D.E.M.O.N.S: Getting Summoned Weekly isn't so Bad

Chapter 1021 - 1021 Chapter 1021 Between Match Chat

1021 Chapter 1021 Between Match Chat

Sue let out a long breath she didn’t know she was holding and said, in a slightly shaky voice. “That… that was someone I met the other day at the party… she seemed so strong and sure of herself but… Tess… she lost… spectacularly so… I just… I don’t understand? And this is Bodeir’s next opponent?”

“Yeah seems like it, though Lian’s match with the crazy bitch in a suit is first. Should I be concerned for Bodeir?” returned Kat.

“Probably not? I mean… The Man with No name-”

“John” interrupted Kat.

“What?” asked Sue.

“Lily and I have taken to calling him John, John Doe,” explained Kat.

“Oh, yes… well… I see how that makes sense. I seem to be getting the extra context with that name… we don’t really need a term for it because usually D.E.M.O.N.S is at least able to give us a first name, especially when someone is injured. It’s an amusing way of referring to him. So… this… John. Swift and powerful he may be… but not overly brutal like Beatrice. I don’t see how Bodeir can defeat him… but I also don’t see it leading to his death. Plus, he seems to have this whole enlightened monk aesthetic so some sneaky assassination tactic is probably off the table,” reassured Sue.

Kat nodded, “Right yeah… I think you’re right… I guess I can transfer my worry to Lian then. I don’t think I’m looking forward to that match. Seeing some random guy get brutalised was one thing… but Lian is Bing’s friend, and she’s not here to be angry on Lian’s behalf… so we’ll have to be,”

Sue smiled and said, “See, that’s the sort of thing I like about you. Despite how casual you can be, you really do go out of your way to care for your friends to a major degree. You’re already concerned for Lian just for Bing’s sake, or perhaps, just because I’m friendly with Bing and Lian is Bing’s friend,”


Kat shrugged, “I guess I became a bit maternal after looking after so many kids. I didn’t really have any friends that weren’t Lily. When I was MUCH younger you could maybe count some of the other kids at the orphanage, but as I got older I had to… or well, HAD might be a strong word, but I felt like I had to be that big sister, even when I was the younger one.

“Before I was any good at managing my time I didn’t really have the option to have any other friends. I think a few people tried when I was younger? But it never really took. We were all kids, so they didn’t take it harshly or anything… they just stopped talking to me, and I was busy enough I didn’t notice. I had plenty of social interaction… even if it wasn’t easy to relax by myself.

“So… I guess what I’m saying is that it’s easy to treat friends a bit more like I’m responsible for their safety and happiness then a normal person because that was all of my social life till I met Lily. I try not to be overbearing… I know that well. A lot of kids require a light touch after they’ve lost their parents. If I try to do too much they start thinking that I’m trying to replace them… and that just causes issues all over the place,”

Lily didn’t really have anything to add to that. She was already privy to all of that information. Sue on the other hand, frowned at the explanation. “I… I think you’ve mentioned it in more general terms before… but you had NO friends before Lily?”

Kat shrugged, “I mean… I had some older kids I looked up to, and Gramps as a father figure… but I was really young when I started stepping up at the orphanage. I don’t think I had any friends that were just friends and not orphanage kids I was closer too… since I was like… five?”

Sue winced, “That… can’t have been easy…”

Kat shrugged again and said, “Honestly I never saw it as some major concession. It was just how I grew up, and I don’t have any resentment over that fact. It isn’t even a ‘oh I ended up with a bunch of great friends, and a girlfriend that I love so it was all worth it,’ type of thing. I’d do it all over again even if it meant I never met any of you guys. Heck, even if I just stayed human it would’ve been fine. Or if I’d never met Lily. Though I’d be rather annoyed about that last one,”

“You sure?” asked Sue. “I know we can say false things if we believe them to be true…”

Kat rolled her eyes and said, “Indeed we can, as you’ve shown Sue… but considering the only fact here is my opinion on what happened I can confidently say I’m correct. I am after all an authority on the matter,” Lily transformed to give Kat a peck on the cheek an snigger slightly.

Kat gave her a kiss back of course, but then she turned to Sue, locking eyes, and made sure to convey the seriousness of her words. “I never once saw the kids at the orphanage as a burden. I have lived a good life, surrounded by children whose lives I was able to touch, and improve in a noticeable way. Unlike Gramps, I do not want that to be my entire life. I still want to live quite a bit before I settle down and start my own orphanage, or take over Gramps’ one. Well, that is if I ever do such a thing.

“It dominated my early years, and I don’t regret it. I enjoyed my time doing it. I mean it when I say that sacrificing some potential friendship is a small price to pay for the work I did. I don’t know what I will do in the future… but right now? Right now I’m happy, with my past, and with my future. Well, my long term future. Still not sure how I can make sure Bodeir is safe, and Lian might be in trouble next match… but those are minor worries,”

Sue burst into laughter of her own as the tension drained from the well-endowed Succubus. “I suppose I was trying to project a bit too much. As much as I enjoy our new friendship and find myself with a desire to try things outside of the sexual arts… child rearing is not something on that list right now. I certainly wouldn’t want to deal with a whole orphanage full of them. That… that would burn me out way too fast. I’d be restraining myself constantly because I really don’t want to teach a kid the sort of habits I happily own…

“I’d have to cut back on inuendo. Somehow stuff my breasts into an outfit and make it not look obscene. Learn how to actually care for children… honestly it might just be major ‘only child’ bias but I just don’t think I could handle that sort of work,”

Deciding to steer things into a lighter direction, Kat decided to ask, “Why do you think you’d need to put in effort to find something that doesn’t look ‘obscene’ on you?”

Sue and Lily raised identical confused eyebrows at Kat. “What? I thought it was a reasonable question?” stated Kat questioningly.

Lily let out a small bit of laughter and asked, “Right, ok, so Kat… what’s the most ‘decent’ thing Sue could possibly wear?”

“Um… I dunno I guess she’d want something baggy so like a jumper or something?” answered Kat.

Lily and Sue grinned, Kat had easily jut proved their point, Lily glanced at Sue who gave her a thumbs up. “Right so…” started Lily, “Sue would have a jumper on… and if it was a hoodie… she’d never be able to zip it up properly because her tits are too large. Then if, by some miracle, she managed to defy physics and close it… the outfit would float in front of her chest and showing off just as much. That’s not even getting into the fact that if her jumper was riding up because of that, she’d just be showing off her ass,”

“But there has to be something!” retorted Kat.

Lily looked to Sue for the answer, and answer she did. With a shrug and a sigh, “Not really Kat. Once you have breasts are large as mine, it’s much easier to look like a slut then it is to look proper. The most realistic way is just to bind them down a whole bunch. If I did it right, it wouldn’t hurt… it’d just be uncomfortable.” Sue paused and let out another sigh, “That’s not really addressing the issue though. I’m not wearing appropriate clothes, I’m hiding how large my tits are to look less like I’ll sleep with the first guy that asks. Which I mean… I totally would but that’s not the point,”

Sue grinned at the end of her sentence and Kat found herself smiling back. Perhaps she was worrying too much anyway.

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