bit worse for wear… why isn’t she at the healers? Did she lose? Do I make the joke? Fuck it I’m making the joke. Hopefully that lightens the mode a bit if she did lose.*

“Ah, I see the Pure White Princess has made her glorious return. Where you victorious princess?” teased Sue.

Bing’s head snapped to glare at Sue, before snapping over to Lian, the ‘true culprit’ of that particularly joke. “Indeed I did win… but what is this? My friend Lian? Giving away my secrets? Why I do believe you promised not to speak about that event,”

“Counterpoint,” said Lian as she sat up with a groan, “I could’ve just told Sue it would annoy you if she called you that and not explained anything. By admitting there was an incident, you’re basically setting it all up yourself,”

“If you honestly didn’t spill that story I’ll eat the ice I’m holding, towel included,” growled Bing.

“Ok, fine… but second, and third counterpoints, I didn’t agree to anything back then, I believe my words were ‘most of the sect already knows, who am I going to tell?’ and you said ‘My parents?’ and I agreed not to mention it… TO THEM. Also, you told them about the time I cursed your dad and lost my hair for my troubles, so I feel like we’re even,” said Lian calmly with a smug look on her face.

Kat, annoyed that she couldn’t actually see Bing right now because Lian had sat up and blocked her view, used Lian’s smug posing as a chance to move her to another chair while ribbing Lian a bit. Lian barely reacted, simply slouching down in the new chair across the armrests.

“I was just ensuring they knew the dangers of curse qi,” said Bing ‘honestly’. “They did ask after all, and it was such a nice practical example. I’m not exactly familiar with curse energy, and that seemed like the best story to tell. At least I didn’t talk about the duck incident,”

“The duck incident?” said… Lian in surprise and confusion. Kat and Sue looked at the two of them, confusion written on their faces as well.

“Do you not remember the duck incident? You know, the one with the duck, twelve jars of maple syrup and that stray dog?” asked Bing, not particularly wanting to go into the incident either.

“Nooo?” said Lian confused, “I remember that one with the goose… but that doesn’t really make me look bad?”

“The goose?” Now it was Bing’s turn to be confused. She didn’t know what Lian was talking about… at all.

“Yeah? Don’t you remember? It started biting me so I cursed it to lose all its feathers in an hour. You could hear the screams of the younger disciples for like an hour afterwards because they all thought it was some feral spirit beast?” said Lian.

“No…?” said Bing still confused, “Wasn’t that a turkey?”

Lian shook her head, “No, it had to have been a goose. Turkeys aren’t that vicious…”

“They can be pretty vicious when they want to. Are you sure it wasn’t a turkey?” returned Bing.

“I’m positive… but that story doesn’t involve any maple syrup or a dog. I think it got taken down by a stray cat in the end? Is that what we’re talking about?” asked Lian.

Bing shook her head again, “No… you’re refreshing my memory, and I can now remember it being a goose… but that’s not the time I’m talking about. I’m talking about the time we almost got caught with the you-know-what because a duck scared us?”

“I’m sorry but I’ve got no memory of this incident,” said Lian with a shrug. It really did seem that way too, she looked genuinely confused and neither Kat nor Sue could detect a hint of falsehood.

“Hmm… well… weird,” mumbled Bing. “I’m sure I can figure out something embarrassing to tell them… if you give me a bit of time,”

“I could always tell them about the time you tried to go goth,” countered Lian.

Bing just shrugged, “Bah, you were my best friend growing up and you practically breathed black eyeliner when you were but a wee babe. The fact that I had a bit of a goth phase trying to mimic you, when you were so much more certain of your chosen style, should really not be a surprise at all. I’m not embarrassed about it, go ahead and explain,”

Lian rolled her eyes, but noticeably didn’t bother expanding on the story for the other two girls.

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