D.E.M.O.N.S: Getting Summoned Weekly isn't so Bad

Chapter 1011 - 1011 Chapter 1011 A Quiet Reveal

1011 Chapter 1011 A Quiet Reveal

“I’d recommend it,” *even if Lily is my girlfriend first and familiar second.* “having someone to share your life with is awesome, even if it’s just for emotional support. Honestly, I’m pretty sure Lily here is smart then me,” said Kat honestly, if a bit misleadingly.

[While I appreciate the compliment, is it really fair to talk Bing into this without her also knowing I’m a person?]

*Look I don’t know. I think it’s still a good idea but I’ll admit you have a point. Do YOU want to reveal yourself?*

[No? Maybe? Yes? I don’t know? Wasn’t it your idea to keep me a secret]

*Yes, but that’s because I worry about you. Now that you’ve got more control over your mana and spells I’m less worried. Still, I’ll never not worry. If you want to tell people you’re a person I’m never going to stop you Lily. I’m not sure if telling Bing is a good idea or not but at least we only need to protect Bodeir for a little bit longer. If one of our secrets is revealed early? It’s not going to sink the whole operation if someone finds out, and if you want to tell people, I’m perfectly fine with that.*

[Ok… well… admittedly I was just looking for you to come down one way or the other here. I’m on the fence as well. I feel like I want to tell her… but it does bring back memories of Sue worrying just how easy it is to talk to Bing. We haven’t even been talking to her for twenty minutes, heck, has it even been ten?]

*It’s not like this is a massive secret though…*

[It has been for this Contract.]

*Hmm… well everyone would find out soon when I take you on a date somewhere. Do we want Bing to find out like that?*


[Ok… that’s a good counterpoint. Give me a bit of time to think about it though.]

Bing smiled and gave a bit of a chuckle, “Oh yeah I can understand that feeling. My uncle has this horse and sometimes I can practically feel that stallion looking at me like an idiot. True I’d just fallen off after smacking my head into a branch… or that time I somehow led us half a day in the wrong direction… ok maybe the horse has a point.”

“It’s a big commitment,” said Sue, “I know my parents talked to me about it a bit when I went through that stage. Obviously we didn’t end up getting a pet, but I’m fine with it… even if I am jealous of Kat and Lily sometimes,”

[Yeah… ok we’re telling her.]

“One additional thing,” interrupted Kat, when she saw Bing was about to comment. “Just to make you aware…” Kat waited for Lily to bounce of her lap and into a corner so that only Bing could see and not the rest of the crowd. Lily transformed, with a finger across her lips, “Lily isn’t a familiar, she’s just LIKE a familiar.”

Bing’s eyes went wide as she stared at Lily, who gave a quick wink before she transformed and hopped back onto Kat’s lap. “Well… that sure paints your relationship in a different light…” mumbled Bing.

“In fairness, the relationship came first, not the bond or the transformation thing,” explained Kat.

“Right… but I mean… even still…” Bing glanced somewhat warily at Lily. “That can’t be normal…”

Kat shook her head, “No, it’s very much not normal. I mean, it made sense at the time, and neither of us regret it but, no, it’s very much not the normal way of going about things. Still, we do both agree that having a bonded familiar is a good idea. Plus, Lily IS adorable, and powerful,”

“How so?” asked Bing, “Cute as she is… she doesn’t look all that strong,”

“Lily can cast spells,” answered Kat truthfully. *It’s better that we point out you’re not an easy target, I think.*

[I agree.]

“Wait… so she has mana?” asked Bing, and Kat nodded in response. “Doesn’t that mean she’s drastically limited in lifespan? I mean… demons live basically forever right?”

Kat gave a ‘so-so’ gesture, “Demons CAN live basically forever but not all of them reach that level. I probably will though because my regeneration also prevents aging somewhat giving me an even longer lifespan then average. The lifespan thing is actually one of the main reasons we did this actually. Lily now shares my lifespan, she’ll live as long as I do… though the counter to that is… she’ll live as long as I do and not much longer. It probably works both ways, but we’re not sure about that one,”

“Huh… I guess I can see why you’d go for that. Were you together long when you linked yourselves together?” asked Bing.

