Defiance of the Fall

Chapter 146: Home Sweet Home

Chapter 146: Home Sweet Home

What have you done? Zac asked with a sinking feeling while looking at the shadows, drawing confused or concerned glances from the others.

Arent you the curious one? I just solved a few future issues for us, but the government might take some issue with my methods, the voice responded.

Zac could only close his eyes in despair as hed seen Ogras methods in action before. Something crazy had happened during the night. But he would rather sort it out at his own island than here, so he chose to drop the subject for now.

Not a large distance away many of the recruits from yesterday stood waiting with large backpacks and trunks of their things in tow. Zac noted with some disappointment that less than half of those who promised to be here actually showed up.

However, he was overall quite content with their haul. Over 150 people had decided to drop their lives here in New Washington to come with him into the unknown, based only on the pull of his own, or the Super Brother-Manss, reputation.

Zac walked up to the waiting group, and with a swipe of his hand put all the luggage into a Cosmos Sack. Next, he walked to the teleporter with everyone in tow, passing right through the security check. It seemed the guards of the teleporter was already informed that his group would be significantly larger when leaving, and simply waved everyone forward.

Zac threw out a small mountain of crystals, enough to let everyone pass through, and opened the channel to Port Atwood.

I better go first, make sure theres no confusion with the guards, Ogras voice once again sounded, and he appeared encumbered by a huge box.

Zacs eyes widened when he realized that said box was not some crate, but rather an elaborate coffin. He planned to close the array, but the demon jumped through without waiting for an answer.

Zacs bad premonition only got worse, but he could only swallow his unease and wave people through one by one. People walked through, some with fear and others with anticipation plastered on their faces. Zac wondered what their faces would be like when they saw that the town was not even built yet.

He did feel a bit bad about the whole situation, but the town would start getting built within the week, so he wouldnt lose sleep over it. Especially considering how safe his island was compared to the rest of the world. He knew people in New Washington might feel safe, but Zac truly doubted that the System would allow them to create a Lord without a proper challenge. Perhaps a true calamity was waiting New Washington. Besides, he would keep the town protective array ready to protect the inner Zone from the third monster horde so that no civilians got hurt.

The transfer kept going smoothly until suddenly Julia and multiple guards came rushing toward the teleporter. Roughly two-thirds of the recruits had passed through by this time, including the Ishiate and the other original members of the group apart from Zac. Hed expecting trouble, so he chose to send the most important people through first.

Stop! Julia shouted, causing Zac to frown and look over.

Ignore her, keep going through, Zac said as he walked over to intercept the people.

Whats going on? Zac asked with a sigh.

You tell me, Mr. Monk, one of the guards said angrily. Witnesses report a shadowy figure abduct Emma MacHale from her highrise apartment a few hours ago, and your companion, the demon, was spotted carrying a suspicious coffin outside this building earlier.

Zac already had some suspicions before, but still groaned when he heard the man.

Thats an odd coincidence. Ogras bought that coffin for a friend who died in the fight against the invaders, Zac said with a blank face, though he felt his earlobes redden a bit from his shamelessness.

Why dont you call him back to New Washington and let us question him? Julia said with a baleful glare.

Zac was surprised by the reaction, as the government worker was looked far angrier this time compared to when he wreaked havoc inside their buildings or when he killed the leaders of Greenworth.

Im afraid that wont be possible, Zac refused without hesitation.

He knew Ogras quite well by now. If he had actually put the starlet inside that coffin, then he was long gone from the teleporter by now, and not even Zac would be able to find him unless he wanted to be found.

You understand your wanton actions are testing your cooperation with the New World Governement? Julia spat out through grit teeth.

The new citizens of Port Atwood hesitantly looked on, no one currently passing through the portal.

Wanton actions? Youre throwing baseless accusations against my companion. From what I understand I just hear some circumstantial evidence, no real proof, Zac said, not backing down as he turned to the last people waiting to go through. Keep going, this is just a small matter that Ill handle.

The people looked at each other, with two of them shrugging and stepping through. For a few it actually seemed the fact that Zac didnt much care about the government was a testament to their strength, and they quickly followed behind into the array. Soon only ten people were left, who hesitantly looked at the teleportation platform.

This is your last chance to back out, Zac said as he slowly walked toward the array. I am stepping through in 10 seconds, anyone who hasnt gone through by then will have to stay behind.

Our talk isnt done yet, Julia shouted from behind.

Take it up with the chief of police, Zac tersely retorted, not in the mood to keep up the charades any longer.

A few people grit their teeth and jumped through the array, dissaperaring into motes of light, while the last 6 people shook their heads and backed away. Zac only nodded and made to step through the portal.

However, before he could walk into the shimmering light he saw a form flash by with a mighty leap. It was Julia who jumped with surprising speed into the teleporter. Since she wasnt planning on attacking Zac his danger sense didnt activate, and he only blankly stared at her form disappearing.

