Deep Sea Fish Hunting Specialty Broadcast

Chapter 50: I’m Coming to Meet You (3)

Chapter 50: I’m Coming to Meet You (3)

Deep Sea Fish Hunting Specialty Broadcast – 50

EP.50 I’m Coming to Meet You (3)

Parang looked around the room with an innocent expression.

The more information, the better. She had no intention of revealing her true colors and shouting, “You wench!!” just yet.

And, well, although the chances were extremely slim,

it was possible they had brought her to this room simply because there was no other space to talk.

Step— step— swish.

As soon as Parang considered that possibility, the government wench walked over to the wall and picked up a large blade.

Possibility, deleted.

Bastard, confirmed.

Yu Parang, pissed off.

But for now, she continued her act.

“Um, what is all this?”

Parang’s voice trembled slightly. Though it was actually from anger, she masked it well as fear.

Acting scared was something Parang was very good at.

She just had to recall her early days as a novice deep-sea hunter.

Her eyes began to tremble, and her voice became unstable.

She acted so well that goosebumps appeared on her skin.

The masked government wench stroked the blade as if checking its condition and spoke.

“Hunter Yu Parang, don’t resent me too much. After all, this is all your karma.”

“W-what do you mean? I don’t understand at all.”

“You seem slow to grasp reality.”

“A-answer me!! You said you wanted to cooperate, so why bring me to a place like this?! Who are you really?!”

“Cooperate? Us? With trash like you? There’s a limit to nonsense, Hunter Yu Parang. Did you really think you could cooperate with us after committing such acts?”


Parang tilted her head in confusion.

‘Trash like you?’ It didn’t seem like a fitting insult from a World Government official.

It wasn’t that it was strange because the government was bad and Parang was good, so calling her trash was odd.

It was just that it felt unnatural for a World Government official to dislike Parang because she was ‘trash.’

Of course, it was true that Parang and the World Government were fiercely opposed to each other, but that was because their positions were strongly conflicting.

Even if Parang had harmed the World Government, it was a natural act of opposition because they were enemies.

It’s like how no one curses an enemy soldier for shooting at them on the battlefield by calling them “trash.”

And it wasn’t as if Parang had committed any crimes.

Even if it was just a random insult, there were still many other contextually appropriate terms a government official could use to insult Parang. Terms like scum, rat, or thorn in the side.

Using ‘trash’ seemed out of context no matter how she thought about it.

This made the phrase ‘such acts’ feel off as well. Something felt unnatural.

Parang decided to dig into this in the conversation. She immediately began her act.

“T-trash?! Committed such acts? What are you talking about! Let me go home!!”

“Even at this point, you’re playing dumb?! You have no awareness of the evil deeds you’ve committed.”

This was definitely strange. What evil deeds? The only thing the World Government could have observed about Parang was her broadcast.

If they called that evil, they were seriously mistaken.

Moreover, the tone of that voice. It carried the nuance that they genuinely believed Parang to be a morally corrupt and wicked person. It even seemed to carry a hint of suppressed resentment.

While Parang was racking her brain, the government wench picked up a bizarrely twisted metal skewer from the wall and began heating it in the brazier. She didn’t seem to care whether Parang was restrained or not.

Of course, she was probably someone who didn’t need to worry about whether Parang was restrained or not. As long as they weren’t in the water, she could likely overpower Parang at any time.

Parang, aiming to gather more information, bombarded her with questions.

“What exactly did I do wrong?! I’m just an ordinary hunter! Let me out of here!!”

But unfortunately, the response she wanted didn’t come.

“It’s an order from above to torture and then execute you at their discretion. Hunter Yu Parang. I’m sorry for lying to you, about everything.”

Torture and then execution.

That was an order that could only come from someone who bore a significant grudge against Parang.

However, it didn’t seem likely that a massive organization like the World Government would hold a grudge against her.

Or did they really hold a grudge?

Silo had mentioned that the current World Government was rough, slow, and generally incompetent.

Could this be why they were doing this to Parang?

Even the fact that they had placed Parang and this government wench alone in this space was odd.

Wouldn’t it be normal to have multiple people monitoring such an operation?

Ah, if she kept acting a bit more, she might uncover something big. Acting was turning out to be more fun than she expected. Who knew she would find enjoyment in this? Parang acted even more desperately.

“W-who are you!! Why are you doing this to me!!!”

At those words, the government wench hesitated.

For a moment, Parang felt as if she could see the expression behind the mask, even though it was hidden.

