Demon King Priest

Chapter 48: Boy and Girls on the Deserted Island (1)

Chapter 48: Boy and Girls on the Deserted Island (1)

The sound of waves continuously passed into Ulysses' ears, awakening him from his coma.

Ow! My whole body hurts!' Ulysses felt a wave of sharp pain all over his body, it was like countless needles stuck inside his body. However, compared with the pain of the backlash of the demon sword Judgment of Abyss, this level of pain was still within the Ulysses' acceptance range. After slowly adapting to the pain, Ulysses began to look at the environment he was in now. What happened after he lost consciousness was what he wanted to know most now. But after looking around, Ulysses's face immediately turned red like a cooked shrimp.

Because he saw Rasputin and Cherie immediately. They were both by Ulysses side now, and both of them hugged Ulysses' body tightly. He could even feel the body temperature of the two of them.

What was worse was that Ulysses also hugged their extremely soft bodies with both hands tightly. Seeing Rasputin's soft long black hair and Cherie's dazzling blond hair mixed with each other on his chest, smelling the sweet scent of girls on both of them, and feeling their warm bodies, a certain desire in Ulysses's heart was instantly ignited.

Indeed, there were now two beautiful girls, one from each side, actively hugging him, and he also embraced them with his hands. Using the words on the continent to describe this scene would be "one man with two girls", "one arrow with two eagles", "one king and two queens".

...No matter how it was described, it meant that the boy hugged by the two beautiful girls was quite "powerful".

However, when Ulysses was about to lose his mind and wanted to do some indescribable thing to the two girls in his arms, a message suddenly came from his mind that almost scared him to death, and a certain part of his lower body that had already swollen to extreme were also shrunk back in fear.

"Ah! Master, how can you hug two other girls when Aya is not paying attention!" Apart from this little demon Aya, who else could send messages to him in his mind.

"A, Aya! I'm sorry, I seemed to have lost my mind just now. Believe me, it was definitely not my intention to do something like this to an unconscious girl. What happened just now, was, was..." being caught red-handed by Aya on the spot, Ulysses felt very embarrassed and wanted to find a hole to hide right away.

"Of course I know that master, you are not that kind of person! It was just a joke just now. To be honest, Aya would like master to be that kind of person. In that way, master would definitely be willing to be intimate with Aya more often. Then I and master can do a lot of fun things. Ya..." Obviously, Aya had completely lost in her wild imagination.

What do you mean by a lot of fun things! Aya! What are you thinking about in your little head all day!' Hearing Aya's words, Ulysses was completely speechless.

"Ah! There is no time to say these things! Master, you must listen carefully to every sentence I am going to say. Because I may not be able to change from the bracelet form to the normal form for a while, and there is no way to communicate with you as well." Suddenly, Aya's petite purple figure appeared in front of Ulysses, and she said to him in an extremely anxious tone.

"What's going on? Aya? What happened?" Ulysses was taken aback when he heard Aya's words. Since he met Aya, Aya had never been unable to freely change forms.

"It's because of the battle on the Titan Poseidon a few days ago. Master, do you remember that after destroying the big octopus, you lost consciousness because of the backlash of the demon sword Judgment of Abyss." Aya said.

"Yes, at the end of the battle I did lose consciousness. What happened after that? What about the Titan Poseidon?" Ulysses asked anxiously.

"It's a pity, Master. Titan Poseidon did not survive the last crazy magical attack of the big octopus. Soon after you lost consciousness, it sank. I only had time to rescue Rasputin and Cherie." Aya said.

That Titan Poseidon really sank.' When he saw Rasputin and Cherie who were supposed to be on board appear in his arms, Ulysses vaguely guessed the end of Titan Poseidon. Aya's words only confirmed his guess. But even though he had prepared himself, Ulysses was still sad.

"Then the next few days after that, I took the unconscious master, Rasputin and Cherie, and drifted on the sea. In order to prevent those fierce magic beasts in the sea from discovering us, I used the Dark Mist twenty four hours a day until I discovered this island three hours ago. For this reason, I have almost consumed all the magic energy in my body, so I have to enter the sleep mode immediately to restore the magic energy. It will take about a month to recover. So Master, you have to listen carefully." Aya started to speak faster and faster, without giving Ulysses time to interrupt.

"Master, you have suffered backlash because of the excessive use of the power in Judgment of Abyss. Fortunately, the backlash is not too serious, but you can no longer use the power in Judgment of Abyss for half a year, so for the master's safety, I have left some magic and battle energy practice methods in the Dark Dimension Space. I hope you can hurry up and practice them. In addition, I also put some daily necessities and food in it. I hope you will be safe until the day I wake up. Dark Dimension Space's spell is..." After saying the spell, Aya's figure disappeared from the air and turned back into an amethyst bracelet.

"Methods?" Ulysses sighed, he had no objection to practice light magic. But battle energy...

Forget it! I need to solve the problems in front of me first! The top priority now is to find a place to live on this small island.' Ulysses endured the pain around his whole body and pulled Rasputin and Cherie to their feet. Then he walked slowly to the depths of this island one step at a time.

Thirty minutes later, Ulysses finally found a cave that could barely accommodate the three of them. Rasputin and Cherie still hadn't woken up from a coma for some reason, but judging from their rosy faces and steady breathing, they should be fine. Probably, Aya used some sleeping spells on them.

"In the name of demon king Ulysses, Dark Dimension Space!" After entering the cave, Ulysses chanted the spell to open the Dark Dimension Space, took out a few blankets from it and spread them on the ground. Then he put Rasputin and Cherie on it. Although due to Ulysses' magic energy limit, this Dark Dimension Space was only about ten cubic meters, the daily necessities in it was enough for the three of them to spend more than half a year on this island.

Next, Ulysses started a fire, planning to dry the soaked clothes. Because if he kept wearing soaked clothes all the time, he would definitely catch a cold.

Uh! This what should I do!' Ulysses shouted in his mind as he looked at Rasputin and Cherie's clothes that had been soaked in the sea water. Because he suddenly discovered that he seemed to have forgotten a very important, very important question.

What method would he use to take off the clothes of the two girls from them.

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