D.E.M.O.N.S: Getting Summoned Weekly isn't so Bad

Chapter 1009 - 1009 Chapter 1009 Free-For-All

1009 Chapter 1009 Free-For-All

*I guess I was being silly about things.* Kat thought despondently as she watched the free for all melee without any passion. It didn’t take long for Sue to convince Kat that she didn’t need to fight, even if Kat went along with it at first more because Sue was asking nicely then Kat believed what was being said at first. Now though, watching just how behind many of the competitors were strength wise? Kat had no worries at all.

Nobody was Rank 3, not as far as she’d seen. Heck, most of them weren’t even Rank 2. Watching this all play out in real time was dreadfully slow to her demonic senses and trusting the Holy Icy Wind Sect to, at the very least, keep mischief from happening in the waiting rooms with tonnes of witnesses wasn’t that big of an ask. Kat and Sue were watching this nonsense because apparently Bodeir’s fight would be in this arena at some point. They hadn’t properly looked at the brackets, just where Bodeir’s first fight would take place.

The pair had been assigned to one of the private boxes. It came complete with a fridge stocked full of food, a second for alcohol, and a third for anything drinkable but non-alcoholic. Sue decided to go for the alcohol despite how early it was in the morning. Kat raised a bit of an eyebrow at that, but chose not to say anything at this time. She had her own thoughts to ponder for now, no sense trying to debate that with Sue just yet. Perhaps when things got even duller Kat could bring the topic back up.

*Why was I so set on entering anyway? I don’t care about being seen as a skilled fighter, and bullying people with my Rank 3 strength doesn’t seem like any fun. I certainly don’t want to turn into anything like those bitches from high-school. I’d rather die I think. Well… no that would make Lily sad… but I’d rather do something drastic before becoming like that. Combat isn’t really in my blood. The call of a good fight doesn’t sing to me…

It’s just a simple, straightforward solution most of the time. I can respect that now. I’m just not sure why I tried to twist things so that it also seemed like a solution to a problem that barely existed here. What was pushing me into it? That’s the part I can’t understand. I can’t really think of anything. Nobody insulted me or Lily. Sue was… a bit of a mess yesterday but nobody did anything too bad… most of it was Sue realising things about herself and not being happy about it.

So why was I so set on joining the fight? Am I just used to playing that role now? I could perhaps see myself intentionally taking that line of thought to get Lily to argue with me because it’s nice hearing her voice… but she’s asleep right now. No sense playing devil’s advocate when the other person can’t even respond to you. So what reason could I have for seeking out conflict?*

While Kat was trying to ask herself philosophical questions as a way to work out what caused her to choose violence earlier, Sue was starting to have a good time. It wasn’t just one thing, but it was like a whole group of people started up a comedy routine partway through the free-for-all. She was currently trying to supress her laughter. It didn’t have anything to do with the alcohol either. Sue had only taken a few sips of that, and it wasn’t particularly strong either.

You see, the ‘comedy routine’ all started when this one guy with a club was fighting a guy with a staff. The club guy was going for a big overheard strike, likely trying to break the staff the other guy was using in half. Instead though, he smacked into somebody passing by behind him. Shocking club guy into turning around to view his unknown ‘attacker’, that was trying not to fall over after being hit in the head.

Staff guy thought this was a good chance to take out club guy and had lashed out, trying to smack their staff into club guys temple… but then suddenly from out of nowhere a new guy was thrown into staff guy taking him out, letting the staff fall to the ground. So club guy, he’s seeing this new guy, disorientated and ready for easy pickings.


So he goes for a basic side swing… but as he’s getting his feet into position he stands on the dropped staff, falling on his ass and letting his weapon go flying. As he did so though, he kicked that poor guy he’d already hit with his club right in the chin, knocking him out for good. Club guy collapsed into the growing pile of three bodies. All the while his club goes on to land in the middle of two other guys fighting with swords.

They weren’t hit by it, but both glared at each other, then the new weapon, then turned to look just as a guy who happened to be using his fists as weapons was sneaking up on one of the sword guys. They both turn to spot him, and thought he threw the weapon. That was both a great sign of disrespect for their little duel, and the weapon. So they both turn on him as one, and stared smacking him around. The chain of events was just getting a little silly, and Sue was trying so hard not to look like she was laughing. Fancy box they may have, but it was clearly open to the public. She’d likely be seen.

Kat, unaware of Sue’s predicament, was still lost in thought. *I just wonder when this sort of thing changed? Unless… is it not that I’m used to fighting… but that I’m used to putting myself INTO the fight to protect someone else? A intercepted a lot of shit that was aimed at Lily over the years. Is that where this tendency comes from? Man I’m glad Lily isn’t awake to hear these thoughts. She would NOT be happy with me if that was the case.

I mean, I’m not sure it’s true… but it does make a certain weird sort of sense. Still not totally sold it’s the reason behind my behaviour but I could believe it if someone else told me that was why. I could just be used to getting into the thick of things when someone else’s safety is on the line. The idea of watching from the sidelines might not have occurred to me…

Except it obviously did. When Bodeir asked I said I’d be watching him from the stands making sure he was safe. So clearly somewhere between that conversation and the sign-up booth things changed. Well, no, it was when I heard we couldn’t hang out with him in the waiting area that plans changed. So I know what shifted my thinking… but was it ever that big of a deal?

I don’t watch Bodeir constantly back the manor either. I certainly don’t stand around awkwardly in his bedroom, but it’s not like I watch him hang out around the place either. I see him occasionally at meals, and whenever we leave. Bodeir isn’t five. He’s not going to get a boo-boo doing something stupid if I leave him alone for five seconds. Wait. Is that it?*

Kat paused, thinking back on her years at the orphanage. *Is that why I didn’t want to let him out of my sight? I’m treating him like a child under my care that basically said ‘I’m going to go wrestle with some other kids don’t stop me’ and I while I wasn’t willing to stop them totally, I would want to watch the entire thing to make sure it wouldn’t go to far. And that’s just one example, I’m sure there are others if I took the time to look back on things. Still… Bodeir obviously isn’t a child…*

*Might have the intelligence of one though.* Kat thought with no shortage of snark. *Perhaps that’s unfair. He isn’t as bad as he first seemed… but I really have to wonder how much of that is preplanning to not look like a fool in public. Then again, hard work can be it’s own kind of genius. If he really works that hard to maintain a moderately competent public persona then that’s something commendable. He does seem to know his food though.*

Kat looked down at the melee and saw that things were starting to wrap up. There was only a handful of fights still going on, and the winner was pretty clear already. At least from her perspective. Most of the people that were still standing were struggling at least a little bit. One person though, stood out because they were only pretending to have a limp. The reason Kat was certain of that fact is that the blood they’d clearly smeared on their leg… was the wrong leg. Well that and they didn’t have a drop of sweat on them.

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