D.E.M.O.N.S: Getting Summoned Weekly isn't so Bad

Chapter 1025 - 1025 Chapter 1025 Keeping Abreast of the situation

1025 Chapter 1025 Keeping Abreast of the situation

A chorus of confused “WHAT!” rang out across the stadium from those who had seen John Doe’s previous matches. Seeing everyone he’d fought so far struggle with the technique only for Bodeir to completely no-sell it… nobody really knew how to react. In addition to that, Bodeir claimed to not even realise the technique was being used at all. Something many suspected was a lie… but Kat and Lily were familiar enough with him to know that complex lies were a little above Bodeir in terms of planning and intellect. It was very likely Bodeir had no idea what he was doing.

Which of course was why Sue, Kat, and Lily all joined in the chorus of confused noises as Bodeir walked offstage. “I… I… I don’t understand?” mumbled Kat.

“I don’t either,” mumbled a confused Sue. “I thought Tess looked pretty strong… but to John beat her so easily… I expected him to be a challenge for Bodeir but… but he was toyed with the whole match… what the heck even was that?!”

“Don’t ask me,” said Bing equally astounded. “I didn’t see it in use… but I can tell that Bodeir tensed a little bit when the chime sounded… but that might’ve just been with the expectation of something, anything, would happen in response to the chime. I wish I’d seen the match against Tess. John’s first match was a complete stomp. His opponent was just… horrible. I couldn’t believe Nature’s Embrace wasted a spot on their champion… then again they might have just been snubbing us. They aren’t big fans of our sect… so that’s possible but like… what the hell?”

“No offence to Bodeir…” said Lily, intending at least some offence, “but he’s an idiot. How could he have broken the technique so easily? I’m not sure he has the brain power to figure some secret about that technique just from watching it…”

“Sure you’re not just annoyed you couldn’t figure it out?” taunted Bing.

Lily shivered, remembering the first time she met Bodeir Jr, “Yeah… no… I mean, yes I would be annoyed IF he figured something out… but not only do I think he’s too dumb to do so, he looked so genuinely confused when John claimed to be using a technique on him that I have to believe there’s something we’re missing,” explained Lily.

“Crazy theory,” interrupted Kat, “but what if it’s a technique that freezes people in placed for longer based on how smart they are?”

Bing frowned and seriously considered the idea while Sue fought to keep down her laughter, but was visibly nodding at the suggestion. Lily could see Kat wasn’t all that serious about the idea, and was willing to just let the statement hang. Not Bing though. After a few moments of consideration nodded, “It IS possible. I’m not sure what affinity you’d need. I want to say curse, but I know Lian wouldn’t be able to do something like this, I’m just more familiar with the affinity because of her…


“But… it’s an interesting idea and I could see the technique being developed by some ancient master. It scales really well, because qi naturally enhances an individuals mind and body as their cultivation increases… so if that’s actually what’s going on… it could be a very powerful move once mastered,”

Before the idea could be developed further, the group heard the door opening. Lily quickly transformed, while Kat scooped her up, Sue continued trying to halt her laughter, Bing’s explanation, while making a good deal of sense, still sounded very silly to Sue’s mind. Bing turned to the door, hand clenched and ready for anything…

When a very tired Lian stumbled into the room. Lian was clearly still feeling the effects of her last match. She was swaying on her feet, and even though she’d clearly cleaned up between matches, including washing off her makeup, she was still sweating heavily. Lian managed to make it to Bing’s seat, before collapsing into her friend. “Mrghgmh” mumbled Lian.

“LIAN! It’s so good to see you!” said Bing with as much cheer as she could muster. She was also desperately trying not to think about the fact that Lian had not collapsed into her arms gracefully… but had instead collapsed face first into her nether region. A very uncomfortable place for your sister-in-all-but-name to be. So Bing pulled her friend up as best she could, though Lian really wasn’t willing to cooperate. In the end, Bing decided to dump Lian into the chair next to her… where Sue was sitting.

“Why?” asked Sue, not really complaining that Lian was getting a face full of tits… but confused because Bing had an empty chair on her right.

