Demon King Priest

Chapter 102: Resurrection! The Holy Sword Maiden (1)

Chapter 102: Resurrection! The Holy Sword Maiden (1)

"Really? Sister Aya, that's great. Please hurry up and bring that death knight back to life! In this way, you will also have a chance to recover." Helen hugged the pink rabbit in her arms, lowered her head, and said to the rabbit in a low voice.

"Of course, I will start the magic ritual of resurrecting the Death Knight... Uh, I can't do it here. It may be detected by the master, and I can't let him know the existence of the apostles at the moment. The ritual should be done at a farther place. Let's go to the pink sea of flowers. That place should be fine." After speaking, Aya flew quickly in the direction of the sea of flowers, and Helen ran behind her at high speed just like when she came.

But what Aya, who was thinking about resurrecting the death knight and flying forward, didn't know was that Helen, who was running at high speed behind her, was crying silently; crystal clear tears were streaming out of her silver eyes non-stop, and then they disappeared in the wind.

Why? Why does my heart hurt so much every time I see Aya's sister and daddy being so intimate with each other. It hurts so much it is like my heart is being torn apart. Watching them join their bodies together, why would my tears flow out uncontrollably, as if something that was most important to me was being taken away in front of my eyes. But they obviously didn't do anything to me! why? Why' Helen asked herself why again and again in her heart, but she couldn't find the answer. After she was only a few dozen days old. So her tears couldn't stop, and her sadness couldn't disappear.

A few minutes later, the beautiful pink flower sea appeared in front of Aya and Helen. The sea of flowers was still as beautiful as Aya saw a few days ago. Countless butterflies were dancing on the pink flowers, and some colorful birds were flying in the sky above the flowers, making sweet chirping sounds. The place was filled with fresh floral scent, refreshing people's spirits.

"If I do it here, we don't need to worry that master will find out. Huh? Helen, what's the matter? Your eyes are so red. Are you crying?" When Aya saw this sea of flowers, she said happily first, but when she turned her head and saw Helen's reddish silver eyes, she was immediately taken aback.

"It's nothing. I accidentally let some debris get into my eyes while running at high speed. I rubbed my eyes and then it became like this." Helen lowered her head and replied in a low voice. When the sea of pink flowers appeared in front of her eyes, She desperately held back tears. Even she herself didn't know why she did this, but subconsciously she didn't want Aya to see her crying.

"Is that so? Forget it, the most important thing is to resurrect the death knight. Come, you first carve out the magic circle on the ground according to my instructions." Aya looked at Helen, who lowered her head in a weird manner. She knew about Helen's power clearly. Even in the high-speed running, there was absolutely no possibility that any debris could get into her eyes. But now she didn't want to think about this. In her mind, the matter of resurrecting the Death Knight as soon as possible was much more important than this. So she immediately put the matter aside and began to instruct Helen to draw the magic circle.

"Yes! Sister Aya!"

"Boom!" Helen followed Aya's instructions. First, she used the Ground Shock Wave she learned from the Death Knight to blast all the flowers and plants within a radius of ten meters into flying fragments. All the debris was cleared out. In this way, a circular open space with a diameter of about ten meters appeared in the sea of flowers.

Then, according to Aya's order, she began to draw a magic circle on the ground. About ten minutes later, a magic circle with a circle on the outside, a twelve-pointed star in the center, and countless unknown magic runes within the circle were finished.

"Not bad! Let's crystallize the master's semen first!" Aya took the sheet out of the Dark Dimension Space and began to recite the spell:

"In the name of the familiar spirit Aya, the supreme magic energy of Lord Astaroth hidden here! Turn into the crystallization of power!" After reciting the spell, a black sphere appeared in her hand and sucked the sheet in.

About five minutes later, the black sphere disappeared, a dozen golden transparent crystals appeared in Aya's hand, and the sheet was nowhere to be seen.

"One, two, three... Seventeen! This ritual will cost about thirteen, and there will be four remaining, Helen, catch them!" After counting the number of golden crystals in her hand, Aya threw two of them into Helen's hands.

"Did those things come out Daddy's body?" Helen looked at the two golden crystals in her hands curiously.