The woman placed her hand on her mask.

Yes, take it off, take it off! Show me your real face!

And then, thud. The government wench’s mask fell from her face.

“…You can’t say you don’t recognize me now.”

Parang was deeply bewildered upon seeing her face.

‘Who is she?!’

She was someone Parang had never met in her life. Who could she be?

By then, the metal skewer had heated up, and the government wench took it out of the brazier.

“It’s time to pay for your sins, Hunter Yu Parang.”

Hmm, so the conversation time was over.

What a shame. There was still much information to extract. Was there no other way?

Parang considered thoroughly searching the entire bunker since she was already here.

However, she decided against it.

On her way here, Parang had seen it.

Numerous branching paths that made it look like a labyrinth, and surveillance cameras at every corner.

Surely, the government was monitoring the situation from outside the bunker as well.

She couldn’t be sure if she could explore the entire bunker, and wandering around while being recorded by the cameras was out of the question. It would expose too much information.

So, as Parang thought deeply, a lightning bolt struck her mind!

A brilliant idea came to her.

Once she had a plan, the sooner she executed it, the better.

She took out two small blue spheres from her pocket and smashed them together with all her strength.

Crackle!! Blue energy waves burst out, sweeping through the torture room.

Silo’s special EMP grenades. All electronic devices in the room—excluding the warp machine, which wasn’t an electronic device—would have stopped working.

The cameras were, of course, disabled.

Now, the only one who could witness Parang’s ‘Departure’ was the government wench.


The moment Parang showed unusual behavior, the government wench rushed at her with cold, fierce eyes.

She held the heated metal skewer in her hand.

Her speed was astonishing, almost inhuman.

But Parang was faster.



At that moment, the entire room filled with water.

The government wench looked at Parang with an expression of disbelief. Due to the inertia from rushing forward, the metal skewer touched Parang’s neck but didn’t leave a scratch.


The government wench’s eyes widened. She seemed to want to say something, but being underwater made it quite difficult.

Parang guessed she was trying to say something like, ‘How?!’

But what could be done about something that had already happened?

Parang checked the cameras again.

They were completely disabled, crackling and showing no movement.

Her body had been tingling since earlier, probably because of those cameras.

Well, anyway.

Since the cameras were out, people would realize something was wrong and rush over here.

The fewer witnesses, the better, so Parang quickly took action.

First, she tied the government wench to the torture bed so she couldn’t move a finger.

Originally, Parang would have been the one tied up, but the field had changed to water.

The government wench tried to emit electricity, crackling and sparking, but Parang immediately neutralized her.

An electric ability user, huh? Was she trying to create some sort of advantageous relationship?

Despite suddenly being submerged in water, she didn’t panic and immediately attempted to fight, indicating she was quite a veteran.

Not that it mattered to Parang.

She attached one of the warp devices she had brought to the government wench.

She also dislocated a few joints to prevent resistance. Wrists and ankles should suffice.

Then, beep, beep. Click. She pressed the buttons in sequence.

Soon, the government wench emitted a bright white light and disappeared from the room.

Parang immediately used her own warp device.

Her vision brightened momentarily, and the surroundings changed.

In front of her lay the government wench sprawled on the ground, surrounded by Silo’s forces aiming their weapons at her.

With that, Parang’s infiltration of the World Government bunker came to an end.

Parang’s condition? No issues.

Information exposure? The World Government personnel would find the torture room filled with water and realize Parang could generate water. But that was it. They wouldn’t know if it was due to Departure, a skill, or some special technique.

Outcome? Kidnapping a high-ranking government official.

Summary. Great success.

Parang left the warp station and headed to the hotel room Silo had prepared.

There, she took a brief rest, reassured the worried Oceanos of her survival,

and had a conversation with a Silo representative who visited.

They discussed the peculiarities of the government wench, the detailed situation at the time, and finally the secret base.

She recalled and reported the location, stationed troops, and personnel as much as she knew.

About two hours later, Silo contacted her again.

“We’re about to start the interrogation. Would you like to participate?”

“Of course. Where should I go?”

She went down to the hotel basement, where she saw an interrogation room through a glass window in the wall.

Inside, the government wench was sitting, restrained by advanced equipment.

Parang received a few instructions.

Do not kill, do not knock out, do not beat too severely, and so on.

She was also handed a list of the government wench’s skills, excluding her personal skills, and her personal information.

Parang opened the door and went inside.

She intended to listen to what the government wench had to say.

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