Bing glanced over at the empty chair. Then back to Sue. Then the chair. Then back to Sue. “Um…” Bing started but flailed… “Yeah no honestly I got nothing. I have no idea why I did that,”

Lian shifted slightly while leaning into Sue. “These pillows are great,” mumbled Lian, “I don’t remember these from last time I was in the VIP box. Did your parents do some upgrades?”

“Um… no?” said Bing awkwardly.

Lian who still hadn’t opened her eyes, pulled up a tired hand and gave Sue’s breast a squeeze. Hard. “Really? But it’s sooo soft?” Lian continued up this ‘test’ until Sue let out an erotic moan.

Lian froze. Then, a blink later she was back on her feet, zither at the ready and staring mortified into Sue’s somewhat flushed face. “If you want to continue that, I expect dinner first,”

“Oh god…” whispered a horrified Lian.

“So THIS is what it looks like from the other side…” said an enlightened Bing with a few nods of her heads. “I have to say, it’s much more amusing on this end of things…”

“Bing?!” shouted Lian in a mixture of surprise and confusion. She really wanted to ask what exactly Bing meant… but she also wanted to call out her friend for making fun of her in front of people she was only just now meeting for the first time. The fact THIS was their first impression of her meant she was thoroughly mortified.

Of course, Sue, revelling in the chaos, was unwilling to let that ‘question’ hang for too long. “Bing is just enjoying the fact that she’s not the only one who felt me up on the first real meeting. Bing also realised she was a lesbian yesterday,”

“I DID NOT!” retorted Bing.

“I’m a demon, I cannot lie, thus, it is the truth,” responded Sue with a grin.

“That’s not how that works Sue,” added in Lily after she transformed, trying to stem the flow of embarrassment Sue was sure to unleash.

“You’re also a useless lesbian Lily. Just because your obsessed with thighs instead of tits doesn’t mean I won’t make fun of you for it,” joked Sue.

“No bullying my girlfriend Sue. That’s my job,” said Kat with a grin.

“Wait…” said Lian looking over the group in confusion, “Why is Lily the useless lesbian when Kat’s her girlfriend? Kat is her girlfriend right?”

“Asexual,” said Sue, Kat and Lily all together.

“But she’s a Succubus?” responded Lian.

“It’s just how it is,” said Sue forcefully retaking control of the conversation. “But that’s all old ground. I want to know how it was Lian? Feeling a poor innocent maiden such as myself up?”

“Wait how can you call yourself an ‘innocent maiden'” asked Lily.

“Mental gymnastics I’ll go over later if you really want,” said Sue dismissively before turning to stare at Lian with greedy eyes.

“I… I mean… um… they were very soft… but it’s not like it did anything for my sexually. I was mortified sure and you’re quite beautiful. If nothing else, your breasts are large and in good shape,” Lian said that last part like she was forcing herself to swallow a lemon, “but while all that is true… still does nothing for me sexually,”

Sue shrugged, “It doesn’t do much for me either, I’m straight as they come… but experimentation is fun for everybody! Plus, doesn’t really matter who owns the hands that are kneading my breasts, if they’ve got good technique, they’ve got good technique. Something you practice a lot on yourself hmm?”

“I don’t know what your implying,” said Lian with a deadpan look.

“Oh… are you sure about that?” said Sue with a hum in her voice, “Bing… is that rumour that when you massage your breasts they get larger prevalent in this dimension?”

“You must be good at it then,” snapped Lian…

But Bing wasn’t going to let that interruption stop her from answering, “Yes it is… along with the one that says having a higher cultivation rank makes your chest bigger,”

“Oh? Does it?” asked Sue.

Bing winced and made a ‘so-so’ gesture while Lian was looking mortified. “Sometimes? It seems to be partly genetic still and based on the ideal look for your form. If you had large tits before, they might get larger… or firmer, or perhaps you’ll get taller so they look better on your frame… but for people like me and Lian they’ll probably remain the same size…”

Kat and Lily rolled their eyes off to the side. All these girls obsessing over breast size. Of course, they both thought it was silly for their own reasons. Lily because larger wasn’t always better… and she was a thigh girl anyway. And Kat for obvious reasons. It was ‘just fat after all’.

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