You should know this already, but Port Atwood is going into seclusion for a month following this. Your colleagues actions will not change this. Ms. Lombard will be returned after that point unless shes committed crimes while in our domain, Zac said to the guards who looked equally surprised, and stepped through the teleporter.

After the travel time he once again arrived at the teleportation area, and immediately heard a shout.

Emma! Can you hear me? Julias voice carried from outside.

Zac sighed and stepped out to the chaotic scene.

All the new citizens hesitantly looked around, some clearly a bit dismayed at the utter lack of civilization. The array was placed some distance away from the temporary town, and they were surrounded by primordial forests.

Well head to town in just a bit, Zac said with a loud voice, drawing everyones attention.

You just entered without any invitation, Zac said as he turned to a dodgy Julia. You should know you are stuck here now. I cant let you return to the government at this point.

Are you truly trying to fight the world government? Julia spat back, clearly still irate.

Do you speak for the government now? I already told your colleagues that you will have to stay here for now, and only be returned if you break no rules.

Everyone, Ill lead you to Port Atwood. Please do not stray away in the woods, as all monsters in this area are around level 40, Zac said.

You said this area was safe! a woman shrilly said.

Clearly some had painted quite a different picture of Port Atwood in their mind compared to the wilderness they found themselves in.

The beasts are left for our trainees to gain experience. We have already killed everything stronger on the island, Zac answered.

Island? a few asked simultaneously, and even Julia refocused on Zac.

Port Atwood is an Island kingdom. Honestly we still havent found the mainland, so we are not exactly sure where we are in relation to places like New Washington. This is the main island, while we control a few more. We are constantly traveling through our archipelago to save any stranded citizens and claim more land, Zac explained.

The Cosmic Energy! Its so dense! a man suddenly exclaimed.

It was one of the experts who actually had a passable level. He was a doctor who was also a cultivator and was already at level 19, which was respectable for someone who hadnt really fought any monsters since returning from the tutorial.

This whole island has far higher amounts of energy compared to the mainland. Those who contribute to Port Atwood will be given access to areas that have up to a few times higher density than even this. It is no luck that we became the strongest force on the planet. Anything that is done here, from cultivation to farming, has twice the effect from half the effort, Zac said, which improved the somewhat despondent faces of some of the people.

He wasnt planning on talking this much, but the faces of the new citizens clearly showed that some were on the verge of a breakdown, clearly regretting their choice. He needed to throw out some good news or they would never get back to town. Julia looked down on the ground with a thoughtful face, which gave Zac some pause. He still hadnt figured out what to do with her, as she was a high ranking official.

He already knew that there likely was one or a few spies in the group, but he knew there was not much he could do about it apart from isolating the town until his position was unshakeable. He guessed he would just let Julia wander around for now, unless she actively tried to look into the restricted areas. Perhaps hed add a guard or two to her.

His musings were interrupted as there suddenly were twenty people who approached. Zac saw it was a few of the people from his female squad, who after just a few days of training looked quite a bit more professional and powerful.

Welcome back, Joanna, who lead the squad, said.

Zac only nodded and then pointed at Julia after throwing Joanna the Cosmos Sack containing the bags of the new citizens.

This one isnt really a part of the group. You should remember her, shes a high position official of the New World Government who suddenly jumped through the teleporter. Just let her go with the others, but keep an eye on her. Shes level 29, can you handle it? Zac asked Joanna.

The recruits balefully glared at Julia when they heard she was a government employee. Their experiences in Greenworth were clearly still fresh in their minds, and they held a deeply rooted hatred for the government due to the mayor.

Not a problem, Joanna said, looking like she wanted to eat the government employee whole.

Dont kill or torture her, Zac only said with a sigh. As for the others, give them the same type of introduction as all the other new townspeople.

As he gave over the responsibility of the new citizens to Joanna he felt like a large burden was lifted from his shoulders as he started to walk away with his

Why is he leaving? a voice was heard from the group.

Do you think the strongest man in the world has time to babysit you? one of the Valkyries shot back, causing some murmurs among the group.

Zac shot a glance back toward the group, only to see Julia intently staring at him.

If Ogras truly did kidnap the movie-star, you dont need to worry. He is simply a movie fanatic, and dont have any nefarious purposes. But I will look for him now and investigate, he said before he disappeared into the woods.

It didnt take long for him to walk back to his mansion, and felt the tranquility sooth his soul. However, that tranquility didnt last long, as a shrill voice interrupted it.

Are you crazy? A coffin? How can you do this to me?

Zac recognized the voice, and with a sigh he walked over to the garden he heard the sound come from. As he approached he saw Emily stare with large star-struck eyes at the scene in the garden.

Wow, its really her! Emily whispered with an excitable voice as she saw Zac approach.

Zac could only nod and turn to the couple in the distance.

When he saw the scene he could only wryly smile.

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