"Yes, this is the crystallization of the power of the demon king in master's body. It is the best medium for auxiliary magic that I am good at, and it can also replenish the magic energy in a large amount. For you, it also has a special usage. As long as you use magic energy to excite it, you can enter the state of the level two power of Beyond Limit, but the effective time will not be long, and it is worse than the master's blood. But in this way, you don't need to suck master's blood every time." Aya put the thirteen golden crystals into the magic circle as she said.

Twelve pieces were placed on the tips of the twelve-pointed star in the center of the circle, and one piece is placed at the very center of the magic circle. After doing this, she flew above the center of the magic circle, took the black crystal that had absorbed the death knight's soul from the Dark Dimension Space and placed it in front of her. And then in a serious voice, she began to recite a spell that was different from the spells of any magic on the continent,

"All-encompassing, all-powerful, all-present, fearless, omniscient, transcending all destiny, and defeating all reincarnation. In the name of the demon king, Master Astaroth, I summon the power of the first and the ultimate demon king to return the soul in front of me to its strongest and most perfect stage! Soul Summoning!"

With Aya's spell, thirteen dazzling golden rays of light rose from the magic circle on the ground, and then they formed a huge and transparent golden ball of light centered on Aya and the black crystal.

With the sound of "pop!", the black crystal broke, and a cloud of black smoke dispersed from it; but countless golden lights quickly shot out from the crystal on the ground and forced it into a small ball. Under the shining of golden light, the black smoke slowly turned into a human shape, but it was just an ordinary human-sized shape, not like the shape of that huge death knight at all.

After reciting the spell, Aya began to gasp, and it seemed that the spell had consumed a lot of her magic energy.

Damn it! It was just returning the death knight's soul to the perfect state, but it consumed so much magic energy of mine. What was the origin of this guy before he died? Huh? Judging from the shape of this body, is "he" actually a girl?' Aya was surprised to find that the vague body had protrusions on the chest that was impossible to appear on men.

Forget it, it's actually nothing strange. Both the death knight and the headless horseman were transformed with the corpses of the knights who died on the battlefield. After the transformation, it is impossible to have the original memories and strength. Even if the death knight has its own consciousness, it is also the consciousness after becoming a death knight. In this way, it is not impossible for the Death Knight to be a girl before death. Its original huge body was probably the result of some kind of failed transformation.' After figuring it out, Aya began to continue the ritual of resurrection.

Because it was unexpected that the strongest form of the Death Knight was not a death knight but a human form, so the magic energy cost was several times larger than Aya expected. After all, transforming a soul into a death knight, which was an undead creature, was completely different than transforming a soul into a human-shaped heroic spirit. But the fact that she could get an apostle stronger than a Death Knight still made Aya very happy. So she decided to use the remaining demon king crystal to complete this resurrection ritual.

"I didn't expect to use this so soon!" Aya held a golden crystal with the power of the demon king in her hand, and then transferred the magic energy into the crystal.

After Aya transferred magic energy into the crystal, the crystal instantly turned into a golden light and surrounded her body.

"All-encompassing, all-powerful, all-present, fearless, omniscient, transcending all destiny, and defeating all reincarnation. In the name of the demon king, Master Astaroth, I summon the power of the first and the ultimate demon king to transform the soul in front of me to its strongest and most perfect stage! Heroic Spirit Reincarnation!" With the sound of Aya's spell, the golden light on her body dimmed in an instant. When she finished reciting, the golden light that enveloped her had disappeared without a trace.

The magic circle on the ground also emitted golden light several times brighter than before, and these lights were absorbed by the black humanoid smoke. Finally, all the golden light on the ground and in the air was absorbed by the cloud of smoke, and the cloud of smoke became a golden sphere with a diameter of more than two meters.

"Huff! Huff! Only the last stage is left, in the name of familiar spirit Aya, awaken! The second apostle!" Aya, who had fallen to the ground, tried her best to gather a small ball of black light in her hands. She shot it out immediately after the ball of light was fully formed, and the destination was naturally the golden ball of light still floating in the air.

When the small black ball of light hit the huge golden ball of light, there was no sound, but there were violent fluctuations on the surface of the golden ball of light, and it slowly fell to the center of the magic circle.

After falling to the ground, the surface of the golden ball of light fluctuated more and more intensely. After emitting a dazzling golden light that people couldn't look directly at, it finally broke with a "pop", and a figure of a girl wearing steel armor appeared in the center of the magic circle.

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