Defrosting The Cold Young Master

Chapter 62 - 62 Shock

Chapter 62: Chapter 62 Shock

Translator: 549690339

On the way to the company, Ye Xingbei’s ears were filled with the echoing words of Gu Junzhu.

She couldn’t help but think again, if Gu Junzhu could be kind to her Xiao Shu like this all the time, even if Gu Junzhu played pranks on her every day like he did yesterday, she could bear it.

For Xiao Shu, she can endure anything!

When she arrived at Star Palace, Ye Xingbei walked into her office.

Sitting behind her desk, holding her mobile phone hesitantly, she dialed the number of Ye Xinglan, who was far away across the ocean.

After the call was connected, she sat upright, her left hand that wasn’t holding the phone clenched into a fist. “Big brother?”

Ye Xinglan’s usual cool voice came through the receiver, “What’s the matter?”

“Um… big brother…” Ye Xingbei moistened her lips, summoning her courage before speaking: “Big brother, during this trip back to Jiang City, I discovered my real identity…”

“What?” Ye Xinglan’s voice showed a trace of surprise.

“Big brother,” Ye Xingbei took a deep breath, “I found out that I’m not Jiang Zhengxing’s daughter during this trip, I’m the daughter of the eldest son of the Jiang Family, Jiang Zhengwei.”

“…What?” Across the ocean, Ye Xinglan who was lounging in his office chair suddenly sat upright, “What did you say, whose daughter are you?”

“Big brother, I am the daughter of the eldest son of the Jiang family, Jiang Zhengxing!” Ye Xingbei quickly summarized the important points of what Gu Junzhu had told her the night before.

“Big brother, I called this time because I wanted to ask you… do you agree with me acknowledging my two biological brothers?”

After finishing, Ye Xingbei nervously tightened her grip on the phone, biting her fingers.

She was very afraid of Ye Xinglan.

Five years ago, tossed out of the Jiang family without anything to her name, with Xiao Shu in her arms and wandering on the streets.

Fortunately, she ran into Ye Xinglan who took her abroad and provided for her and Xiao Shu, giving them a lifeline.

Ye Xinglan gave her a home, gave her the conditions to live a decent life, and protected her as she grew up.

But Ye Xinglan was extremely strict with her.

At times, she felt that Ye Xinglan seemed to despise her and was wary of her. His gaze was full of doubts and scrutiny.

Like she had filth running through her veins, a vile soul hidden inside her body, that she could become a selfish and despicable person if she wasn’t careful.

Ye Xinglan had high expectations of her and disciplined her harshly.

She was only sixteen years old when Ye Xinglan took her in.

At the age of sixteen, no matter how careful you are, it’s hard to avoid making mistakes.

When she made errors, Ye Xinglan’s punishments were extremely harsh.

Kneeling in punishment and being locked up were considered lenient treatments.

At worst, she had been whipped with a belt by Ye Xinglan until she fainted and couldn’t get out of bed for a few days.

After facing Ye Xinglan’s beatings often, she naturally feared him. Seeing Ye Xinglan was like a mouse seeing a cat, not daring to breathe too loudly.

But she knew that Ye Xinglan truly cared for her and didn’t mistreat her intentionally.

His strict discipline was out of fear that she would pick up bad habits and go down the wrong path.

But she didn’t understand why Ye Xinglan was so cautious of her.

It was as if he believed that she would turn bad as soon as he let his guard down.

Sometimes, she secretly wondered if the ‘big brother’ thought Xiao Shu was indeed her child with some bad man, and therefore assumed she was a morally loose girl from a young age. That could explain why he always felt that without strict discipline, she would turn bad.

But later, it was proven that big brother has never thought that way.

Across the ocean, Ye Xinglan, holding his mobile phone, was full of astonishment.

So, Beibei was not Jiang Zhengxing’s daughter, but the daughter of his uncle?

….How could that be?

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