Kat and Lily shared a wince. “Not really?”

Bing rolled her eyes, “You’re both crazy,”

Kat and Lily shared a look, and a shrug “Yeah probably,”

“Riiight… not sure I should really be taking advice from you guys, at least, not about spirit beast companions,” stated Bing. I mean… she’s not wrong per say…

[Doesn’t mean she’s right though. Clearly we’ve taken things to the extremes but that doesn’t mean it’s only a good idea for people as crazy as us.]

*Fair. I can take that…* “Just because we’re at least a little crazy doesn’t mean our advice is bad, plus I’m sure there are a lot of benefits to having a spirit beast partner. Granted, neither of us known anything at all about how it works on the qi side of things, but a pet is at least something to consider. Even if it has to be one that can somewhat hold its own,”

“I guess…” acquiesced Bing. “I just think I wouldn’t want ‘just’ a pet. I feel like if I was devoting that sort of time and effort to something I’d want the relationship to be more meaningful you know?”

“Oof, call out the pet owners of the multiverse why don’t you?” snarked Sue.

Bing winced, “I’m not saying a pet is a bad idea… just that it is a bad idea, for me. I’m a sect heir, I spend all my time training or socialising. I don’t really get to relax, and if I do, it has to be something that’s also a bit useful. I’m lucky I enjoy talking shit with people so much and that I really can use it as a way to relax. If I had to cut into what miniscule free time I actually have to care for a pet that just… takes up time and affection and is an obvious weak point for me? It just wouldn’t be worth it.

“You know, that’s actually one of the reasons I respect Bodeir. He manages to have free time and keep up with his training, I don’t know HOW he does it, but I can respect it a hell of a lot. I just wished he’d share his secrets,” mused Bing.

*I think his secret is being an idiot and doing it anyway? Not sure he has much of a social life either. Haven’t heard of any friends or even much extended family.* “Bodeir… Bodeir does as Bodeir does and I don’t really understand how he works either,” said Kat diplomatically.

“Is there anything particularly fluffy you could choose as a pet?” asked Sue, “You could use it more as a pillow, and something to squish?”

“Eh… not really? I mean, people say that frost eaglet feathers are nice and soft but those people are FUCKING LIARS. Those feathers are cold as death and sharper then my ex’s words,” hissed Bing.

“Bing, you’ve never dated anyone, you said as much yesterday,” retorted Sue.

“I can dream SUE!” cried Bing.

“Sure you can dream but don’t use comparative examples of things that don’t really exist!” retorted Sue. Again.

“Screw you and your logic! I can have an ex in my head if I want! Wait no… Sue, break up with me!” returned Bing.

“We’re not even dating,” responded Sue, even as she knew what was coming.

Bing pretending to be shot in the heart with an arrow, she fell back onto the floor, clutching that the air, “Ah… such sharp, cruel words from my beloved. How can I even go on?”

“If you get off the floor I’ll let you feel my tits,” said Sue, mostly as a joke.

A blink later Bing was in Sue’s lap, kneading her hands deeply into Sue’s boobs. “Hmm… these are very nice… and very soft… and probably very comfy. Pretty sure I’m a lesbian now,”

“Bing stop being ridiculous,” said Sue. Notably, she did not say anything about Bing’s hands still being on her tits.

“I’m not being ridiculous. I mean, who even likes men anyway? What do they have? Not tits that’s for sure,” said Bing with confidence.

“Bing… men can have tits… even if it is a horrible look for them… and I happen to like men thank-you-very-much” returned Sue.

“Yeah but like… you already have wonderful tits, you don’t need a big, titty, girlfriend to keep you warm at night, you are the big-titty girlfriend,” reinforced Bing.

“Why do I feel like I’ve made a mistake somewhere…” mumbled Sue as Kat and Lily chuckled in the background.

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